4 Zodiac Signs That Are Blessed With Good Fortune On June 28, 2024

Four zodiac signs will be already there, ready and waiting for it.

 4 Zodiac Signs That Are Blessed With Good Fortune On June 28, 2024 XYZ123, Rezual Karim Siam, LightFieldStudios from Getty images pro | Canva Pro

Good fortune reins supreme for three zodiac signs on June 28, 2024. During the Aries Moon/Jupiter alignment, astrology tells us we are in for some very good news. We all love to hear good news, right? While everyone is in line for the positive, we know for sure that four zodiac signs will be already there, ready and waiting for it.

What's going on is that the signs that will draw to them the good fortune of the day already knew that something like this would happen, and so much of it DOES happen because we believe it.


It's like drumming up a spirit or waving incense to invoke a deity. While this is not a religious (or even a spiritual) experience, it relies on cause and effect. We ask for good fortune and receive it because the Aries Moon is generous, and Jupiter knows no bounds.

Good fortune comes to those who wait, and on June 28, 2024, these four zodiac signs are on the lucky list.

1. Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Signs That Are Blessed With Good Fortune On June 28, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Pri Patricio, anna-r | Canva Pro


You've been thinking positive thoughts for a long, long time now, and the way it goes in your life is that if you think it, it becomes. On Friday, June 28, during the Aries Moon/Jupiter alignment, you'll see some super good fortune come your way, and why? Because you made it so.

You believe in the power of good intention, and if you have a negative thought comes up, you do your best to rid yourself of it. You don't want to manifest anything that doesn't fit right in with your master plan of affirmation and positivity. If getting money is your goal, then count on it. If love is what you dream of, then get ready for it.

The Aries Moon sextile Jupiter alignment is all about expanding one's horizons, and there's so much power in this transit that you must be a Taurus to handle it. Fortunately, that's who you are, my friend. So understand that on June 28, you'll receive some great good fortune. Live it up, baby!

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2. Gemini

Gemini Zodiac Signs That Are Blessed With Good Fortune On June 28, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Pri Patricio, anna-r | Canva Pro

You might not believe your ears and eyes on Friday, June 28, as everything in your world is about to take a turn for the WAY WAY better. An opportunity is about to knock on your door, and you are so ready to take it up that you might start giggling uncontrollably on the way to answering it. Life is working out for you, and of course, that's what happens when the Aries Moon sextile Jupiter alignment is in town.

You tend to bring in big doubts whenever times get really good for you. The reason you may end up laughing on Friday is not just out of nerves but because you can't believe your good fortune. Oh yes, Gemini, it's real, and the giddy part about it all is that you know it. You know it, you acknowledge it, and you love it.


With an Aries Moon at your back and Jupiter in support, it's like the whole world opens up for you, opportunity-wise. This is a great time to start a new job or receive an offer to make vast bundles of money. Expect abundance and see it come through for yourself. Friday comes with bells and whistles to embellish that super happy grin of yours.

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3. Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Signs That Are Blessed With Good Fortune On June 28, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Pri Patricio, anna-r | Canva Pro


You are so blessed on Friday that you might wonder what the heck you did to get this kind of amazing good luck. It's as if the heavens have picked you out of a million people just to let you know that 'everything is going to be OK.' What a simple sentence, and yet it's always the one that cuts to the point the quickest.

During the Aries Moon sextile Jupiter alignment, you'll know in your heart that whatever you've been going through and have just endured, it really is going to be OK and that there's more of that where this comes from. You are blessed with good fortune, and you'll see it manifest throughout the day this Friday.

You are not opposed to it happening either, and while that might sound obvious, there are times when you don't believe in the good fortune bestowed upon you. You have moments of doubt, but June 28 leaves no room for doubt at all. This is one of those days where you get the 'all clear' in every department of your life. Nice going!

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4. Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Signs That Are Blessed With Good Fortune On June 28, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Pri Patricio, anna-r | Canva Pro

The good fortune you receive on June 28 is wonderful and something you've worked hard to welcome into your life. It's not that you are taking it for granted, but you felt that if you worked hard enough, you'd be able to 'drum up' this kind of good luck. So it goes that during the Aries Moon sextile Jupiter alignment, you are right in the middle of it all.

You aren't in disbelief. In fact, you are put into a state of immense gratitude for all you are receiving and about to receive. Life is turning a corner for you, and you feel happy that you were able to guide it in this direction. You are working 'with' the universe now, and you'll feel the power as time goes on.


Lucky Pisces, you'll have a day where you are happy to know that all good things really do come to those who wait ... although you didn't just wait. You intended, and you created. You manifested, and you foresaw this is your doing. Thankfully, you've got that Aries-Jupiter astrological weather to make it all the more blessed feeling.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
