2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 12

The universe is always supporting you as you strive to live your most abundant life.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 12 Statement Goods, cottonbro studio from Pexels | Canva Pro

Feeling centered symbolizes your ability to be confident in who you are and what you need to feel like to do your best. It also often represents a feeling of balance, where you can simultaneously strive for more while also being open to help and redirections from the universe. When you are centered, you are also in balance, allowing yourself to make full use of the abundant opportunities you are given.


On Sunday, May 12, a moment of enlightenment arrives as the Taurus Sun aligns with the Cancer Moon, helping you to revise yourself, become aware of the help, and accept the universe's offerings. The Sun governs your external life and actions, while the Moon represents your emotional body and feelings. The Moon is especially powerful in Cancer, its ruling sign, which allows you to feel more centered and at home within yourself as you curtail any overextending you have done so that you can invest your energy where it will receive the most abundant return. 


The Taurus Sun will be able to illuminate the path forward as you become clearer about what you want to achieve for yourself, as you open to receiving support from the universe and those who may be of benefit in your life. Just because the path to abundance is your destiny doesn’t mean you can’t accept help from others to manifest it rapidly.

2 zodiac signs who experience abundance on May 12

1. Scorpio

Abundance Affirmation: I am honoring my divine destiny.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 12 Canva Pro


It’s time to start dreaming even bigger than ever, but that also means you must leave behind the parts of your past that have made you doubt what you could achieve. Let go of the naysayers or those who only say they are in your corner until the time comes to prove it. Release whatever others have done as you understand it was never about you but themselves and incapability because you have a bright new beginning on the horizon where you will finally receive the help you’ve always desired.

On Sunday, May 12, the Taurus Sun aligns with the Cancer Moon and creates a brand-new beginning in your romantic destiny. This will allow you to honor your true feelings while embracing the help necessary to attract or continue building the romantic life you’ve always wanted. The Sun rules external actions, and Taurus highlights those made in your romantic life, while the Cancer Moon encourages you to dream big and imagine everything you’ve always wanted for yourself. Your intuition was never wrong, it was just that you also needed to surround yourself with those that would support your dreams.

With the energy of the Taurus Sun and Cancer Moon, it’s important to stay open to new opportunities or offers around this time. Whether it’s an invitation to dinner or a casual meeting while traveling, something important is occurring in your romantic life that has been divinely guided by the universe. You may need to be courageous in who you allow in your inner circle so that you are creating the space for romantic abundance. As you do and receive the divine messages from the universe, you will have the love, support, and connection you’ve always dreamed of.

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2. Gemini

Abundance Affirmation: I am worthy of manifesting my dreams into reality.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 12 Canva Pro

You are worthy of whatever you dream of, and you can safely trust your intuition when it comes to knowing which opportunity is meant for you and which may only be a distraction. While you can often be hard on yourself when it comes to the process of trusting yourself, it is a worthwhile journey because you do have an incredible purpose—you need to follow it and allow the world to see you for who you truly are.


The Taurus Sun and Cancer Moon will align on Sunday, May 12, bringing in a profound opportunity to own your worth and allow yourself to begin to manifest your dreams. Don’t let any doubts or fears get in the way of making significant progress, as you can use this energy to set an intention that will reap a great deal of abundance. The Taurus Sun is highlighting the dreams and intuition you’ve had for life while the Cancer Moon is trying to help show you that not only are you worthy of manifesting them but that these inner pieces of yourself are also the key to increased abundance — especially in financial terms.

You will need help accomplishing your dreams, but you can ensure that who you are incorporating into your life knows your worth. You will never have to prove to someone what you deserve, and so it will be up to you to ensure that you are only surrounding yourself with those who are already demonstrating their ability to see who you are genuinely — and believe in your ability to accomplish your deepest dreams. You are worthy of manifesting your dreams into abundance and being supported by those who know how rare and valuable you are.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.