How Venus Conjunct North Node On April 17 Improves Relationships For 3 Zodiac Signs All Week

We are in the right place at the right time for expressing romantic ideas.

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It feels as though Spring has officially sprung as our love lives really seem to be doing very, very well. If the season itself represents newness and fresh starts, then we are right there with it. We are doing our best to keep up. Once we start noticing that our lives are starting to work out 'as planned,' we can feel safe and secure in knowing that our love lives are number one on the list of successes that we'll be experiencing at this time.


Three zodiac signs can parlay that good inner feeling into an external set of circumstances, as we feel very good and at ease with the way we express ourselves to our loved ones. While there's an awful lot of 'scary' Pluto energy circling us, these three zodiac signs will be able to rise above the noise and find that if we trust ourselves, then we can create miracles...practically.

With Venus conjunct Node taking place, it's as if we're being set up for healing and strength. We know we have to let go of certain things, and we're finally ready to kiss them goodbye. This mental liberation puts us in the right place at the right time for the expression of romantic ideas. We aren't dragging the past around any longer. This is how we manage to make all of that transformational Pluto energy work for us and our love lives.


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How Venus conjunct North Node on April 17 improves relationships for three zodiac signs all week:

1. Taurus 

Little did you know that you'd be getting a reprieve when it comes to your love life, Taurus? It seems that all the drama that you've recently been through with your partner was just a little test. Happily enough, it seems that you've both passed this test with flying colors. Joy to the world. It's a new week, and you'll see that this week, you're not only in luck, you're in love.

Back on the block, it seems. This love of yours really is here to stand the test of time, and while you're not thrilled with the idea of all these 'tests,' you figure, well, that's the way life goes. If being with your partner is your reward for all you need to go through in order to get here, then you might as well accept your fate and enjoy the fact that you always survive. You and your partner have longevity. You work together well, and there's very little that can separate you.

Let's also accept the fact that you're leaving the harsh conditions that were created during Aries season. Yes, oh yes, Taurus Sun season is coming right up, and you are more than ready for it. This is your time and your element. You feel good, both mentally and physically. You're at the top of your game now, and the better you feel personally, the better your romantic life gets. You want to be fully present for your person, and they are more than happy to receive you.


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2. Scorpio 

Not everyone is able to handle Pluto transits in the same way as you're able to. This week, you'll have enough positive Pluto energy that it would be surprising if you're not able to create something incredible out of the deal. What you are going to choose to put your amazing energy into is your love life, as it needs some extra TLC, and your partner certainly wouldn't mind having more of you around.

This week, you will sort out things like scheduling time to be together. You are both very busy people who are engaged in any number of things that are unrelated to your love life. This is why you, the two of you, need to get together to plan out what you'll be doing and when you'll be doing it. Being busy makes life interesting, although you tend to overbook yourself when what you really want is to be at home, snuggling with your partner.

This is brilliant and will work Scorpio. This week still has the fire of Aries pushing you along. That mellow and happy-go-lucky Taurus energy is there to bring you back down to earth and ground you. This grounding will show up as you and your partner literally schedule time together. It's so sane! Whodathunkit! Yet, this is what's going to work to keep your amazing relationship alive and flourishing.


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3. Aquarius

What makes you feel like a million billion bucks this week is that the person you've been so madly in love with has finally decided to come forth with their feelings for you, and lo and behold, the feeling is mutual. Oh my goodness, what a relief! Not that you didn't suspect they felt the same in the beginning, but to hear it from their lips is like a total happiness trip for you. You love it, and you should!

What all of this means to you is that not only do you feel great because the person you adore seems to be madly in love with you. Because this gives you the feeling that you can create your own life according to your wishes. This is what you wanted. You put that thought out into the universe, and voila! It's here, manifest for you as clear as day. The love you wanted is here, and they love you back. Awesome!


You've always been very picky and specific when it comes to love. The idea that the person YOU chose to be your partner actually is choosing you right back makes you feel like this is meant to be. You believe in the power of the universe, and you always have. This adds to your good feeling as you leave Aries season to move into the loving and secure Sun season of Taurus. Very good news indeed, Aquarius. (Big woohoo!)

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
