Lives Drastically Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs This Weekend, Now Through April 7, 2024

Their fate will shine despite Mercury Retrograde.

zodiac signs lives improve before april 7 2024 Isaac Castillejos On Unsplash

The energy this weekend, between April 5 - 7, 2024, calls on us to engage with our psyche and ask ourselves if we are where we need to be or if we are lagging in the growing-up arena. Five zodiac signs — Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, and Sagittarius — will have the best horoscopes if they align themselves with their true path. They will reap blessings, whereas once, they only knew fear.


All this will be triggered by the biggest astrological transit happening this weekend — Mercury Retrograde in Aries, which started on April 1 and end on April 25. The need to turn inward and assess if we truly are where we should be or were lying to ourselves will become strong. Don't shy away from this impulse. It will help you become strong from within, enabling you to achieve great success once the retrograde passes.

The weekend will bring a bout of strong energies when Venus moves to Aries on April 5. As Venus doesn't behave well in this zodiac sign, you are being urged to be more mindful of how you act and react in the arena of love. Relationships with others can also get strained, so staying calm and grounded will help you tremendously.


RELATED: How Mercury Retrograde In Aries Affects Each Zodiac Sign From April 1 - 25

Five zodiac signs see their lives drastically improve between now and April 7, 2024:

1. Capricorn

Capricorn, this weekend's energy is all about keeping your head straight and focusing on what's important. Don't let anyone confuse you away from your true path or cause you to wander off it yourself because of distractions. Your cosmic blessings lie here. You are also encouraged to not back down from competitive arenas. As long as you trust yourself and your abilities, you will be fine. You must believe that the universe is conspiring in your favor, even if you cannot directly see the strings being aligned. You will feel the difference by the time the weekend is over. 

Best zodiac sign to hang out with this weekend: Taurus & Cancer


Best area to focus on: Fighting your battles

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By Mercury Retrograde In Aries 2024

2. Cancer

Cancer, this weekend's energy urges you to keep your best parts to yourself when engaging with new people. You will also benefit from staying silent about the details of your life and projects. All of it will eventually make sense when you figure out the true personality of the folks you are engaging with. So trust your intuition because it will be extra heightened at this time. You are also encouraged to gravitate towards peace and love. Your soul craves that to unleash its true power and creativity. Whether you find that in the company of your loved ones, engaging with a community online, or working solo on a project, it is up to you. Do what's right for you without feeling the need to apologize to anyone.

Best zodiac sign to hang out with this weekend: Aries


Best area to focus on: Peaceful interactions with loved ones

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3. Scorpio

Scorpio, you must remember that you are on the best horoscopes list this weekend because there will be times when you feel that's not the case. You are currently in the process of leveling up. That includes facing your fears and letting go of what's holding you back. As long as you believe in yourself, nothing and no one can topple you. Some of you are also encouraged to bet on yourself this week, especially if you are taking part in a competition. Even if the system is rigged, your performance will draw the attention of those who matter, bringing new opportunities to you.

Best zodiac sign to hang out with this weekend: Leo & Pisces


Best area to focus on: Doing one thing this weekend that would normally make you nervous

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4. Libra

Libra, if you have dealt with a bad person in the past, whether in love or elsewhere, who tricked you into parting with your hard-earned money without upholding their end of the bargain, karma wants you to know that things are going to be set straight this week. You may not be in touch with them anymore, but you will eventually find out what happened. You are also encouraged not to feel guilty about needing alone time or engaging in self-care, whatever that means to you. Taylor Swift's song "Shake It Off" is the perfect song for you to listen to this weekend in regards to this situation. 

Best zodiac sign to hang out with this weekend: Pisces


Best area to focus on: Spending time alone listening to music

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5. Sagittarius

Sagittarius, new opportunities are in front of you this weekend. Seize them and write your destiny! Now's also a good time to purge any poison lingering in your soul because of past experiences. It will help you receive your blessings more easily. Weirdly enough, you are also encouraged to channel your inner child this week by eating your favorite childhood candy. Whether it's gummy worms, Sour Patch Kids, or a bowl of sweet-and-salty mix you always prepare at home, don't hold yourself back!


Best zodiac sign to hang out with this weekend: Aries

Best area to focus on: Enjoying the things you loved as a child

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.