2 Zodiac Signs Who Will Experience Abundance On March 26 When Lilith Aligns With Jupiter

We learn from Lilith and Jupiter how abundance arrives when you are unapologetically being yourself.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On March 26, 2024 Rotaru Virgiliu's Images, In736637, Eunice Pais. Produced by PAIS from diversifylens | Canva Pro

On Tuesday, March 26, asteroid Lilith in Aries will align with Jupiter, the planet of abundance in Taurus, helping you receive divine blessings, opportunities for expansion, and financial rewards. This is particularly true for two specific zodiac signs: Leo and Pisces. 

But no matter what zodiac sign you are, you were born for more than just to follow all the rules and hope someday to stumble into the life you’ve dreamed of. But to do that, you must embrace your inner Lilith and step not only into your power but also your authenticity.


This creates the space where you are unapologetically yourself, honoring your gifts and talents, and not taking no for an answer. Living life on your terms isn’t about the popularity gained but the sweet space of abundance you are able to create for yourself when you do.


Lilith reminds you to listen to your inner self, validate your dreams and experiences in life, and never let someone else tell you what you are capable of.

As Lilith unites with Jupiter, it helps to increase your self-confidence, embrace your traits and gifts, and become unapologetic in creating an abundant life —which truly is the recipe for success.

Here's how this energy unfolds, based on the horoscope reading for Leo and Pisces.

The two zodiac signs who experience abundance on March 26, 2024:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Abundance Affirmation: I am free to be myself and live the life of my dreams.


Aries energy rules your house of abundance, and with Lilith currently there, you are breaking through restrictions in order to live the life of your truth. This will have you trying new things, taking more risks, and not needing anyone to validate your choices. While each step of creating the abundant life you desire may not be easy, you are already seeing that taking chances and effort is paying off.

On Tuesday, March 26, Lilith in Aries will align with Jupiter in Taurus, ruler of your house of career. This brings some incredibly powerful energy to make strides in your professional life and finally receive the recognition and likely a raise or promotion that you deserve. With this energy, it’s important to utilize your unique traits in your career or college program. 

Own who you are unapologetically, and don’t be afraid to take up more space and speak up. You need others to hear your ideas in order to truly be seen for who you are, which is what will open that path to greater abundance.

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Lilith and Jupiter truly give you a unique opportunity to really show up as your authentic self in your professional life. You may find that you want to advocate for a specific project, start something new, or maybe take your job overseas, as this area can also bring opportunities for travel. Don’t wait for something to happen with this energy, but decide to make it happen for yourself.

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2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Abundance Affirmation: My authenticity is the key to my abundance.


There has been a great deal of energetic focus recently, with Aries and Taurus energy bringing you success and wealth through your professional endeavors. Whether this is showing up in your main career or in something you once started on the side, there is a breakthrough moment coming in which you will finally achieve the success you’ve been working towards—you need to continue to invest what you have in your current dream.

Lilith in Aries is falling into your house of self-worth and wealth, while Jupiter in Taurus will be activating themes of communication. Reflect on matters related to social media, podcasts, writing, or publishing, as it is likely the abundance you receive from the universe will be showing up in these areas of your life.

Jupiter in Taurus has been bringing expansion and abundance into this area of your life since 2023. Still, now with Lilith, the North Node, and soon the Solar Eclipse on April 8, you need to be paying attention to the gifts and opportunities the universe is sending you.


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You’ve been approaching your dreams in a completely different way. Because of that, you are reaching a new level of success in fulfilling what you feel is part of your soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

Lilith in Aries, though, reminds you that in order to reap abundance truly, you will also have to really hone in on being able to speak your inner truth and not back down from showing the world who you are. This has been your nugget of gold the whole time, that the minute you show you’re ready for more, the universe can finally deliver what has always been divinely meant for you.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more information about her work, visit her website.