The Love Horoscope For August 31 During Venus Square Jupiter

We pay close attention to how Venus retrograde impacts each zodiac sign and their relationship today.

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Venus retrograde continues, and today, she enters conversations with Jupiter, bringing a new flavor to love that we all can benefit from on August 31, 2023.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday, August 31, 2023:



You throw yourself into a relationship without thinking twice, especially when falling in love. But this day is different, Aries. Today, pull back a bit when it comes to love. With Venus square Jupiter, you need time to consider your wants and needs in love. Today's risk is pouring yourself into something or someone too intensely and not having any energy left for yourself.

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You speak straight from the heart when it comes to being forthright and honest. Today's Jupiter square Mercury retrograde reminds you to think things through before saying what you feel. It's lovely to be transparent and vulnerable. But when you're getting to know someone—especially on a first or second date—give you both time before confessing this may be a soulmate connection.

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Like a bolt of lightning to the heart, Gemini love strikes you wherever you are. Today's Uranus sextile Neptune could bring a fortunate event your way. You could meet someone at work, even for an instant, and realize that there's chemistry there. You might be walking in the grocery store and bump into an old flame and find a spark rekindled. Today, there are lots of possibilities, and love has a way of finding you when you least expect it to.

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You learn as you grow together, Cancer. Today's Moon opposite Mercury retrograde helps you see the heart of the matter with your partner. You may bump heads today and discover that the rift in communication is a big blessing for you. Friction can help you value your relationship more and motivate you to prioritize your time together instead of falling into a routine or being too comfortable.

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You take pride in yourself and work hard to look your best. Today, the challenge is to do the same for your partnership. Your relationship reflects your values and how much time you spend together. Today's Sun opposite Saturn is a solid reminder that your love life needs to be a priority no matter how long you've been together. How you invest time in each other's lives each day determines how deeply your love can grow.

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You approach everything in life with a desire to achieve excellence, and love can be perfect even when there are flaws in the relationship. Today, as the Moon speaks to Jupiter, you can study love from a new perspective — a love language. Today, try taking the love language quiz with your significant other to discover your unique styles. It can be fun to test out how speaking and showing love in the way you each need makes your bond stronger.

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An ex can become a best friend if the situation is right, and today, you may be more open to the idea than you had. Venus retrograde in Leo can bring a past lover back into your life through a text or a phone call. Hearing their voice and having that sense of familiarity can be a comfort during the peak of retrograde season. Even if the relationship doesn't last as long as you'd like it to, or you're the one who decides to end it, tying loose ends can be healing. Today's energy may help you to see if that's a path you want to take.

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It's hard for you to let go of hope once you've fallen in love with someone, and unless they do something that breaks your heart, the door is open for them to come back and see if you can rekindle the spark. Today's Neptune sextile Pluto may have you sticking your toe into an open door of love to see if anything from the past is still viable for love. Pluto retrograde can have you wanting to talk about the history, even if it's painful. If it's the change you want, today's astrology may steer you in the right direction.

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Relationships don't come with instruction manuals; even if you wish they would, you have to figure things out on your own with time. Today's Mercury retrograde will trine Jupiter in your sector of shared secrets, and you may discover something about your mate that you wished you had known before but hadn't. Secrets can become dealbreakers, but they can also help you see what you're willing to do for a person you love. While you may not know how to respond to a loved one's needs, you can learn. Today may show you how deep your love is.

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You can't return to how things were, even if you work hard to restore the past. A relationship is new when reconciled because your breakup changed you into a different person. Today's Saturn retrograde in your communication sector helps you openly discuss who you've become. You can explore what broke things apart in the past. This time, you're both wiser and more invested. You can struggle through these tough talks knowing that you want to be together — which changes everything this time.

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When you love someone, it means you let them break through all your layers. So, breaking up feels like losing a part of your family, and the friendship falling apart can seem like you're losing twice as much love as you once had. Today can be a challenging time for you as you work through losing your partner. It will take time for you to sort through your emotions, and you'll begin to feel better with time. Today, permit yourself to feel sad and be a hurting human.

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A romantic relationship that reverts back to friendship can be painful and perplexing. Today's Neptune sextile Pluto helps you process how this friendship has gone full circle in your life. On the one hand, it can be sweet to know that your friendship not only withstands the test of time but also endures many trials and tribulations. But it can also be hard to find the boundaries you lost when you decide to take things further. Today may be confusing, but it feel like a refreshing start.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
