July 14 Horoscopes Are Best For 3 Zodiac Signs, During The Moon In Gemini

Cosmic awakenings are in store.

zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for july 14 Artem Varnitsin via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on July 14, due to the Moon in Gemini. First, here are the messages of the day for everyone. Sometimes, the nemesis/evil twin is not just a concept. Some of you are stuck in a dynamic with someone who embodies this for you. They copy your every move or try to outdo you at every turn.



With Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces and sextile Chiron in Aries, this dynamic exists within your family for some of you. For the longest time, you were unaware of this. Don't pull the wool over your eyes any longer. Once Pluto moves into Aquarius, things will become dire because of this.


Saturn opposite Mars and Venus will throw some curveballs today at those in romantic relationships. You are being asked not to get carried away by the flow of emotions and remember that most people can save themselves from ridiculous heartbreaks if they can distinguish between lust and love.

Today is also good to take a chance on yourself and your dreams. When people think of a Friday, they only think of socializing with their friends or kicking back after the work day ends. While there's nothing wrong with that, some of you haven't been able to make headway on your dreams because you don't know how to say no. Let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on July 14.


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Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on July 14, 2023:

1. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius, today is a good day for tuning into yourself and discovering what lies inside your heart. Positive things and experiences will flow toward you when you do this, especially in creative thinking and future planning. Some of you are in your king/queen era and taking charge of your destiny.

Mercury conjunct Lilith in Leo is in your corner today. Your unconventional side will be on the fore and you won't shy away from romantic dalliances of a little risky kind. Just be aware that with Moon in Gemini in the sky today, word plays and untruths will be rampant. So no matter how pretty or romanticized the experience might be, it won't lead to something solid and trustworthy.


Those of you who have a hectic work life will find some reprieve in the evening when you engage with your loved ones or significant other. It will feel like a double win. Connect with the energies of roses to heighten this sweet energy. You can walk in a rose garden or pick up a bouquet of roses for your home.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Beware of peer pressure today, Capricorn. You have extraordinary personal power and drive. While you may not always appear bold, you are the bravest in your little circle of friends. Your ambitions are also pretty big. Don't let a lousy romance ruin this potential. You are on the best horoscopes list, so you can remember this and not let history repeat itself. This also applies to peer pressure from friends and family, who may not know what you are attempting.


Pluto square North Node is a unique energy to experience. Sometimes, the right path in life is not as obvious as daylight. Sometimes you need to tune in and block out the external noise to know where to go and where not. That's the challenge of the day and also the blessing.

You don't realize this, but the Sun in Cancer, Mercury in Leo, and Lilith are anchoring you to reality now, even if they are on the opposite side of the zodiac wheel. Sometimes the best ideas emerge when there is a slight danger or some limitations imposed.

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3. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Today is a good day for finding balance within yourself, Taurus. Whether you socialize or turn inward and listen to your heart, the energy today will work in your favor as long as you act with the right intentions. Let love guide you.


North Node in Taurus is on its way out of Taurus now. It will stick around for a few more days before it moves onto Aries, so take advantage of this last burst of fated goodness. It doesn't mean life will become dreary once the North Node moves on (Jupiter anchors you now). It does mean that you will have to be intentional about your actions and decisions and cannot rely so much on luck for your windfalls and good turns.

If you feel called to, dab a bit of lemon balm essential oil on your wrists at the beginning of the day. You can also use rosemary oil. It will put a spring in your steps. Don't do this if you are sensitive to scents. That will defeat the purpose.

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Valeria Black is a tarot reader and astrologer with wicked humor. Follow her on Instagram for more star-blessed intrigues and mysteries.
