Love Horoscope For July 11, During Mars In Virgo

We are ready to take responsibility for our love lives with practical actions steps.

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Mars is officially in the zodiac sign of Virgo. How will this new energy dynamic affect your love horoscope for July 11, 2023? Here's what Mars, Venus, and the stars have in store for each zodiac sign in astrology.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, July 11, 2023:



You aren't someone who takes it too kindly when a person you love uses your kindness as weakness. So today, when the person you love treats you as if your feelings don't matter, you don't pretend that you didn't notice. No, you take the tougher route and show them your tough side. Today you pull back and then you confront the behavior. You dislike having to take a stand but you know it's the right thing to do. It's not easy to be stern when you want to have an easy-going relationship, but the only way you can ensure you're respected is to be strong.

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It takes two individuals to mend a strained relationship. You genuinely yearn for a harmonious bond between you and your partner, yet certain occurrences have left you pondering the depth your relationship can truly achieve. Today, you are finally ready to express your longing for a profound and intimate connection. Deep within your heart, you believe that your partner shares the same desire, but it's challenging to overcome personal pride and prioritize the well-being of the relationship. Today, you aim to inspire your significant other to join forces and embark on a new path that neither of you has ventured into before, in order to elevate the love you share to new heights.

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You have always yearned for your family and home to thrive in a state of peace and harmony. Unfortunately, circumstances have deviated from your desired path. The pressures of financial obligations and work-related stress have burdened your romantic life. As a result, communication between you and your partner has become rare, and your love has grown distant and chilly. However, someone must take the initiative to reignite the flame of love, and you have decided to assume that responsibility. Rather than clinging to the need to be right, you have chosen to break through the icy barriers surrounding your heart by adopting a more loving and receptive approach.

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Arguments often arise when one's feelings are hurt. You acknowledge that you have been harboring negative emotions lately. While unintentional, you realize that your actions may have distanced your partner. It may be challenging to fully compensate for the lost time and hurtful words that have been exchanged. Today, you are determined to refrain from taking offense whenever something is said that you disagree with. Instead, you will strive to read between the lines and comprehend that both of you are on the same team. Rather than working against your partner, you will actively work towards fostering a stronger connection with them.

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Lately, money has been a challenging subject, leaving both of you feeling financially strained. Consequently, your love life has become focused on supporting each other in the pursuit of success, rather than enjoying quality time together. Finding room in your budget for a traditional date has become difficult, necessitating a need for improvisation. Today, your goal is to discover new ways to savor romantic moments at home on a limited budget. While it may not be extravagant, it promises to be an enjoyable experience that allows you both to reconnect and rediscover the joy of dating.

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The notion of self-love being the path to true love has reached your ears, but deep down, you're dissatisfied with the person you have become. Multiple aspects of your life are causing unhappiness, leaving you feeling compelled to make a choice. Should you pursue love while feeling emotionally wounded or opt to remain alone until you have healed? The idea of solitude at this moment feels daunting, so you have decided to compromise and continue dating. You acknowledge that this compromise may be the reason you attract similar types of individuals, and it's not an easy task to change yourself. Today, you might consider taking a step back and observing how things unfold. It's undoubtedly a struggle, but it marks a positive beginning.

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The divorce papers have been signed and the process is finalized. It feels strange to be alone now and face the daunting task of starting over. Despite the relief of putting this chapter behind you, there is still a lingering sense of missing your ex, simply because they were there, even if the relationship wasn't ideal. Adjusting to this new reality will undoubtedly take time, but the first step towards healing does not involve picking up the phone and dialing their number. In fact, since there is no valid reason to contact your ex, you may consider deleting your ex’s number altogether. Adjusting takes time, and you will heal.

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Who gets to keep the friends? Deciding who gets to keep the mutual friends can be a challenging aspect of a breakup. Your lives have been intertwined so closely that it becomes difficult to determine who is on your side and who is not during this painful separation. It's hard to resist discussing your former partner or seeking updates from friends on how they are doing. Rebuilding the friendship aspect from scratch will undoubtedly be a difficult task. While you have shared memories with these individuals, many of those memories also involve your ex. Allowing yourself some time can greatly aid the healing process. While you may never choose to reconnect with your ex, there's a possibility of reconnecting with your friends and picking up where you left off. Communicating with them about your need for space is a wise approach in this situation.

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It deeply hurt you when your significant other demonstrated a lack of respect towards you. Their actions and treatment towards you are of utmost importance. It feels as though your relationship has reached a critical point, and you fear that it may not be possible to restore it to its previous state. However, despite their decision to treat you differently, you have chosen to be the strong one and uphold your commitment to your partner. It's not an easy task to embody unconditional love, and some people may even view your choice as foolish. Nevertheless, you believe in the potential of your relationship, recognizing that people sometimes hurt and mistreat each other, even when they wish they wouldn't. As you await your significant other's change of heart, you will actively seek counseling and gather the support you need to navigate these difficult circumstances.

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Perhaps a getaway could be beneficial for both of you. The idea of attending a marital retreat may not have crossed your mind before, but it's logical to consider dedicating some time away to focus on your relationship. Going on a couples' cruise, for instance, and disconnecting from social media and phones could be a refreshing experience. It might be easier for your partner to detach from work, responsibilities with children, family, and friends, allowing you both to solely concentrate on your own lives. In fact, today is the perfect opportunity to research available options and assess what you can afford. Surprising your significant other with tickets to such a trip could be a delightful gesture.

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You feel a sense of anger upon discovering that your partner has been sharing intimate details about your love life with a friend or relative. It's disheartening to realize that your confidentiality has been compromised, and it makes you question the trust within the relationship and your partner's character. While you are willing to discuss the issue, deep down, you understand that if this breach of trust were to happen again, it would severely undermine the chances of your relationship surviving. It's time for you to contemplate the future, which might involve a life without this relationship. Consequently, you feel the need to reestablish boundaries and protect yourself, even though you had previously believed you could let your guard down.

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This relationship feels built to last. The harmony between you and your partner is remarkable, as you rarely find yourselves in disagreement and consistently stand united. The depth of connection you share is unparalleled in your past experiences. With this undeniable bond, you both feel ready to take things to the next level. You want to move in together and really show the world you're committed. Maybe marriage is going to come up for you both soon.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
