Today's Love Horoscope Brings Massive Change On July 1, 2023

Love can be sweet, but there are days when we get a bitter dose of negative energy in romance.

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Today's love horoscope for July 1, 2023 teaches us that we have to be strong at times for the sake of romance and love. While the Sun is in Cancer we long for our home lives to be filled with peace and harmony, but today as we grow closer to the Full Moon in Capricorn the cracks in our relationships become clearer. Knowing all is not well in our romantic world prompts a desire to do something to make things better. This is one of the key themes for today's love horoscope on July 1, by zodiac sign.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Saturday, July 01, 2023:



Breakups can get ugly, Aries, and when you have an ex tarnishing your name, it can feel like you'll never be able to get over the past. Today's Pluto retrograde helps you to recover the reputation you've lost. Someone gets publicly seen for who they are, and the vitriol they have spewed becomes a varnish on their own name instead of yours.

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It happens, Taurus. You live, and you learn when it comes to love. Some people attend school, become relationship experts, and never make mistakes. But others, perhaps like yourself, must graduate from the school of hard knocks before they get your relationship diploma. Today a lesson you've been schooled on more than once gets a passing exam grade.

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'Love covers a multitude of sins,' Gemini, and today you have to decide if you'll be the type of person who kisses and tells or who keeps a secret from someone whose asking you a specific question. Not all questions deserve answers, and while it often pays to be honest, it will depend on who the audience is today.

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You can't go back to the past, and when you and an ex decide to get back together, it's really not the past relationship you're returning to. Instead, you're both choosing to start over again as two people who are slightly wounded and healed from the mistakes you've made in your relationship. It's time to grow together and commit to working through problems now and into the future.

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It's fine when someone points a flaw out to you, but today you're nitpicking. You might be tearing yourself apart due to feelings of regret. You hurt someone you loved because you felt right in being selfish. It's hard to look in the mirror when you realize you are your worst enemy. But today is a new day. You can start over again. Begin with the first step: forgiveness.

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A romance is starting to bloom, Virgo. Could you find the 'one'? You had a romantic evening, and now you're replaying the memory. It's hard to wait by the phone, hoping someone special will call. Virgo, you don't want to be the first to show you're in love. So, for now, be patient and let them make the first move. If it's meant to be, it will be.

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Moving back in with someone you called it quits with is humbling, and if you're thinking about giving your relationship one more try, consider the risks and the costs of putting yourself back into a situation you took yourself out of. Consider all of your options, too. While it may make financial sense, will this be best for your heart? Let's ease into things with a few sleepovers and see how it goes first.

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You have to be careful with the words you say. Sometimes you speak, and your words sting like vinegar on an open wound. That's part of the problem with today's energy. You may fly off the cuff without realizing how harsh you can be without meaning to. When the heat of anger or passion, take a moment and breathe. Give yourself a moment to regain patience. You'll be glad that you did.

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You can always ask for a refund. When you buy someone a gift but can't give it to your ex due to a breakup, some of you may wonder if you should regift it or wait and see if you make up. Living in the moment means even in these difficult circumstances, you must choose to embrace the now. You can always repurchase it later if needed, but cash in your pocket is better than a hole in your wallet.

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It's not always about you, but you have to think about your needs and wants every once in a while. Talking late into the night or being out with your partner and getting a few hours of sleep can put a drain on other areas of your life. Love and life are about balance, and if you need to start turning in early or putting your phone on airplane mode, talk about it and then do it.

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The past is lovely, but when the honeymoon is over, it can be a wake-up call. You're starting to see your partner for who they truly are. Now you have a decision: do you want to love this person for who they are? Or are you going to try to change them? Change is something your loved one will have to want to do, and you may find yourself frustrated. Today be honest with yourself. You may choose to stay, but if you think those red flags are dealbreakers, be honest.

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Friends come and go, and sometimes when you took a friendship to the point of love and romance it can feel like you'll never be able to get back to the way things were. Hurt feelings take time to work through, but you may hear back from someone you love but really need to keep in the friendzone. Today you both may have matured enough to understand the deep connection you have without needing to take it to a physical or romantic level.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
