The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Become More Loving In March 2023
The deepest commitment should feel like the greatest freedom.

This March, love turns romantic, and commitment becomes the primary focus for four zodiac signs in astrology whose relationships improve.
So many times, when you think of commitment or marriage, it is held within the placeholder of restriction, of giving up something, but that is not the commitment that love makes.
When you commit to a relationship or a person, wholeheartedly that helps you become more you, you are committing to your freedom.
Commitment only feels like a restriction when you have not freed yourself or are still talking yourself into accepting what you think love is supposed to be.
But true commitment is for your freedom, for your best and healthiest self in life and relationships.
Nothing you commit to should further remove you from your identity or restrict your growth.
Whether you make a commitment to a health regime, career path or love, it is all the same — committing to what feels passionate and which resonates with your purpose translates as the freedom of your soul. Because when you go all in on something, you focus your energy on making miracles happen.
In the month ahead, Venus and Juno leave Aries for Taurus, which brings in more loving, peaceful energy, though they are only concerned about the commitments that will last.
Saturn shifts into Pisces, giving unconditional love a serious tone and adding a deeper focus to your love and dreams.
But towards the end of the month, as Mars shifts out of Gemini for the first time in seven months and Pluto moves into Aquarius, changing signs for the first time in fifteen years, there is an air of unpredictability and unexpectedness.
This new wave of energy will ensure that not only you are following your heart, but that you are all going in with it as well.
The four zodiac signs whose relationships improve during the month of March 2023:
1. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
After a few months, you will be grateful to feel hope and return to matters of the heart. This month there is a shift with multiple planets moving into the earth sign of Taurus, including Venus, the planet of love.
Taurus is your sister sign and the one that rules over your romantic sector, which means all positive things are torn.
The first shift will happen at the beginning of the month as asteroid Juno shifts into Taurus.
Juno rules on relationship agreements, specifically marriage contracts. With this asteroid moving into your romance sector, you will be more apt to create a long-term committed relationship. Saturn the Lord of time and karma, will make his much-awaited move from Aquarius and Pisces. This moves the attention of Saturn from your home and family space to marriage, joy, and your sense of creative expression.
Saturn has been helping you heal so that you can move into more of what you want for your life, but now with Saturn in this part of your chart meeting someone new or even recommitting to an existing partner becomes much more likely.
All of this is enhanced when Venus enters Taurus a few weeks later. Venus rules matters of the heart, so in this placement, you will see many romantic possibilities within your life or feel more inclined to enjoy the romantic moments you already have.
2. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
While Scorpio sees much activity in its romantic sector, yours will primarily be within the arena that governs yourself and your identity. As a Taurus, you are naturally one of the ruling zodiac signs of Venus.
When the planet of love returns to your zodiac sign, you operate at a higher frequency attracting more possibilities and abundance. As Juno moves into Taurus at the start of the month, it is time to review your own words and agreements that you have made within your relationship and even with yourself.
This is your chance to truly become better so that you can improve your relationship in all the ways that you desire.
As an earth sign and Taurus specifically, one of the things that you tend to need to work on the most is your adaptability and flexibility to what others need and want.
You are a nature lover, but that does not mean you get to decide how someone else feels loved or that your views of a relationship are superior. You are invited to review your perspective and approach to love in this energy.
Not necessarily because you are wrong but so that you can embrace greater flexibility and see the value in compromise and not having to make every point with your lover a sticking one.
Because your partner will be under the influence of Venus and Juno in Taurus during this time, they will be more apt to speak your love language, improving overall dynamics, especially if you focus on love more than being right.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
The month ahead is going to be an exciting one for you! Not only will all the Taurus energy positively affect your home and family set-up, but Pluto is moving into your zodiac sign towards the end of the month. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, which for you governs the part of your life that is ruled by secrets and the unconscious.
As beneficial as it has been, it has not exactly been an as comfortable ride. Yet, as it moves into your zodiac sign activating all themes around yourself and emerging identity, it adds greater intensity and presence into your life.
Pluto is set to leave one of the more challenging parts of your life and move into Aquarius, creating a feeling of freedom.
In many ways, Pluto in Aquarius is the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius which is all about embracing the creativity to discover and write your path.
As you step into this power, this time that you have been building toward your whole life, the planets do align in your home and family sector.
This can be an area that you often feel torn in because you crave space and independence, of course, though there is also the desire for companionship and domestic intimacy.
Usually, the challenge is fulfilling both sides of your personality, but this month, something magical happened. As Venus and Juno align in Taurus alongside the monumental shift of Pluto in Aquarius, you will realize that you have never had to choose between both sides at all; it was just a matter of accepting that they existed in the first place.
4. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
Last month, you experienced the Aries stellium in the part of your life that rules marriage, children, joy and even self-expression. Venus and Jupiter will remain in this part of your life for most of the month, indicating that the work and magic are not quite done yet.
But new energy is coming in as Mercury moves into Pisces, activating themes around your home and family just as Saturn makes his long-term move into this same zodiac sign.
Whenever Saturn enters the scene, things get serious.
Not in a bad way, but you know they will become permanent in your life. Adding to that, Mars is wrapping up its seven-month stay within your romantic sector, which hopefully you have allowed to transform your life in all the ways you need to.
A lot will be wrapping up this month, but there is also a big beginning, and it is more than just a new level of commitment or even relationship; it is happening in the way you approach love and life.
With Venus and Juno shifting into Taurus, you are starting to look at love from a healthier perspective which is going to be part of the motivation this month as you tire of doing things how you always have and instead desire to become that person that deep down you have always known you could become.
Use this month to commit to doing your work, let what you have outgrown fall away and not be afraid to go all in on what you know is meant to be a part of your future.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.