The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Make New Friends During Mercury In Aquarius Starting February 11, 2023


The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Make New Friends During Mercury In Aquarius Starting February 11, 2023 trevoykellyphotography from pixabay via Canva Pro

Are you feeling...friendly? If so, take it seriously, because having a good (and friendly) attitude today is going to pay off in...friends! Yes, wonderful, joyful, loving friends. This is the gift that Mercury in Aquarius brings, and for certain signs, the idea of making new friends is just spectacular.

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It's February 11, and we are getting mighty tired of the Winter...we want to get out and we want to have fun. What better time to make friends than during the people-drought that comes with the season?

Mercury in Aquarius doesn't just bring friends into our lives; it helps us to attract the 'right' friends, the people who are just like us. That also implies that, as individuals, we have different 'friendship' requirements.

Today is a great day to discover something we have in common with someone else, but it is also inspiring for us to seek out this commonality and work with it. Making new friends today is easy, and this will open the door for much fun in the future.


Another cool thing about Mercury in Aquarius is that it sort of equips us with charisma and the ability to charm. So, in a way, we can't go wrong on this day.

We are kind to strangers and accepting of new people; we aren't in the mood to fight, nor are we interested in anything that even remotely includes drama.

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We have the opportunity to meet 'friends for life.' Keepers, as we call them. Today is a fantastic day to meet the keepers that will accompany you through the rest of your life. Friends for life.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Make New Friends During Mercury in Aquarius on February 11, 2023

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)


Making new friends is your calling card, as you are the most welcoming, most devoted friend there is. You love your people and they adore you to pieces, and in your opinion, when it comes to friends — the more the merrier.

During Mercury in Aquarius, you love the idea of meeting new people, and on this day, February 11, 2023, you will meet old friends and new ones. What's really nice is that you have a new interest as well, and because of this new interest, you will discover a whole bunch of people just like you, who are focused on this interest.

This is a great day for you, as you will meet several new people who will thrill you. You'll want to hang with them in the future, and this will be something for you to look forward to again and again. The people you meet today...are keepers.

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2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

If there's anyone who makes friends easily, it's you, Gemini, as you are one of the friendliest signs in the Zodiac. You love learning about new people, and even if you end up judging them later on (you ARE a Gemini, after all), you will still have a great ol' time today, getting together with people you've never spent any time with.

There is one person in the midst that has super-duper friend potential, and even if you're not looking for a best bud, you may want to consider this person as a prime candidate for the position.

The truth about you, Gemini, is that you value friendship even more than you do romantic relationships, and so if you spot a friend in potential out there, during Mercury in Aquarius, you will be pleased to welcome this person into your life.


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3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

Friends are everything to you, and that's saying a lot as you've been through a lot with some of the friends you've had in the past. You've come to know that not all friendships are great, nor are the good ones necessarily slated for a long lasting span of time.


Today puts you in the right place at the right time to meet some new people, and as it stands, with Mercury in Aquarius in your sky, you'll be meeting someone today who has so much in common with you that it would be silly to NOT be their friend.

It's not like you're looking for your clone, as that would be obnoxious, but you don't mind the idea of having a lot in common with someone. Today will have you making plans with this new person to get to know them better. Make that a round of non-alcoholic martinis for me and my buddy, please!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
