The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Breakup During The Moon In Scorpio, February 11 - 13, 2023
I've been thinking about this for a while.

We're all familiar with what we 'think' are the personality traits are when associated with a Scorpio zodiac sign. We think that Scorpio transits bring out secrets and traits in our nature, like passion, intimacy...spite.
On February 11, 2023, the Moon will enter Scorpio, and it's going to bring out our nasty side, but not for no good reason.
Today we have a reason to be spiteful, or nasty, or provocative in all the wrong ways. Today is the day we know for certain that we want to break up with the person we are with.
Wham, bam, thank you ma'am-sir.
The Moon in Scorpio is intense, and it takes hold and bites in, like a vampire...and once we get a sense of what's actually going on in reality, we want out. That is how we will see our partnerships today — in reality. And this reality dictates that things are not as good as they should be, in fact, they stink. Yes, that's right — your romance is for the birds. You know it, they know it, now what to do about it, eh? No time like the present for breaking up.
During the Moon in Scorpio, we see the future, and it does not contain the person we are romantically involved with, today. The future inspires us to work on what is needed in the present, and for many of us, that means ending one relationship so that we can proceed with other relationships.
And yes, this is very much the day we leave someone for someone else. If Scorpio is the 'great lover' then we must know that great love can be found in other people.
The three zodiac signs who want to breakup during the Moon in Scorpio, February 11 - 13, 2023:
1. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
You may want to think things through before executing the plan you're about to go through with, Leo. What's meant by this is that you will be very affected by the Moon in Scorpio today, and that might not bring out your best side.
Being that you've had difficulty with your love partner, you may find that the only way to get your point across today is by being rude, offensive and very, very impulsive. This impulsivity is what will lead you to the idea of breaking up; you figure, why bother? Why continue on like this with a person who is so clearly not for you.
Please do understand that yesterday, they 'were' for you, and even if you have disagreements, you still do, or did, love this person. Alas, today is for abrupt and harsh decisions, and during Scorpio moon, you will end up breaking up your love affair.
2. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
You felt the 'thud' and now you're ending it. OK, what does this mean? It means that during Moon in Scorpio, you will come to understand that you've lost the battle with your mate. They are not going to 'get better' and they are not going to change anything about themselves to suit your sense of convenience.
This person is clearly not for you, and you know it. Or, at least you know it MORE today, during a Scorpio Moon. Accepting is so much easier now, as you recognize the hopelessness of trying in this relationship; it's time to break up. Hey, it's been done before and it will be done again. As far as you're concerned, Sagittarius, you only have this one life to live, and if it means you have to break up to set yourself on a better path, then so be it.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
This is not what you want to do, but this is what you have to do, and of course, we are referring to breaking up with your present partner. Scorpio energy always affects you strongly, and today will have you figuring out 'an escape plan.'
You can't take it anymore and you'd rather nip this in the bud now; why wait around for the next explosion? Your nerves can hardly take it and you need the relief that only comes when your mind is at ease and your space is cleared free of the person who bugs the living daylights out of you — your partner.
When the Moon is in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, you will take the kid gloves off and you will hit them where it hurts: the ego. You may spend a good deal of this day convincing yourself that you have no regrets, but that waits to be seen.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.