The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, September 24, 2022

In the midst of chaos, peace can always be found.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, September 24, 2022 Airwasabi via Canva Pro

As you draw closer to the New Moon in Libra tomorrow, a lightness returns to your mind and your heart.

September has been a heavy month because of the number of planets in retrograde motion, but while challenging, it also provided a great benefit.

Even if things are going as planned or any movement forward has been delayed or complicated, you have had time to do a great deal of internal reflection.

This internal reflection is centered around so many aspects of your life because each of the six planets that are retrograde right now represents a different theme.


But as difficult as the past few weeks have been, it will not last forever, and you will see the first breakthrough today as the New Moon in Libra draws closer.

The Moon will be in Virgo today, ahead of its changing zodiac signs, in preparation for a brand-new lunar cycle.

Today, the Virgo Moon is going to help you focus and summarize what you have recently been called to focus on.

Virgo is a practical, analytical, and detailed orientated sign, while the Moon represents your feelings and emotional body.

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Often, this can be challenging because making sense of your feelings is sometimes a battle that can be near one, however today, you will gain some important clarity that will bring in a sense of peace and grounding.

With all of the retrograde planets, which call for inner reflection, a lot has begun to change for you. How you felt about something or even someone previously is likely no longer the case.

The path you felt so certain about only a few weeks ago seems to no longer exist. This is both the magic and the challenge of an intense retrograde period.

However, today, the Virgo Moon will allow you to focus on your feelings in the present moment.


You can make sense of them and accept what they mean in terms of what has already changed and what you intuitively know will soon.

Virgo is also an earth sign, so you will feel grounded in these changes, even if things are left open-ended or unfinished.

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Although the next eclipse occurs on October 25th in Scorpio, a powerful time for transformation, the eclipse cycle will begin today and tomorrow with the New Moon in Libra.

It does not mean that it will host the powerful occurrences you will see play out at the end of October, but you will start to see signs and synchronicities of what is coming.


Today is a chance to feel more emotionally grounded and confident in what this retrograde season has stirred up for you and feel your way into believing that a new beginning is right around the corner.

No matter how unfinished many things feel in life, the energy today encourages you to find peace within it.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Saturday, September 24, 2022:

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

The Moon in your zodiac sign today, almost at its new moon phase, means that you can enjoy many of the benefits of this lunation. Take this as an opportunity to bring together all you have learned since the spring and decide to do better, not for anyone else but yourself.


No matter how much time you spend going down a particular path, it is never too late to turn around and choose a new direction. You may decide that to embody all that you love in life truly, you need to change how things are in your life.

Even if there seem to be numerous adjustments, you can tend to them one at a time until you have transformed all you need. Just remember that happiness begins at this moment and not some far-off distant place in the future.

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2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Venus is in Virgo for a few remaining days, so the focus will still be on your romantic relationship. Today with the Moon in Virgo, that energy is amplified.


As the Virgo Moon crosses paths with Neptune in Pisces, the theme of what is logical versus what is love will be revealed. As much as you live and breathe romance, you have come to understand in the past year that a solid foundation is required for any relationship, no matter how amazing or divine in nature it appears to be.

Today you will get an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation or even your deep reflection on where balance can be found between these two themes. Remember, in love, it is never about picking one or the other, but recognizing that balance does exist if you are willing to do the work to create it.

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3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Today is crucial for you, Gemini, as all this recent Virgo energy has been stirring up things in your home and possibly even your family. Lately, it has seemed that you have struggled to feel settled in this new arena of life.

Whether you are adjusting to living together, a new phase in your relationship or even something more attuned to your domestic life, a phase of transition is happening. In this, it seems you’ve spent more time looking for what feels wrong instead of being grateful for all that is beneficial and amazing.

Today though is your chance to rebalance those scales and to be able to focus more on how even if you feel unsettled in certain parts of your life, it does not mean that you have to throw anything away or restart. Sometimes it only means that you have slowed down and remember everything you have now is something you were praying for at one point.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
