The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On Thursday, August 25, 2022

Tough days are here, but we can rise above.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On Thursday, August 25, 2022 Arman Zhenikeyev via Canva Pro/timintco via timintco/Dirtyline studio

On this day, August 25, 2022, as Virgo rules the Sun and our Moon squares Uranus, we may find that the main problem with the day lies in our own perception of it. While there is nothing really wrong with the day, per se, we might feel as though it's 'out to get us.'

Of course, that's a mere fantasy and we're all subject to having that kind of fantasy, however, it doesn't make it good and it certainly doesn't make it easy.


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Today's 'rough' outlook is exacerbated by the transit Moon square Uranus, which allows us to feel super confident about something we wish to do, only to remove that confidence from us at the last moment.



Metaphorically, it's as if we think we can fly, so we stand on the edge of the cliff, ready to jump and at the moment our feet leave the ground, we realize that we are not birds. This metaphor will take place in the work environment; we may be doing something today that is likely to endanger our jobs.


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We think we have the right to do such a thing, but we retract our ambitious moves at the very last second which is, interestingly enough, a very good idea.

Today gives us the lesson of what it's like to hold back for the sake of survival. Sometimes, our egos give us a false impression; we think we can do things that we are not meant to do.

And, if we attempt to do these things, we suffer for our lack of discretion. In other words, today is for holding back and refraining from doing that nervy move no matter how noble, right or perfect we think it may be. Discretion and retreat are our best friends on this rough day.


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Read on to find out which three zodiac signs will have rough horoscopes on Thursday, August 25, 2022.

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

This may end up being one of those days for you, Cancer, where you come to terms with the idea that the job you're in, is not your ideal gig. While having an ideal job is certainly a sought-after thing, you have always felt as though as long as you have a job, you're in good standing.

Paying the bills means a lot to you and you like having your payments made on time. In this way, you've done what many people have done: you signed on for a job that you now cannot stand doing, yet, it's your only option.


Realizing this may just push you to do something that you'll regret, as in starting an argument at work that may just put a little too much attention on you and your progress.

You need to watch yourself today; if you really want to leave your job, then do so on good terms. Also, prepare a backup plan — don't just act spontaneously. Don't hurt yourself trying to be rebellious.

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2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)

You sometimes suffer from hubris, Libra, as you never consider that bad things can happen to you. While it's nice to not bring about that kind of fate one's self by overthinking the negative, there is also such a thing as discretion, and today you're going to need plenty of it.


You think you can get away with something today; you don't ever consider that you might have to face the consequences as you've gotten away with so much in your life.

But life has a funny way of catching up to people, and today might be the day where you are prohibited from doing whatever it is you wish to do. You are also in jeopardy of losing your job, simply because you are more arrogant than you are careful. Wake up, Libra. These are hard times here on Earth.

If you have a job, then honor it. Do not take advantage of the patience of others and don't disrespect your place of work.

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3. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)

What makes today rather rough for you is the temptation to tell people off, and how that will both free you and entrap you at the same time. This is work-related and yes, this is all about your job. What's needed is a confrontation, not a war. If you have a grievance, then speak up and be professional in your attitude.

This is not a good day to be the superstar rebel, as there are no cameras filming you for your TikTok campaign. Nope, this is real life, Scorpio, and nobody is standing on the sidelines thinking how cute you look as you stomp all over your workplace.


You may not like what you're doing but if you're there, then you need to heed the rules. If that doesn't please you, then prepare to leave this place of work. This one is up to you, but if you stay, then do the work. Don't complain. Don't be a brat. Life on Earth is about work, and yes, that means you, too.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.