The 3 Zodiac Signs Luckiest In Love On Friday, May 20, 2022

A new day for love is here.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Luckiest In Love On Friday, May 20, 2022 Katrina Berban on Unsplash

With the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Aquarius, one could only assume that, in love, today's going to be a very lucky day, indeed.

This is a positive energy day. May 20, 2022, is the day when we see things as possible, and doable.

We see love affairs that can and should happen; we see love in our own lives, growing, taking on new tones, flowing with the universe.

We spend so much time condemning this, that, and the other thing, that a day like today may very well act as one of those where we feel as though faith in humanity is restored.


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Because the Sun is now in Gemini, we are also approaching the middle of the year, which implies a second chance at getting it right.

If we've come this far, then we can pat ourselves on the back and feel good about any efforts we've put into our love lives.


Gemini is the zodiac sign of second chances and renewal. And as the Sun moves into Gemini, we, too, will be getting a chance to shine like the Sun.

We are able to see a beautiful outcome, and we are also ready to put in the effort that it takes to get there.

With the Moon in Aquarius, we won't bother with mediocre dreams. This is not the time to dream small.

There's more to it than finally getting to go out for dinner with your partner, here. We're looking at major changes to come and the chance, right now, to work on those changes.

Gemini energy is fantastic when it comes to making plans and arrangements.

This is also the season where couples find it a lot easier than usual to set dates and keep commitments, Aquarius energy adds to the experience by making everything seem exciting and new.


For three zodiac signs, Taurus, Gemini, and Leo, this is their luckiest day in love.

And starting May 20, 2022, the light starts to shine at the end of the tunnel and all things fall into place.

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

You smooth along quite nicely into Gemini season, as this day sort of paves the way for the rest of the month and all the good fortune you're about to make for yourself.

In love, you've finally stumbled upon the way to do things right; you've learned a few lessons over the last few months, and one is that you need to give in a little to get a little.

While compromise used to stick in your mind as a thing you'd never concede to, you've learned that it's OK to give in, as long as your principles aren't compromised and you still feel like yourself.


Because, for you, Taurus, it's vitally important to remain true to yourself. What you'll be learning and showing on this day, May 20, is that you can actually work with your partner on issues that you once didn't think were possible.

Good communication leads the way on this day, and you are fearless in your approach.

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2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Walking into your own zodiac sign's season has always felt like a jolt of freshness to you, and you'll be able to once again get that feeling back on May 20, as the Sun enters Gemini.

It will feel as though it's all happening just for you and being that you are one to make a power grab when the time is right, you'll find an opportunity coming your way that will help you heal and improve your love life.


While this is a good day in general for couples, this could be a very good day for you and your partner, as well. There is one issue here, and only you are aware of it.

Your partner isn't even privy to this information, but today might very well be a good day to share this top-secret info with your mate. Expect acceptance and love, today. Nobody's out to hurt you, and the love you feel today is authentic and long-lasting.

RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes on Friday, May 20, 2022

3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)


With the Moon in Aquarius and the Sun entering Gemini, your mood will be celestial, to say the least.

You are pure imagination and potential today, and because there's nothing you enjoy more than sharing the wealth, today is the day you propose an idea to your loved one that could potentially take the relationship to a new and better level.

You've gotten to the place in your partnership where things need a facelift; it's all good and no one's upset, but things have started to turn into a mediocrity stew; it's just not exciting.

But that doesn't mean that both of you no longer have it in you to create excitement; on the contrary! That Aquarius energy will have both of you feeling giddy about trying out new stuff, even if you have no idea what that 'new stuff' is.


One thing is for certain, on this lucky day, you and your mate will decide and agree upon positive change within the relationship.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
