3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On March 6, 2022

This is the shift you have been waiting for.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On March 6, 2022 Iryna Inshyna/Shutterstock.com

After having the last couple of months be dominated by the logical and pragmatic Capricorn, today, you welcome new energy and direction into your life with a dramatic shift into Aquarius. 

It is Pisces Season. And, it has been hard to feel things are different for you due to the planet Mars and Venus in Capricorn.

This was not a fun time, but you worked on essential things for yourself. As a result, you now see the truth of any connections you have been wearing rose-colored glasses for. 


Today Venus and Mars, the celestial lovers, go over plans, foundations, and worth. Then, they move together into the future-orientated sign of Aquarius. 

The energy shifts dramatically from going over the past sometimes to the point of no avail to now being focused on what comes next. 

You always have a choice to stay where you are or to take the path of least resistance.

You can believe something greater exists — something beyond your wildest dreams. 

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Today things get better, and despite your fears telling you otherwise, you always have a choice. 

The Taurus Moon encourages you to reflect on what feels good and lights you up inside. 

So the Moon in Taurus is exalted. The Mon craves pleasure over the stability that lacks it. This differs from Capricorn's energy which encourages you to stay on the straight and narrow path and plow ahead. 

Now is the perfect time to seek love and have the stamina to create it. 

For all these reasons, these are the reasons why 3 zodiac signs which will have a great day experience this level of joy starting March 6, 2022. 

1. Aquarius  

(January 20 - February 18) 


This is the release that you have been hoping would come. You move in expansive ways. You prefer freedom and to be able to live to the beat of your own drum, especially when it comes to what really matters to you. It has been challenging to do this, though. You have been asked to keep plodding through the nitty-gritty of matters in your life. 

This has included your past, the foundations of your current relationships, and even your plans. All were indeed part of the life you want to live versus the one you had thought you had to live. 

Today is a shift for your heart and motivation to work on what you want to create for yourself. Not for the world, not for anyone else, but for you. It also represents a more significant shift of leaving the past behind, even if you still carry parts of it with you because it has changed your life forever.

You have been through a considerable amount, especially in recent months, as you have been continually tested. Still, now you are emerging on the other side, and it is time to start acting like it because your future begins today. 


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2. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20) 

As the Moon moves into your sign in the early hours of today, you will come back to those long-lost dreams that you have talked yourself out of.

This Pisces Sun will be helping you to believe that anything is possible. As you remember and reconnect to your emotional self, you will realize that the dreams you have are what make you who you are.

As an earth sign that rules Venus, you need comfort, but you also need joy and pleasure. Today marks a point where you will be more comfortable being uncomfortable in pursuit of those dreams that once seemed too big. Take the energy and reconnect to your heart. Find out what it really wants and what truly fills you up.


Much of this energy will continue through the month, so it is okay to pace yourself. Just make sure that you do not let yourself forget what truly matters.

The road to the happiest moments of your life will not necessarily be easy, but if it is in pursuit of what indeed calls to you, then you will also never give up on it. 

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3. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 

You do dream better than anyone else. You can envision a future that others struggle to comprehend, which is one of your greatest gifts.

During the first part of this Pisces Season, it may have been challenging to really feel like you were able to connect to this and imagine a way out of your current situation.


Still, there has been a shifting of possibilities since the Pisces New Moon. Venus and Mars dance into Aquarius, lightening the emotional load.

They bring forgiveness and enable you to greater acceptance of the past. It no longer gets to dictate your future. As you begin to move through the new energy, allow yourself to get carried away. 

Let yourself believe in the impossible. Most importantly, do not discount anything because you cannot yet figure out how to make it a reality.

Once you decide on a path, the universe will always conspire to help you achieve it. While this is only the beginning, it is essential to recognize when to truly step up and create the life and even relationship you truly dream of. 


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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website. 
