3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 4, 2021
And just like that, everything is different.

Three zodiac sigsns who will have a great day on December 4, 2021 feel the energy of change.
December 4, 2021 sweeps in with a massive energy shift as we welcome in our Sagittarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse, the last on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis which has dominated the energy for the past two years.
Whether we are all aware of it or not, something is ending around this time.
But the thing is that endings only occur because something new is waiting to begin.
December is a month in which we’re going to be seeing the dissolution of many things; relationships, careers, life path decisions that aren’t meant to travel with us where we are headed next.
But today is also meant to be celebrated because we have made it to this point in our lives and on our journey.
We have traveled through the lessons of Sagittarius and Gemini the past two years learning how to speak our truth, make decisions based in authenticity and create the future of our dreams, or if not, then today’s astrology may prove to be more challenging than great.
Under the Sagittarius Sun and New Moon we are feeling a massive tide of energy sweeping in encouraging us to leave the past behind, to believe in ourselves and to understand that logic will only get us so far.
It's an excellent day to reflect back on just how far you’ve come as well as plan or even dream about what is next, especially if it involves foreign travel.
While there are no planetary transits today other than the eclipse thankfully, we are seeing the Saturn Uranus square figure heavily into our moon today as well as an aspect to Uranus itself.
This is wild unpredictable energy.
Just because you’re staying in your lane doesn’t mean that everyone else will, so it is a great day to find your calm and just observe what happens with others.
Remember sometimes the biggest changes occur when we just let things simply unfold.
Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 4, 2021:
(November 22 - December 21)
Today is a day for you Sag and I hope you’re ready for it! This means that you have been asking yourself hard questions recently about if you’ve really done your work and whether or not you’re truly doing things differently or if you have only been pretending too.
You are wrapping up a massive cycle of your life going back to two years ago when you likely thought then that you had it all figured out. Now though, it seems like you’re an entirely different person and while you’re grateful for the lessons that have brought you here, you’re still hanging onto relics from your past.
The energy today should allow you to let go more gracefully. This means that while you may have been struggling for clarity on what to do next or how to proceed, answers will arrive today with likely a sudden bolt of awareness. Trust this process.
Trust what you feel and even what you feel inclined to do. This isn’t something that you should feel like you need to overthink or even worry about. The work has been done, now is just making sure that your external life is aligned to who you now are internally.
In many ways today should feel like you just crossed the finish line at a race you didn’t even know you were in for some time. The energy should be high and with so many planetary bodies in Sag, others should be more open to talking and able to understand you more deeply. It’s time to claim the life you’ve worked so hard to create Sag.
(December 22 - January 19)
While Venus is casually sashaying through your sign as she prepares for her upcoming retrograde, you have an unexpected important role to play in the final eclipse of the year. While we are celebrating the Sag Eclipse today, in just about twelve hours we will see the Moon shift into Capricorn.
This means that while technically already starting to wax, it will be so recently off the eclipse energy that we will all be getting a dose of what that looks like in Cappy, especially you. We needed this eclipse in Sag to propel us forward, to fuel our dreams and remember that we really shouldn’t be caring very much about what people think at all, but we also need some grounding.
We need to be able to look at the facts, even if logic isn’t everything, we still need to make sure we’re building our lives on a solid foundation and not quicksand. This is where you come in and why you can expect this to be a great addition to the weekend energy for you. It’s likely that you’ve had some dreams recently where you were unable to feel like you could see how they could happen.
Whether this was in terms of career, a big move or even romance. It’s like you saw it there in the distance but couldn’t quite figure out how to connect the dots. The energy later in the day should help with that as you are able to finally see the path forward and while it still may include a few risks, it no longer should feel impossible.
(January 20 - February 18)
You’ve had a quieter time recently, which is exactly what you needed after going through everything that you did back in September. Even if there have been life changes, they’ve been quieter and more stable, so you’ve been able to progress through them nicely.
The energy surrounding you should feel great right now, but you also are seeing Saturn still moving through your sign which means that you are still wrapping up lessons and chapters from your past.
That is obviously a common theme for many around the time of the eclipse, but Saturn in Aquarius plays an important role in this moon which means that you will likely be more affected yourself.
As part of a three-phase aspect affecting this lunation, you and Saturn fall into the place of bringing it all together, both for the collective and for yourself. You may find that you’re more in demand because of this with people wanting to get together or stop by as you will likely have some beneficial perspectives to share with them to help them in their lessons.
You’ve gone ahead Aquarius as you so often do and now it’s time to lead the way for others. There likely will be something being resolved within your own personal life as well during this time that will allow you to breathe a bit deeper and no longer feel like you need to look over your shoulder for what’s next. It’s all about freedom now!
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.