3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 16, 2021
A good day indeed.

Three zodiac signs who will have a great week on August 16, 2021 will make the rest of us feel jealous at their luck and good fortune.
The last week of a Sun in Leo season is full of promise for all zodiac signs, but due to the position of a few personal planets, the best of times only happens for some.
Monday will be promising for Aries, Libra, and Capricorn zodiac signs.
In fact, the week kicks off so strongly that the energy is supportive for several days.
Isn't it amazing how we always hear that bad things come in threes, but so do good things.
This week, what makes Monday extra special is that the Sun is entering a critical degree in the zodiac sign of Leo as it prepares to exit stage left and enter Virgo season.
Venus, the ruler of Taurus and Libra will also be at a starting degree (also called critical) and this brings lots of light and love to every zodiac sign in astrology.
Mars is now working its way through the zodiac sign of Virgo, and even though it conjuncts with Mercury at the start of this week, it's a positive thing for Aries zodiac signs.
Yep, three zodiac signs get to have their cake and eat it too on Monday, and here's why according to astrology.
Zodiac signs who have a great week on August 16, 2021:
Aries (March 19 - April 19)
As the youngster and the leader of the zodiac, it's helpful that the day kicks off with Venus, the planet that rules money, relationships and beauty in your relationships sector.
Venus speaks to the Midheaven and this brings a lot of energy to your work day.
You are going to be kicking butt and taking names on Monday, and just because you're working hard doesn't mean there won't be time for play.
The Moon will be in harmony with the Midheaven, too. The Moon will be in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, your sector of adventure, and you will want plenty.
The night will feel young, and you'll want to blow off steam with friends or having the windows rolled down while blasting your favorite 80s tunes on the way home just to unwind.
Dreams are not off the table, either, and this is what makes August 16 particularly special for you.
Neptune conjuncts the Midheaven, and in a flash something bad can go away and something good can come to you.
There's a lot to look forward to on August 16, so be prepared.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Of course, Venus is in your zodiac sign right now, and this is wonderful for you.
You get the feeling that something is going to change, and that is true, Libra. The 'thing' that's going to change is you.
You're so ready for things to improve in your life, that on Monday, August 16, you start to take initiative.
And you taking initiative is a big, big deal considering how indecisive you can be at times.
You will make choices and important decisions, and stick to them, and this is part of why Monday is such a good day for you.
You might not have thought you'd have the courage to do whatever you set your mind on, but with Mars and Mercury conjunct in your sector of enemies, you're prepared to tackle whatever life has put in your way.
This strength that comes from within is what makes the day special for you.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Pluto has been making waves in your sign for so long, you've been numb more than you'd care to admit.
But on Monday, when Pluto speaks to a bunch of personal and outer planets a shift takes place within your soul and it prompts change that comes from within.
Being connected to your emotions is a powerful thing, Capricorn, and this is one of the many, many reasons why Monday is set to be an amazing day for you.
Neptune, the planet of dreams is going to speak to Pluto in your sign and this can prompt important conversations, perhaps with someone you admire and never imagined being able to chat with for an extended period of time.
But Venus in harmony with Pluto is what makes the day most promising.
Your friends are going to be there for you to help you and show you love and support.
When you have good people in your life, it's a no brainer. The day is not just good, it's awesome.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.