Weekly Love Horoscope For June 14th To 20th, 2021

Keep going.

Weekly Love Horoscope For June 14th To 20th, 2021 AstroStar/Shutterstock.com

The theme of this week's love horoscope in astrology is to simply keep going.

No matter how many challenges arise, no matter how much that old mindset is triggered or what others might say.

The message is clear; don’t give up because you’re almost there.

What does your weekly love horoscope have in store for your zodiac sign?

With a week that has few astrological events, it’s going to feel even more intense and powerful than most thanks to the Saturn Uranus square.


This square, while recognized on June 14th has been exact since the 2nd and will continue to disrupt our lives in the best way possible until the 25th.

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This transit is the second in three squares which means it’s the climax of our story. Any good rom-com always has a climax point, the moment in the film where you wonder if they’ll end up together if they’ll make it that leaves you on the edge of your seats.

This is that week for us. Expect some climaxing moments in your life, but even as you experience them remember it’s not the full story just yet.


These moments could show up as announcements or confessions from others, events, sudden exciting changes, or even huge epiphanies in your own life.

There will be a turning point this June in which the current status quo no longer remains, and lives are forever changed.

But, true long-lasting change takes time which means as much as things may shift in your favor this week-you won’t see the outcome or the finale to that beloved rom-com until December 24th when the final Saturn Uranus square takes place.

In part, it’s because these planets are slowly moving which means that what they shake up and change in our lives tends to take a minute to be fully realized.


But it’s also about putting time into what we really want to try to grow.

This is where we get a shining star at the end of the week with the Grand Trine with Jupiter Sun and Moon as the largest planet in the cosmos (Jupiter) turns Retrograde into Pisces.

A beautiful moment of abundance, success, and feeling as if maybe life isn’t so bad, or at least being able to see the reason for the moments that it feels like that.

And then we slip into Cancer Season so that we can focus on what else needs to change or be rearranged on the home front.

This is a week off in-between where we are no longer where we were, but we’re still traveling towards where we want to be.


But more so it serves as a reminder that no matter the challenges or darker moments we face along the way to keep going because we’re almost there.

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Key Transits for weekly love horoscope during the week of June 14th

June 14th

Sun in Gemini square Uranus in Taurus

Under this one-day transit, things can go awry. Expect events and plans to not go as you had thought or hoped. Flexibility is key.

This also introduces a wild card energy in which anything can happen, but trust that whatever does is part of a greater plan.

If any relationships have been on the rocks lately, this transit may help to push them over the edge once and for all. Remember sometimes the loss is the gain.


Saturn (Retrograde) in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

This is the long-awaited exact date of the second in a series of three squares this year which is setting the theme in all our lives.

Expect more of the old versus the new, lessons versus blessings, and even wounding versus healing.

These squares occur to shake us loose from situations we’ve become stuck within.

While today is the exact day for this transit, it’s important to keep in mind that not only is this the main energy this week.

It will also remain exact until June 25th which is just past our Full Moon in Capricorn.

Reflection will be normal under this transit-but so is action, especially in that brand new direction.


June 17th

First Quarter Moon in Virgo

A time to take decisive action towards your intentions from the new moon a week ago and to start making steps around any obstacles or challenges in the way.

This is a time to strategize if necessary and to not let anything stop you from creating the life and love that you desire.

June 20th

Jupiter turns Retrograde in Pisces

This couple-month period of Jupiter in Pisces is only a teaser for the main event which begins at the end of December, yet this retrograde period is an important one.

It will ask us to consider the themes of happiness, future plans, growth, spirituality, and what fulfills us in our relationship.


But the purpose of this retrograde which lasts until October 18th is to help us be able to not just reflect but to plan for the future and learn whatever lessons are necessary so that once Jupiter fully moves into Pisces it will be nothing but full steam (and abundance) ahead.

This is an incredibly fortunate aspect that is well needed after our likely trying week with Saturn and Uranus.

Together with the Sun and Moon, it creates a grand trine aspect that denotes success, in all areas but specifically those relationships or connections that are tied to our soul's purpose.

Sun Enters Cancer (The Start of Cancer Season)

For all the homebodies out there, life is about to get good.


This is the time of year where we settle down a little after Gemini Season back into the places that we call home and with those that may or may not feel like family so that we can reflect and make changes as necessary.

If Gemini Season is about getting out, turning it up, speaking our minds, and making ourselves seen, Cancer Season is about tending to matter on the home front while leaving plenty of time for love.

Weekly love horoscope for June 7th to June 13th, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your temper and level of frustration may be high this week, not that you aren’t justified to feel what it is you’re moving through but you know it’s not really going to solve anything.

Things have been moving slower than you would like in the relationship department, instead of feeling just done with it all, try to lean into why you’re feeling like and plan.


This is a great time to do something about how you feel whether it is that break-up or moving closer to the one you love because it would serve you to remember that you’re in charge of your destiny.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This is a week to take a risk. Throw out the rule book and do the opposite of whatever you normally would.

You’ll be feeling fully supported by the universe and completely ready to mix it up.

Just be careful of that ex you know isn’t good for you or that cute guy that works down the hall, especially if you’re in a relationship.

Boredom in our lives doesn’t always mean boredom with our partner, sometimes it’s easy to forget that though.


Try to plan healthy things to shake life up this week and don’t forget, if attached, you may not have to leave the house to spice things up a bit.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

As we near the end of your season you’ll be feeling more reflective than normal.

This may even feel like your bubble has burst a bit now that you’ve had your fun and you may be realizing you want (and need) more.

Even if you experience a bit of a downer this week, there’s still an important lesson in it for you about authenticity and how you show up for yourself.

We can’t very well blame others for not fulfilling our needs when we’re still being superficial about what it is we truly need.


If you’re struggling because of the lack of a real man (or woman) it’s better to check your vibration than blame it on everyone else.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You’ll be feeling at home quite literally soon and it couldn’t come at a better time.

Life has been stressful lately and you are likely in need of a reminder about why you’ve made some of the choices that you have.

This means that you’re also going to have to be honest about how you’ve been feeling.

Some harder conversations will be at play this week as well as a restructuring of your life.

Even if our love is everything we’ve ever wanted we still must take the time to enjoy it.


This is where you’ll be spending your next week, and it wouldn’t hurt to get comfortable because similar themes will be present all month.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The changes this week will hit close to home and to your idea of self.

With the energy that we’re experiencing this week, there’s almost that vibe of evolving or being left behind and that is where your mind will be this week.

On the personal front, it’s likely that you may no longer be who you previously were, which in turn is affecting your relationships.

This happens. But you do have to reflect on whether your partner's personal growth is in alignment with yours.

The best relationships happen when we’re naturally in alignment with one another and can complement our journey, but if not, then it ends up feeling like one or both people are constantly being dragged along.


Love doesn’t require hanging on. But it also doesn’t require having to go along for a ride, we never signed up for, remember this in the coming week.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You’ve come out of your shell so far there is no going back.

For you, there was likely a split between whether you were going to make it at all, especially during the times that you doubted yourself.

But now there is none. Even if you had to take a pause in your own darkness, it doesn’t mean you can’t finish the journey.

Your love life is so closely tied to how you feel about yourself and what you think is possible, the coming week may surprise you.

The thing is that there isn’t a lot of middle magic here, either it’s going to be a week to celebrate how far you can soar or realizing you’ve still got a few more chains to undo before you can get there.


Talk to your partner about your process if that’s where you’re at because sometimes we only feel alone because we create that situation ourselves.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

As much as you may not enjoy the unexpected, it's sometimes what you truly need. As the year has gone on you’ve seen that may be as hard as it is to admit, you may not always know best.

This goes for yourself and even for those around you. It’s often better to have a plan to not make any plans.

At least for now. Whether you’re attached or single, there is a huge benefit to just letting something be especially if there have been recent issues in how someone is showing up for you.


The changes you see this week may not be what you seek, but they will be what is meant to happen.

The only thing is we can’t often see that if we’re too busy trying to control the situation.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Still waters run deep and that is no exception this week.

There is a lot going on beneath the surface that others aren’t aware of, which is okay as it’s no one else’s business but yours.

The energy this week will be asking you to focus on that area of change that began back during the winter months so that you can gauge how far you’ve come and of course, how far you still want to go.


While there may seem like there’s an intensity building this week that requires your final decision on a relationship matter - keep in mind that the energy we’re having now will continue for a couple more weeks.

Besides, this time is all about the course of action you want to take-nobody else.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Love can only come easy after it’s been hard. And you know it, you can feel it. The truth that’s in your bones is here to stay.

You’ve been marinating in some new ideas and life changes recently so that you can better gain your footing and be ready for the next step.

This week may be the week for it or it might not.


In the past, this uncertainty would have been something that you would have felt badly about, but that’s the thing; when we fully accept ourselves, we no longer carry guilt for being our authentic selves. Be patient with yourself this week and be gentle.

You have already learned so much and are still soaking in what that all means, just allow yourself to trust you because you will know when it’s time to take those next steps.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You can’t go back. No matter how hard you try, or how many steps you retrace, there are no redos in life and especially in love.

For most of us, we create the situations that we need so that we can move through them and into a healthier situation.


Trust that if something or someone is removed from your life this week that it was for the best.

Life will never go according to plan, but when you allow yourself to see that it’s for the best that it didn’t, then you change the way you see the endings that naturally must occur.

Keep yourself grounded and remember that there’s no point in wishing you could go back when life only ever keeps moving forward.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

As much as you excel in trying to do things for the good of your relationship occasionally, it’s okay to ask, “What about me?”.

This week will have you doing some reflecting and even speaking out on not just what is best for your partnership, but what is best for you because as we grow, we learn that they should be one and the same.


It may lead to some challenging moments in your connection as you face truths and challenges that you didn’t want to see before, but it’s time.

We can’t ignore our own feelings or needs forever and once we learn that speaking on this and having them met is what leads to that relationship that feels like magic.

And remember if you do and you’re not met with acceptance and understanding, then that is your answer too.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Holding space in love and relationships is key to having them last forever.

Every week won’t be amazing, every day won’t be incredible and while those moments are the ones that we seem to favor, it’s all the rest that makeup why we stay.


When we think about our why in relationships, meaning why are we with a particular person and choosing to journey with them, it’s seldom about the bright shiny moments but instead, the ones where our darkness was met with light.

Our fears were embraced with certainty and where we learned that maybe we were never hard to love at all.

While you need this in a relationship to be able to do that for our partner in a space of healing is another matter.

This week, focus on your why hold space, and allow life to reveal the changes that are meant to happen. And remember forever love is a marathon, not a race.

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.