30 Love Poems By Tyler Knott Gregson Will Make You Believe In MAGIC

"Say it. Write it. Share it."

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems

Do you read instapoetry? If so, you may already recognize the name, or perhaps you've scrolled past one of his works on Instagram. But if you don't even know what an Instapoet is, they are more common than you think.

In fact, social media poets are the newest kind of poet — and a poetry who uses instagram to spread their message is an Instapoet. Thanks to one of the newest (and GREATEST) trends, poets and writers like Tyler Knott Gregson have changed the way people view and experience the magic of art. 


With almost 300k followers and growing, it's no surprise Gregson is quickly becoming a household name. Even celebrities like Nina Dobrev and Diane Kruger have re-posted some of their favorite pieces of his.

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The passion that comes through his writing tells not only of romantic love but is also drenched in his child-like fascination with the world that surrounds him (and all of us). There's so much beauty to see in the world, and he brings that to light through the magic of written — and typed — words. 

Photo Credit: Sarah Linden

"I tend to wander through the world like a very excited, very amazed, toddler.  Or as someone who used to be blind and maybe then was gifted his sight back," explains Tyler.

"I think I always seem to notice the beautiful little things that maybe some people don't notice. I think this is exactly why I don't seem to (yet) run out of words.  Who knows."

Growing up traveling around the world, Tyler started writing at 12 years old — using it as a sanctuary to help him clear his head and focus his thoughts.


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"I didn't expect anyone, anywhere, to pay attention or to read [my writing]," said Tyler. "I don't think of writing as a career for me, I just still write for myself, and for the escape of it all."

He did give one piece of advice to his followers, though.


"The most dangerous thing on earth is the feeling that we have to settle.  Nothing is more dangerous than "Good enough."  All of us, all of You, deserve magic, and it's so very worth holding on and waiting for it. I believe with all my heart that the magic is worth waiting for, and I know it's coming for you, all of you."

So with that, read through some of his STUNNING works of poetry about life and love, and take it to heart. You can view more of his work on his Tyler Knott Instagram page.

If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.

1.Take the last of everything I have!

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I will never be the first of so many things for you. I came too late, after life and love were woven into the tapestry of your existence. I care not about lost firsts, but I will fight, knuckles bloody and teeth sharpened, for your lasts. Take the old firsts and put them to rest, silent below the dirt and ash of all the new ones we will burn through. Take them, but give me the lasts." — Tyler Knott Gregson


2.Here's mine too!

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"You have never had to steal my breath or take it away, somehow you have always managed to convince me to hand it over freely." — Tyler Knott Gregson


3.Can I belong to you?

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"How unique to this human experience that we all just wish to be the most important thing on Earth to someone else." — Tyler Knott Gregson


4.There's so much beauty all around.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I had no idea it would be this much. I had no idea I could handle it. I had no idea how beautiful it all actually is." — Tyler Knott Gregson

5.Loving someone is accepting all of them, right?

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I cannot promise I will never become restless, that I won't ache in ways you don't know how to help. There are clouds in me and they roll in from time to time, I hope you learn to love the dark mornings, instead of always fumbling around for your umbrella." — Tyler Knott Gregson


6.Just keep swimming.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems & Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget, how much you have always loved to swim." — Tyler Knott Gregson

7.Some people don't know how special they are.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"The sunlight lit her hair and I stood silent, wondering exactly how many angels were walking around with absolutely no idea of the wings that are hiding beneath their own skin." — Tyler Knott Gregson


8.Crying over how sweet this is.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I just think you should know that out of all, in all the world, you have my most favorite face." — Tyler Knott Gregson

9.Above all, do this.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"Love bravely, Love without borders or fear. Follow your heart no matter the cost. No matter the cost." — Tyler Knott Gregson


10.This will make any gal weak in the knees.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"The parentheses of your smile might be my very most favorite thing on this earth and in this life. The thing I will miss the most when we are finished with these bodies." — Tyler Knott Gregson

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11.I am sleeping to dream about you.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"What if we stay up too late and wake too early, what if we spin through a day in a haze of exhaustion form love made during sleeping hours, from kisses exchanged in the stillness and moon shine? Look at me with half open eyes and sing to me in a sleepy slur. You are worth every moment of this fatigue." — Tyler Knott Gregson


12.Here I am!

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"All this time, I believed with all I am that I would find you." — Tyler Knott Gregson


13.This story has a happy ending.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"You are the poem I never knew how to write and this life is the story I have always wanted to tell." — Tyler Knott Gregson


14.I've fallen head over heels.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I would love to say that you make me weak in the knees, but to be quite upfront and completely truthful, you make my body forget it has knees at all." — Tyler Knott Gregson

15.Never fear love.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"What are you afraid will happen? What terrifies you so that your blood becomes glue and you refuse to move? Let life happen, let it tear you to ribbons and then, when it does and it will, watch the way they dance in all the wind." — Tyler Knott Gregson


16.Love makes you want to be better.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I didn't know how else to say it, so I said she made me More. More alive, more aware, passionate, and calm. Perhaps the best we can do for those we love is to make them more, always so much more than they ever thought possible."  — Tyler Knott Gregson

17.As long as we're together.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"Find my hand in the darkness and if we cannot find the light, we will always make our own." — Tyler Knott Gregson


18.You complete me!

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I do not know if I will ever be complete, but I know whatever I am You will always be the rest of me." — Tyler Knott Gregson

19.You're always on my mind.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"How often I wonder if you are thinking of me at the exact moment I am thinking of you." — Tyler Knott Gregson

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20.Love with your whole being.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"Forgive me if I make you everything for I know not how to love in halves." — Tyler Knott Gregson

21.I give you my everything.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"Do you think it possible that some people are born to give more love than they will ever get back in return?" — Tyler Knott Gregson


22.When you're so in love you're willing to risk everything.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"She's a lightning strike, and I'm the grinning idiot, arms raised and laughing, in the middle of field." — Tyler Knott Gregson

23.Can't stop thinking about you.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I wish I could somehow help you understand that every thought I think is about you. I am saturated in your silhouette." — Tyler Knott Gregson


24.I completely get it.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"You, you, you, you you you, you, you, You; you, you you, You, you, you you you you YOU. Do you understand yet?"  — Tyler Knott Gregson

25.When you give your all to the person you love most.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I found myself the moment I found you and I am petrified that if you stop seeing something beautiful in me then I'll stop seeing it too." — Tyler Knott Gregson

26.Seeing something in you that you can't.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"Even if you never see it, All I find is magic in you."  — Tyler Knott Gregson

27.My passionate burns only for you.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"What a shame to convince these flames they are only sparks; what a misfortune to say this fire is a flame. You,
have always been gasoline, stop pretending I haven't always been the match."  — Tyler Knott Gregson

28.You make me a better person.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"All I am trying to say is that you are the best of me."  — Tyler Knott Gregson

29.Remember where we started.

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"I remember it, precisely and perfectly the birth of this love."   — Tyler Knott Gregson

30.In memory...

Tyler Knott Gregson Instagram Love Poems Quotes Instagram: tylerknott

"In memory, you are shoulder blades and thin straps cascading off them; you are breath and the fragility of a second. You are the skin and the water atop it, the steam rising and stirring in the morning light. In memory, you are here, still, and I am holding you." — Tyler Knott Gregson