4 Zodiac Signs Experience Amplified Effects Of The Full Moon In Aquarius On August 19
An intense Full Moon in Aquarius will be present on August 19th, 2024, shaking things up for the collective.

An intense Full Moon in Aquarius will be present on August 19th, 2024, shaking things up for the collective. Fixed signs will feel amplified effects from this Full Moon since it will push their evolution, awakening their drive to excel.
This is a check-in period where we will focus on incorporating more structure, especially during this intense month. The Moon in Aquarius asks us to see how we can adapt to unexpected changes and surprises. It will be a period where more patience will be required, but that has already been the predominant theme during this Mercury retrograde period.
We are forced to slow down as we get closer to Mercury stationing directly, but because Saturn and Uranus rule this Moon, we will have plenty of tools to keep going and accomplish a lot.
4 Zodiac signs experience amplified effects of the full moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024
1. Aquarius
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Another potent Full Moon and this time it is in your sign. Adaptability is the theme of this transit and with the energy in the sky, it can feel chaotic, but manageable. It is your moment to be intentional with your plans. Reflecting on your successes in the last six months will be a good way for you to continue on your journey. You are asked to evaluate the relationship you have with yourself and the goals you have set this year. Do you believe in what you can accomplish? Are you hiding your talents?
Another element of this Full Moon will be your dynamic with others as it continues to highlight the relationships and collaborations you have had throughout the last several weeks. The Moon here may help you open up to your friends or romantic partner if you feel you need to protect what you are feeling. The Full Moon wants your romantic life to elevate, so be prepared to have those discussions with your partner you may have put off so you can strengthen your bond.
2. Taurus
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This is one of those transits that can allow you to launch your learning experiences because you may be inspired to improve while focusing on career expansion. This has been such a transformative time and the Full Moon continues to add a lot of your focus on your schooling and curiosity.
The messages from Saturn's previous stay in Aquarius may echo once more, helping you go back and piece together what you have mastered in the past. These lessons can help pave the way for more opportunities to let those skills you have shine in the future.
Assuming leadership roles and helping others could also be a theme of this transit. However, Uranus in your sign may bring some surprises, especially with the relationships you have cultivated, including friendships. But Saturn in Pisces gives you a lot of momentum. You are patiently moving at a pace that helps you feel in control. You know how to get ahead and triumph even when challenges are presented your way. Diplomacy can help you make more friends and focusing on your goals can be another way for you to stay focused.
3. Leo
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Forgiveness can be associated with the transit since you may be a lot more open to reconciling with others. With the Full Moon settling into your relationship house, this can be a moment where you will see your relationship in a new light. It can feel cathartic to resolve and review some situations from the past revolving around old friendships or romantic relationships.
You are closing a massive chapter that began six months ago and you may see how you have matured during this period. But the Moon may bring back some themes from Saturn’s stay in Aquarius. You will be more conscious of your evolution, which can be fruitful because it allows you to reconnect with your independence.
You are well aware that relationships do not define you and you are understanding your ego and allowing your self-assurance to shine through. There is no one stopping you during this period and you know how to get ahead. There is a need to trust your potential, power, and ambition.
4. Scorpio
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Tending to the needs at home will be linked to this transit as you connect and bond with the people who mean the most to you. The Moon in Aquarius can be quite the emotional experience given that there will be a square to your sign. There are new hats to wear and new roles to take on during this time. It is a moment for you to connect with your emotions and not hide them away.
Through your emotional vulnerability, you can also develop closer bonds with others, which can add some unexpected things you may learn about. However, the transit proves to be a period of understanding more about who you are and your capabilities. While Leo season has allowed you to wear your crown, this Full Moon helps you to be more empowered with matters relating to home. Just like you have taken on roles that displayed your leadership and work ethic, now you will see a new side to yourself that plays the role of the protector and guardian for the people that you love.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.