I Was The First And Only Woman To Climb 7 Second Summits After A Devastating Car Crash

It’s like it never happened. Except it did, and it changed me forever.

Mother of seven on summit Courtesy of Author 

December 18, 2018, started like any other day and ended like no other. I don’t really know how to describe how it felt when a semi-truck slammed into my Porsche Cayenne, prompting it (and me) to roll three times before smashing into a median. The doctors told me I was lucky — in 99 out of 100 similar crashes I would have died. I should have died. 

Instead, I emerged from what could have been a life-ending accident with a fresh outlook on life — and with almost no signs of injury. Instead, I’ve since become the first and only woman to climb the Seven Second Summits.


Instead, I lived. And so can you.

Life has an uncanny way of challenging us, pushing us to our limits, and ultimately revealing the strength that resides within us. Surviving that wreck made me who I am today, empowering me to strive for more. To push harder. To climb higher. 


It wasn’t something I had aspired to in the past, but in the aftermath of the car accident, I found solace and inspiration in an unlikely place: the mountains. 

It all started when I was helping one of my sons with his math homework — something all parents know to be almost as frustrating for you, the parent, as it is for your child. I reminded my son (and myself) that we are here to do hard things and these equations don’t stand a chance against us. To which he quipped, “If we can do hard things, why don’t you go climb Everest?”

RELATED: How Being In A Car Accident Changed My Outlook On Life

I didn’t know it yet, but that is how my quest to become the first woman to climb the Seven Second Summits — the second-highest mountains of each continent — was born. Five years have passed since that fateful day and it feels like I blinked.


Jenn Drummond Sets World Record As First And Only Woman to Climb Seven Second Summits

From the jagged terrains of Africa's Mount Kenya to the icy slopes of Asia's K2, each summit posed its unique set of challenges. The physical demands were immense, but the mental fortitude required has altered my brain chemistry entirely. 

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Here are seven lessons I’ve learned about resilience that will change the way you view the mountains in your life: 

1. Cast your vision wider and deeper

When embarking on any journey, whether you’re climbing mountains or pursuing personal goals, it's crucial to expand your vision beyond the immediate destination.


Look beyond the summit to the panoramic view and seek to understand the deeper meaning of your quest. Consider the impact on yourself, others, and the world around you. A broadened vision fuels unwavering determination and keeps you motivated even when the path gets tough.

2. Fully commit or don't climb the mountain

Climbing mountains demands wholehearted commitment. In any endeavor, half-hearted efforts yield mediocre results.

Just as ascending a peak requires focus, determination, and readiness to weather adversity, committing fully to your goals is the only way to achieve greatness. If you're not willing to give it your all, reconsider the climb and invest your energy where your passion truly lies.

3. Embrace the power of imperfect starts

Perfection is an illusion and waiting for the "perfect" moment will hold you back. Embrace the power of starting imperfectly, recognizing that progress stems from taking that first step, no matter how uncertain it might be.


Just as the journey up a mountain is a series of strides and stumbles, the path toward your aspirations will be paved with imperfections. These initial efforts lay the foundation for growth and eventual success. 

RELATED: You Were Born To Live A Life You Love, Not To Be Perfect

4. Set yourself up for support

In the mountains and in life, support is essential. Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you, just as a climbing team provides assistance and motivation. Seek mentors, allies, and friends who understand your vision and are there to help you overcome challenges. Accepting help doesn't diminish your achievement; it enhances it.

5. Navigate the messy middle

The climb's middle section can be the most challenging, where doubts creep in and exhaustion sets in. Similarly, any journey towards your goals has its moments of uncertainty and struggle. It's essential to push through this "messy middle," using your initial inspiration and long-term vision to keep going. This phase tests your resolve but also builds your resilience and character.




6. Recognize when it isn't your mountain

Not every mountain is meant to be climbed, and similarly, not every goal aligns with your true aspirations. It takes wisdom to recognize when a path isn't leading to your desired destination. Knowing when to step back and redirect your efforts is a sign of strength, not failure. Choose to invest your energy in endeavors that genuinely resonate with your passion and purpose.

7. Understand that the goal is not the goal

While reaching the summit is a significant achievement, the true value of any journey lies in the growth, learning, and transformation it brings. Similarly, in life's pursuits, the goal you're striving for is just part of the overall experience. The process of overcoming obstacles, discovering your strengths, and evolving as an individual is where the real magic happens.


This much I know for sure: life will test you, and it will do so in the ways you least expect.

Prepare yourself by surpassing your boundaries and uncovering the reservoirs of strength that lie within. Aim for greater heights, ascend to loftier peaks, and yes, pause to appreciate the incredibly unpredictable journey along the way. 

RELATED: 10 Keys To Facing Down Life's Unexpected Challenges

Jenn Drummond is a world record holder who elevates others to master their own summit in life. She’s a successful business owner, a mom of 7, an international speaker, an author, and Host of the Seek Your Next Summit podcast. Her book, Breakproof, is available for preorder.
