3 Zodiac Signs Find Respect & Self Love On March 31, 2023, During The Sun Trine Moon

A boost of confidence is what we need.

zodiac signs self-respect love march 31, 2023 steveowst, LoggaWiggler both from pixabay, Valter Zhara from Pexels via Canva/ekaG from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

We need respect and self-love, and three zodiac signs find it during the Sun trine Moon on March 31, 2023. We hear many great pieces of advice throughout a lifetime, and the more we hear them, the more they become part of pop culture's ever-present 'noise.' Words of wisdom rapidly become sound bytes and memes; before we know it, we feel we've heard it all. Great advice becomes that thing that we easily push aside because we've heard it all again and again. We start to feel that nothing is worth listening to after a while, but the irony is that great wisdom is still great, even if it's made into a meme.


One of the greatest bits of advice a person can get revolves around the idea of self-love. How often have we heard that 'we can't love another person unless we love ourselves?' Often, I'm sure. But this suggestion goes on to the shelf where we keep our self-help books and momentary fads. Still, we can't help but return again and again to the self-love concept, as it stands true amidst all the trendy slogans of the day.



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On March 31, 2023, things like self-love and self-respect are not only necessities; they are possibilities. We don't have to pay for guidance on this one. We don't have to attend workshops or retreats with great authors and speakers to understand that happiness is centered on self-love and self-respect. During Sun trine Moon on March 31, 2023, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces will experience a major revelation within themselves, and many of us experience true love — the love of self.

Three zodiac signs find respect and self-love on March 31, 2023:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

What brings you your revelation today is the idea that you now notice how much more likable a person can be when they seem to respect themselves. During Sun trine Moon, on March 31, 2023, you, too, will feel that when a person continuously puts themselves down, they also tend to be the people who put others down, as well. This vicious circle of self-hate and hate for others seems senseless to you and completely avoidable. Sun trine Moon is a very powerful and positive transit, affecting you, in particular, Gemini. You might feel a rush of self-love today, and you might even try to dumb it down, thinking it a momentary ego boost, but this has nothing to do with ego. On March 31, you will see yourself in a different light, and it may be for the first time in your life. It seems that you're not half bad after all, Gemini. Go with that. Let it sink in. Love yourself.

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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

Perhaps one of the hardest feats you'll ever attempt in this life, Virgo, is the one where you figure out that the key to all happiness is the one where you end up loving yourself. You have pushed this aside for the majority of your life, and on March 31, 2023, you will finally come to understand that this is not mere hype; it's reality. Loving yourself is the answer to all of your problems, and while it has never been easy for you even to accept yourself, you are starting to flow with the universe a little more each day, and during a positive energy transits such as Sun trine Moon, you might see that this is the real deal in self-acceptance. You are who you are, and you can never be anyone other than yourself. You've come so far; it's time to own up to the idea that you are, indeed, your own best friend.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


You have flirted with the idea of self-love and thought it something semi-ridiculous in the past. You feel as though you really aren't the person to concentrate all that hard on becoming a better person until it hits you that this isn't what it's about. On March 31, you will realize that self-love and self-respect aren't about being number one, being popular, or acting in any particularly 'confident' way. For you, the reality of self-love becomes apparent and obvious; it's all about how you have finally learned that, in the long run, it's you who is processing your life. You are the one who perceives everything around you, and you've been going at it all wrong; you have spent years blaming yourself for this or that when in fact, you are simply another traveler on the road to find out. Detachment adds to your experience of self-love on this day, March 31, 2023.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
