Friendships Change For 3 Zodiac Signs March 20, 2023, During The Vernal Equinox

Expanding our social circle.

zodiac signs whose friendships change march 20, 2023 filadendron from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

Friendships change for three zodiac signs on March 20, 2023, during the Vernal Equinox. The Vernal equinox means Springtime is here in the northern hemisphere, and as we northerners know, when Spring is here, so comes change, renewal and life. This is a great time of the year because the sunshine seems to wash away the doldrums of the Winter season, and even if we are kidding ourselves, we feel optimistic, as if we're being given another chance.


This is also the prime time to get back in touch with old friends, so that we can start thinking about what we're going to be doing together this year. And even though the pandemic is over, we still haven't really been able to completely get back together with friends, to travel, to go out, party, dance...the works. The change we can expect in our friendships is the one where we go from a state of inactivity, to full on active fun life. We want to see our friends, because... we miss them, and it's time. Spring inspires us to get out there and enjoy life, and for some signs of the Zodiac, we can't get back with our friends fast enough.




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On March 20, 2023, as Aries sun starts the new season for us, we will be driven to reach out to friends and rekindle these relationships. The days of sitting at home are over; we want out! Do not be surprised if half the people you know suddenly and out of nowhere reach out to you with the same dreams and schemes of having fun in the sun. It's time to get off the computer and start living the life you deserve; hold your friends tight, and let them know that you are still alive and well and that life is for the living, so...let's go!

Friendships change for three zodiac signs on March 20, 2023:

1. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)


You feel like you've just woken up from a long, hibernating slumber, and now that the vernal equinox is upon us, you are ready to get out and about. That feeling of being cooped up served its purpose, and you definitely made the best of it, but the party animal inside you wants to play, and you know just the people you want with you on your journey to excitement and fun. You don't want to do this alone; you are feeling generous, magnanimous and happy, and you want to spend this time with great friends, which means it's time to reach out and make some calls. March 20 brings you a sense of urgency; you know life is short, and you've already wasted too much time on negativity. Those days are officially over, and with the vernal equinox at your back, you are ready to take on the world.

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2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

As much as you hate to admit it, you are seriously a social creature, and you definitely need pals to share life with. You love your romantic partner, but there's nothing like a buddy to go out with, and during the vernal equinox, which starts today, March 20, 2023, you'll start that machine right up. It's time to make plans for the weekend, and that weekend will end up being many weekends. You are not the person who wants to sit at home watching TV all night, and you really don't like it when that's all there is to do. Finally, you feel inspired and enthusiastic about getting out with friends, and because you are so well-loved, it won't be hard to gather a small mob of cohorts to have a blast with. Fun times are waiting, and all you have to do now is get there.


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3. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

Enough of this 'spending time alone' phase; you're finally over it. Yes, you've proven to yourself that you can be independent and not the absolute 'people pleaser' that accompanies your sign of want to please people, and that's the reality. And, to please people, AKA making them laugh, sharing a joke, telling someone something flattering that will make their day, you have to be out there. During the vernal equinox, which starts on March 20, 2023, you'll feel like you are ready to break through the glass ceiling; your friends are waiting for you, and you need to bolt. You are going from first-class loner to the life of the party, and if you are honest with yourself, there's no place you'd rather be. Rock on, Libra. Be safe, have fun.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.