11 Tiny Gestures That Speak Loudly When Someone Truly Adores You
When someone acts like this, they think you're pretty much the best thing ever.

Nonverbal clues and gestures often say more about how we feel than our words ever could, as shown by the kind of tiny gestures that speak loudly than words when someone truly adores you.
Not only do our actions have the power to enhance our relationships, but the actions of others can also help us feel valued and understood. In fact, research from Princeton University found that body language "more accurately conveys intense emotions" than our facial expressions or words ever will. From actively listening to your words to being sure to maintain eye contact, if you notice a person doing these things around, there's a solid chance they care about you a whole lot.
Here are the 11 tiny gestures that speak loudly when someone truly adores you
1. They actively listen to you
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The first tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is if they actively listen to you. Nonverbal clues like nodding along and maintaining eye contact are all signs of active listening.
During an intense or emotional conversation, when people are most vulnerable, conveying support through body language can be the difference between feeling connected or disconnected. According to a study in 2015, feeling connected and feeling as if you have a social support group leads to better mental and physical health.
When you follow along and show interest, you’re not just helping people to feel heard, but you’re also helping them to feel supported as well, creating a safe space in the process — something someone who adores you will want to do.
2. They respect your boundaries
Keria Burton from Pexels via Canva
Whether with family members or with friends, everyone has their own set of unique personal boundaries that they encourage others to respect and follow. Respecting those boundaries is a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone adores you.
According to licensed psychologist Jordan Fiorillo Scotti Ph.D., setting boundaries is about much more than just peace of mind. Rather, it allows people to interact safely within their relationships.
That said, respecting people’s personal space isn’t always easy. Everyone has their own feelings about what they find acceptable in a given relationship. But if you make clear what you feel comfortable with and someone respects your personal boundaries, this is a good sign that they truly care about you.
3. They lean in while you are speaking
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When you're not turned towards someone while they're speaking or refuse to make eye contact, it can appear as if you're not interested in them. On the flip side, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is if they're consistently engaged with you and lean in when you are speaking. This is important, as making each other feel heard, valued, and understood, is fundamental to any relationship.
A study published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience noted that feeling understood activates neural regions associated with reward and social connection. Knowing this, everyone should do their best to stay engaged and lean in while others are speaking. Even turning your shoulder towards them and uncrossing your arms is a great way to make people feel at ease when speaking to you.
So, if someone close to you always leans in when you are speaking, count yourself lucky — you most likely have someone who truly adores you.
4. They don’t check their phone while talking with you
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Eye contact during conversations is incredibly important and impactful. According to Jodi Schulz from Michigan State University, eye contact is vital, as it shows attentiveness and interest in what is being said.
When people are distracted with their phones, this goes straight out the window. This is why it’s telling if someone decides to close or shut off their phone in your presence. Through this tiny gesture, they’re unconsciously telling you that they want to hear what you have to say and that they respect you enough to put away distractions.
Now, is this action always easy? No, in the modern world where receiving constant notifications is the norm, it can be difficult to put away your phone and tune in. But, if someone truly adores you, they'll be more than willing to shut off their phone, even if it's only for a few hours.
5. They maintain eye contact
Mladen Mitrinovic | Shutterstock
Whether people want to admit it or not, the eyes are the window to the soul. As a result, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is maintaining eye contact.
According to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, maintaining eye contact isn't only important for connections. Researchers found that those who refused to maintain eye contact were increasingly likely to be perceived as less intelligent and competent.
While maintaining eye contact can be extremely uncomfortable for some people, it shows confidence in conversations. Furthermore, people who actively break eye contact during conversations are increasingly likely to make others feel less heard and understood, which is why loved ones who maintain eye contact are such a treasure.
That said, you don't have to maintain eye contact for hours on end. Maintaining eye contact for half the time you are speaking will ensure that those around feel included and understood.
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6. They remember the small details about you
DimaBerlin | Shutterstock
Considering how important it is for people to feel heard and understood, as a study published in the Journal of Research in Personality found, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is they remember the small details about you.
Remembering someone's favorite food or color might seem like an insignificant thing, however, this is an important way for people to feel valued in a relationship or friendship. People who commit to learning about others don't only show a genuine interest in that person. Rather, remembering the small details about someone shows clear adoration.
So, even if it seems pointless, do your best to make the effort to remember the smaller things about that person you adore and see how much your relationship improves when the energy is reciprocated equally.
7. They mirror your body language
Budgeron Bach via Canva
The art of feeling connected to someone often boils down to how in sync you are with one another. And another tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is mirroring your body language.
Believe it or not, anyone can help people feel valued and heard during conversations by simply mirroring that person's body language.
That said, doing this isn't always simple. Mirroring people's body language is usually an unconscious action people do when they walk side by side with you or while studying with you. Even so, the next time you are feeling connected with a loved one glance to see if they're sitting similarly to you or if they're doing similar hand movements. Though the action might be subtle, it can clearly show them you adore them.
8. They open their body language while facing you
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Closed body language, such as crossing your arms or legs, can have a lot of power over a conversation when it comes to making people feel invalidated or validated. However, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is if they keep their body language open while facing you.
Keeping youur legs open or uncrossing their arms shows a sign of comfortability and trust in a relationship. A 2023 study found that trust is crucial for establishing stable and fulfilling relationships.
There is a lot that goes into how willing someone is to trust those around them. So, if someone is going the extra mile and being open while talking to you, then this is a good indicator that you have plenty of trust in your relationship — leaving room to help it flourish into something deeper.
9. Their body language is relaxed in your presence
Syda Productions via Canva
If you want to know if someone truly adores you, then observe how relaxed they are in your presence. Do they fidget a lot and constantly look away from you? If so, they may not feel relaxed in your presence. But if they are relaxed when they are with you, it's a tiny gesture that speaks loudly to the fact that they adore you.
The next time you're with someone observe how fidgety they are or are not. If you don't see any signs of anxiety and they seem truly at ease in your presence, then congratulations — this person trusts you and adores you.
10. They mirror your emotions
MAYA LAB | Shutterstock
When discussing body language, it can be easy to disregard emotions in favor of overanalyzing how someone's actions appear to you. However, a tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is if they mirror your emotions.
Someone who truly adores you will physically feel your happiness or pain a mile away. Not being able to turn away or disregard you, these individuals will cry when you cry or laugh when you laugh.
On the surface, they might seem like sensitive souls who get overly emotional about everything, including those around them. But according to the Association for Psychological Science, observing someone's pain can also invoke a deep sense of sadness in the other person.
Knowing this, a tiny gesture you can incorporate is to also meet them halfway there. Whenever they're sad, do your best to understand where they're coming from. Even if you can't always mirror their emotions completely, finding commonality is a great way to connect with one another.
11. They smile with their eyes around you
Whitney Louis Photography via Canva
The last tiny gesture that speaks loudly when someone truly adores you is if they smile with their eyes. Smiling with your lips can be deceiving, to say the least. From the happiest people in the world all the way to the saddest, smiling can mean many things.
According to Professor Ronald E. Riggio Ph.D., "Although we associate smiling with happiness, people can use a smile to convey a whole range of different messages."
So, to know whether or not someone truly adores you, observe their eyes when they're around you. People whose eyes crinkle and shine particularly bright in your presence most likely secretly adore you.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.