Psychology Says If You Can Master These 3 Skills, You'll Get A Ton Of Attention From Men
You shouldn't have to fight for the attention of someone you love.

Do you ever feel like no relationship will ever work? At least not the way you'd like it to be — easy, simple, loving, adventurous, fun?
I've had this happen to me more than I care to admit. I felt helpless. Powerless. I tried to do more and be more. It was painful and the pattern kept repeating itself.
If you can master these skills, you'll get a ton of attention from men:
1. Focus on yourself first
First of all, if you're not in a committed relationship with this person, start dating other people. If you are already committed, then focus on other areas of your life (aside from them).
Focus on your self-growth. Pick up a new hobby. Start hanging out with your friends more. Research from 2015 states that focusing on yourself can make you happier overall.
A person has to feel the coldness of your absence before they can appreciate the warmth of your presence. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. However, you like to phrase it, when you start focusing on yourself and the things that make you happy, oftentimes the person you love begins to notice and gravitate towards you.
2. Don't cater to his every whim
luizclas / Pexels
Go slow if they start showing more interest in you. Don't cater to their every whim.
Think about that "pushover" nice guy — the one who is so sweet and says yes to everything. It's easy to lose respect for someone who doesn't stand up for themselves and their wants.
Learning how to stand up for yourself is not only good for your relationships but has its own benefits for you too. One study from Stanford University shows that women who can monitor themselves and adjust how assertive they are in different situations can be more successful in achieving promotions.
So instead, fill your schedule with things you have always wanted to do for yourself. Don't rearrange your schedule or cancel things to be with them.
If they want to see you, they'll have to wait a week (or whenever it works for what you already have planned). You're worth the wait.
3. Stop giving him all your time and attention
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
If you notice that they have their own life going and don't make time to include you in it, you should do the same. Why waste time on someone who won't give you theirs? Cut your losses if they don't show interest.
Don't you dare call, text, or email them Duct tape your hands behind your back if you must (kidding!) Every time you give in and get no response, a little piece of your self-esteem chips away. You appear more desperate and feel out of control.
There's no worse attraction-killer than the stench of a needy, desperate person. Being needy in a relationship, research from 2017 says, can lead to jealousy issues and lower relationship satisfaction.
Don't take personal offense if they don't come around — at the end of the day, they just aren't the one for you. At least not for right now.
Maybe they'll come back in the future, maybe they won't. Keep dating other people. This probably wasn't your first love. It may not be your last.
Rhonda Cort is the founder of The High-Value Woman and CEO of Magnetic Woman International, a company specializing in helping female entrepreneurs enjoy a full love life.