9 Secret Mantras Sexy Women Use To Make Men Want Them

What if how to be sexy came from the stuff you tell yourself rather than what society tells you?

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All their lives, women have the concept of beauty shoved down their throats, stopping just short of teaching you sexiness as part of an academic curriculum. Understandably, all of this is a bitter pill to swallow.

Society tells everyone with a uterus that sexy is external, a tangible item measured by cup size and good looks. But society, it turns out, is full of lies.

From a financial standpoint, it is beneficial to perpetuate these lies. Society teaches you to chase beauty, spend money, forever buying products that make you thinner, prettier, leading you to believe you will land or keep a man, convincing you that being forty is synonymous with being elderly and you must do something drastic about it.


In other words, beauty is big business. It’s a lucrative business. But it’s also a business with a shaky foundation.

Of course, breaking away from the business of beauty is easier said than done. Magazines, television, billboards are all plagued with one subliminal message: “If you’re not super pretty, then you super suck.” But the day you realize that this "beauty myth" is a lie is the day your true beauty and true sexy energy starts to shine. 

The fables of Aesop, After School Specials, the ending of almost every movie ever made points to this same idea: it’s the inside that counts. But hearing the message isn’t enough. If it was, every woman would have inner confidence regardless of her exterior appearance.


However, repeating certain mantras over and over again until your belief in them becomes second nature can help you see beauty in a different light and, as a result, see yourself in a brighter one.  

Here are 9 mantras that unlock how to be sexy, the type of sexy that truly counts: 

1. “I am a catch and I will settle for nothing less than a partner who reflects my brilliance.”

2. “I deserve to experience love and profound pleasure.”

3. “I courageously open my heart and stand for my desire.”



4. “I am beautiful inside and out and all of my actions align with this deep belief in myself.”

5. “Every day I naturally fall more and more in love with myself.”

6. “I give love because I am an open vessel for endless and abundant love to flow through me.”


7. “My sexiness comes from the inside out and only grows deeper and more magnetic with age.”


8. “I’m a sexy woman because I choose to be sexy.”

9. “No one can tell me what I am except for me.”


Give these mantras your attention for 30 days. Every morning when you wake up, repeat them out loud to yourself and begin to notice the shifts that occur. When it comes down to it, sexiness is truly a state of mind. Whether you think you’re beautiful or think you’re not, either way, you’re right.


Most men can sense true sexiness; they instinctively know that women who truly see themselves as beautiful because of who they are will get sexier and sexier with age. That kind of sexiness never wanes and will keep a man coming back for more and more.

This is because attracting a man is an art, a blank canvas where a woman can paint any picture of herself that she wants. Painting the ideal portrait takes practice, a willingness to accept flaws, and the courage to take risks. It also requires the recognition that you can show a man how to deeply love you by deeply loving yourself first.



Ready to do more? Discover the 7 roles women unknowingly play that sabotage your sexiness and relationships with men by clicking here.