Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs Starting January 20 - 26, 2025
Let love transform your life.

Relationships improve for five zodiac signs the week of January 20 - 26, 2025. Our horoscopes feel the rising of the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, January 21, which offers you a time for healing and forgiveness. This lunar phase of the Moon invites you to let go or release what prevents growth.
Scorpio is concerned with secrets, old wounds, and disagreements blocking you from experiencing true love. With so many opportunities for change ahead, it is crucial to take this time to let go of anything from the past that is still affecting the current state of your romantic life.
On Wednesday, January 22, Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius will peak, beginning a profound phase of transformation and inviting you into a new era of your life. Pluto is the planet of transformation and alchemy. But it must expose what is holding you back or preventing you from attracting all you desire.
Although Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius in 2024 was the first we experienced in our lifetime, Pluto moved back into Capricorn late last year as part of its retrograde. Now that Pluto is firmly in Aquarius until 2044, it’s time to embrace transformation within your life and the meaning this transit represents.
The cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, will align on Saturday, January 25, drawing focus to your relationship. You will be asked to focus on themes of emotional fulfillment and what unconditional love truly means. When the cosmic lovers meet, Venus will be in Pisces, and retrograde Mars will be in Cancer, amplifying your emotions and intensifying your intuition.
Although the transformation of Pluto is a slower process, you may be called to make changes swiftly with the union of Venus and Mars. It’s time to embrace change and no longer fear the unknown. Surrender to the transformation process to truly manifest all your romantic intentions in the week ahead.
Relationships improve for five zodiac signs from January 20 - 26, 2025:
1. Taurus
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Forgiveness may just save your relationship and help it to improve, Taurus. You’ve been questioning your relationship as you haven’t recently felt as connected to your partner. However, there may be hope if you forgive and let go of the past. While there is no excuse for any unhealthy behavior of your partner, part of this process is that you are now not the person you were when you began this relationship.
Because of that, this relationship can improve but must also grow with you to survive, so perhaps you’ve been experiencing growing pains. Whether forgiving yourself or your partner or simply letting the past go, you must allow yourself to see your partner with fresh eyes to save this relationship.
The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, January 21, provides you the opportunity and emotional space to improve your relationship by letting go of the past. Scorpio rules the depths of the soul, so while there may be painful moments, it can help clear the way for reconnecting your relationship. Be willing to see what you’ve been avoiding.
Refrain from making this all your partner’s fault and instead look to what truths you have withheld from your partner simply because you weren’t aware of it. Be honest about who you’ve become, and discuss your needs. You must also be willing to hold the same space for your partner. This relationship isn’t destined to end, but you need to ensure it can continue growing with you.
2. Leo
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Major changes are coming, sweet Leo. You’ve made significant progress in your romantic life this year as you’ve leaned into your soul's lessons. But you are only beginning a dramatic transformation process in your romantic life, so you must give yourself time to process everything.
You can’t rush this process, nor can you predict where you will be when it ends. All you can do is remain present, hold space for what is unknown, and continually set your ego aside so that you can see the truth.
As much progress as you’ve made in your romantic life to improve it, you will receive a massive upgrade and awakening in your relationship. This will allow you to understand what you genuinely want from love, including what kind of relationship meets your needs. Accept what arises instead of being dismissive, as this energy will help you manifest your romantic destiny throughout this new chapter of your life.
Pluto Cazimi will peak on Wednesday, January 22, illuminating a truth in your romantic life that you may not feel ready for. This energy will peak on January 22, but due to Pluto's slow nature, its energy has been and will continue to be in effect throughout the month.
Pluto transforms whatever it touches, and as it enters Cazimi, it moves into the heart of the Sun. This represents a new beginning in your romantic life and one based on truth.
Expect sudden epiphanies, meeting someone new, or hearing from that ex you haven’t been able to get out of your heart yet. Trust that what arises is doing so to help you, and most of all, don’t let anything prevent you from following your heart.
3. Virgo
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Welcome to a new beginning in your romantic life, dear Virgo. Your romantic life has been improving. You are in the place to enjoy or attract the love and life you’ve always wanted. While you’ve wanted a relationship, you’ve also dreamed of your life with someone you love. This means that a relationship is more than just a milestone or status to you; it is a unique way of living your life.
If you are in an existing connection, then be prepared to welcome a new phase where the insecurities of the past don’t seem to loom as large. If you are single, you may not be for long, as the current energy supports you in meeting and falling in love with someone new.
Venus in Pisces will align harmoniously with retrograde Mars in Cancer on Saturday, January 25. your relationships improve around this time. Venus in Pisces brings romance and positive developments to your relationship. This is helping you find true fulfillment in your connection versus solely looking at love from a practical standpoint.
You may have felt like you’ve gotten swept off your feet or that your life is too good to be true. But it’s important to remember no matter how good everything seems, it doesn’t mean it can’t become better.
As Venus in Pisces aligns with retrograde Mars in Cancer, you can revisit past wishes and aspirations so that you and your partner can make every dream come true. You will soon meet someone if you're single, especially through friends or social gatherings. The person you connect with may have a strong Cancer placement themselves, letting you know that this is not a random occurrence but a true stroke of fate.
4. Aquarius
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You have to work on yourself to see your relationships improve the week of January 20. Allow yourself to leave behind who you used to be, Aquarius. You have changed so much in recent years, but you’re still clinging onto a great deal of wounding. It’s normal that healing, like processing your feelings, takes time.
You must also recognize when it’s deterring you from the romantic fulfillment you seek. Whether you have love in your life or are still dreaming of it, you need to heal to the point of letting go of what has occurred in the past.
Although you are often stereotyped as a detached sign, you feel everything deeply, and because of that, you tend to hang onto pain and heartbreak more than you let anyone realize. Focus your energy on choosing from your healing self instead of your wounded self. Be brave enough to trust that you no longer need to worry about repeating the past. But most of all, never doubt that you are worthy of the love you dream of.
Pluto Cazimi will occur on Wednesday, January 22, in Aquarius, highlighting your sense of self. At the same time, Venus in Pisces encourages you to understand what you are worth, while retrograde Mars in Cancer is helping you to embrace positive changes in your life.
You have avoided certain matters in your relationship because they trigger your past wounds. Whether commitment-based, moving in together, or simply getting out into the dating world, you’ve been too rigid with what you are open to. This has been coming from a place of a trauma response, as you are only trying to keep yourself safe.
However, it’s doing more harm than good. Allow yourself to heal deeply with Pluto Cazimi. Let go of that wounded version of yourself, and don’t let past lovers determine the love you want to receive. Challenge every belief and be willing to shed old layers to step into the truth and beauty of who you are because that version of you is ready for all you’ve ever dreamed of.
5. Scorpio
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Embrace your new desires for romance, beautiful Scorpio. You have seen a radical transformation in your romantic life but still have been afraid of honoring your inner desires. While you’ve been fearful that you wouldn’t be able to have what you most want, you must start believing in it if you want your dreams to come true.
You desire a loving and exciting partnership that is stable and consistent — which you have never experienced in a relationship before. But you must start believing it’s possible instead of just making excuses for not going after it.
This week, relationships improve for you. The universe always works in mysterious ways, and in this process, you will become so aware of your inner desires that you can no longer ignore them. You will feel compelled to reach out to someone you have feelings for, to put yourself out there again, or to change your entire life in the name of love. You deserve to honor your desires for romance so that you can receive what you’ve always longed for. You need to remember it won’t happen if you keep making excuses.
On Sunday, January 26, Venus in Pisces will align with retrograde Uranus in Taurus. This will occur just a few days before Uranus stations retrograde on January 30, but it is beneficial. Venus and Uranus work together to make you aware of your inner desires, but they also bring the likelihood of impulsive decisions. However, with Uranus still retrograde, that risk is moderated so that you can have time to plan and become comfortable with taking an opportunity for redirection in your life.
Let yourself honor what it is you genuinely want from love. Believe that you can have the relationship or marriage you’ve always dreamed of. Just be real enough to call yourself out where needed, as you may need to make major changes to have the space for what you seek. Trust in the divine timing of the universe and let yourself believe that what you desire is meant for you.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.