5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Luck & Good Fortune All Week, Starting January 13
These Chinese zodiac signs are hands-down the luckiest all week long.

Good fortune is in store for five of the luckiest Chinese zodiac signs all week between January 13 - 19, 2025. Pig, Goat, Ox, Horse, and Rabbit experience abundance guided by the week's I Ching hexagram of luck, Thunder over Fire (#55).
This is a direct symbol of “abundance,” so its message is simple: be receptive and you will discover your luck in the oddest places. A bit of mindfulness and solid grounding exercises can help you become more aware of these subtle changes and golden hits and nudges. Eventually, you can recognize luck for what it truly is and how it bestows something positive in your life.
If you feel called to, maintain a gratitude journal to capture these golden moments more easily. As they say, it will create a positive feedback loop to bring more luck to your door.
Five Chinese zodiac signs are the luckiest the week of January 13 - 19, 2025:
1. Pig
Design: YourTango
Pig, your luck this week will stem directly from your bloodline, both from your mother's and father's ancestors. So look at your family history and all the prominent members who made something significant occur on either side.
Your luck will be tinged with that energy of success this week. It's more desirable because the Lunar New Year of the Snake will be upon us soon, and this luck will pave the way for a beautiful year ahead for you as well. The colors red, green, and blue will be lucky for you this week.
2. Goat
Design: YourTango
Goat, your luck this week will come to you straight out of the treasured family cookbook, so to speak. So, if you have recipes that are dear to your family or are always spoken of highly and associated with certain elders or ancestors, now's the time to whip some up again.
The more feeling and emotion you imbue into the meal prep, the stronger your luck will be wherever you want to direct it. For a select few, this family recipe can also lead to social media success or prosperity in a restaurant business venture. Gold, red, and green will be lucky for you this week.
3. Ox
Design: YourTango
Ox, your luck this week is associated with ink and the myriad ways it has been used in human history and culture, whether for writing, art, calligraphy or decorations. Engaging with this will bring direct luck to your doorstep, especially if you write your intentions with ink on starched paper and hang it somewhere prominently inside or outside your home.
If your career happens to utilize ink products, this is a sign of success to come, whether you are a small business owner, artist, writer, and so on. The colors green, pink, and blue will be lucky for you this week.
4. Horse
Design: YourTango
Horse, your luck this week will bring the essence of a fairytale to your life. You will turn something that seemed worthless or junk into something of incredible value. If you are an artist, this may be a no-brainer.
But this is not just restricted to art or recycling. You may realize that the old cupboard in your attic is a prized vintage find among history buffs and curators. So, think along those lines. The colors yellow and gold will be lucky for you this week. Wearing gold jewelry will boost your luck, but try to keep it understated for the best results.
5. Rabbit
Design: YourTango
Rabbit, your luck this week will leave you in stitches, almost as if the universe is coming through to help you make the biggest karmic grand serve to those who did not believe in you. So prepare to have your mind blown.
Discover that a talent not recognized within you is highly prized in other circles, and your luck will lead you directly to that. Keep an open mind, though. This is a mysterious kind of luck and won't be obvious right away. The colors red and gold will be lucky for you this week.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.