3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Relationship Challenges The Week Beginning January 13
Great love requires great dedication.

Three zodiac signs experience relationship challenges in the form of friction between what you had hoped for and the reality you are being urged to confront during the week of January 13 — but these zodiac signs find a way to overcome such challenges.
On Wednesday, January 15, Venus in Pisces will square off with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Venus in Pisces has a romantic (if slightly exaggerated) view of love. At the same time, retrograde Jupiter in Gemini likely makes you reflect on the one that got away, bringing in a sense of hopelessness. The purpose is to help you learn from your past and not choose to remain in it, regrets and all.
Although you may feel inclined to work together with your partner as Venus and Saturn unite in Pisces on Saturday, January 18, you may feel that it’s too late to return from your recent challenges. Venus and Saturn in Pisces create an aura of isolation and coldness that will make you prone to simply giving up on your relationship rather than trying to work together to improve it.
While this is a short-term energetic period, you need to be mindful that you don’t make a permanent decision based on a momentary feeling or you may find yourself repeating a lesson you’d hoped you were finished with.
Three zodiac signs overcome their relationship challenges from January 13 - 19, 2025:
1. Virgo
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
You will overcome any challenge you face this week in. your relationship. Despite feeling overwhelmed, Virgo, slow down and start caring for yourself; you may have reached a point of no return in your relationship.
There has been a lingering theme regarding a conflict between your romantic and professional life. Though matters slightly improved over the holiday season, you are now realizing what happens if you only hope that the situation gets better instead of doing something to make it so.
Instead of sorting through this conflict, you’ve been simply trying to do it all. This has also led you to feel the burnout you are experiencing and the realization that you can’t do it all, no matter how much you love your partner. Try to understand that being dedicated to your relationship doesn’t mean you are doing everything, especially as you must remain dedicated to yourself and your well-being.
On Wednesday, January 15, Venus in Pisces will square off with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, drawing your attention to this conflict in your life and ensuring that you slow down long enough to change your approach to your relationship.
The energy of Venus and retrograde Jupiter will help you finally deal with what you’ve been avoiding by having you face the truth and come up with a new solution.
This may involve changing matters related to your career or working from home more, but overall, it’s about finding balance instead of just trying to keep up the pace. Let your partner step up, Virgo, and stop trying to pretend everything is fine because it’s not.
2. Capricorn
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
You’ve felt rumblings of discord in your relationship for some time, Capricorn, but you had hoped to stave off any changes or upsets. You prefer to have everything remain the same and be comfortable. While this does stem from you not being one who loves change, it’s also because of what you need to feel your best.
However, something is off in your relationship. Whether it’s because your partner wants a greater commitment than you’re willing to give or that you haven’t been completely transparent about your feelings, it has taken a toll on your relationship.
This issue, though, is one you’ve been aware of; you just haven’t brought it up yet. Now, whether you want to or not, it will finally come out — and the only decision you must make is if you want to put in the effort to change this relationship.
Mars retrograde in Cancer challenges your house of relationships and brings about the truth regarding your motivations, desires, and feelings behind the choices that you’ve made.
This could end up revealing that your relationship isn’t because of love or a soul connection but because it was easy or that there was an obligation present that you felt you had to honor.
Regardless of how this pertains to you, you must be certain about what you want rather than overpromising, as it’s better to deal with this issue head-on, especially if you want this relationship to last.
3. Scorpio
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Just because everything isn't how you would like it now doesn’t mean it will always be this way, Scorpio. You’ve recently been through a challenging phase in your life as you were guided to question your own internal stories and the decisions that you’ve made. While you are being pushed to live an authentic and joyful life, you must also be pushed to start making decisions, which means everything may have to get worse before it can finally get better.
You may feel alone right now, whether you are living with your partner or not, simply because of your current process and because you’ve ignored previous opportunities to make changes. But with the feeling of isolation and restriction you’re currently experiencing, it may be hard to see that this is all happening for your greater good.
On Saturday, January 18, Venus and Saturn will unite in Pisces, activating your fifth house of marriage, joy, and creativity. While Venus and Saturn do point to your need to work to achieve the relationship and life you desire, in the process, they also create a feeling of being overwhelmed, disconnected, and alone with your burdens. This is incredibly challenging energy to work with. However, it is because, up to this point, you haven’t made any changes.
You’ve avoided change and tried to keep everything the same, no matter how many times the universe tried to nudge you forward. But with this current energy, it will become impossible to ignore your inner truth or continue to sustain your relationship.
Although you may need some time to put together your new life, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t dedicate yourself to actually finding a way out of your current situation, especially as this is not something that can be improved, but only exited out of with grace.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.