4 Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On January 22, 2025
The universe is testing us to see if we're aware of what's going on around us.

Four zodiac signs receive signs from the universe on January 22, 2025. While it sometimes feels as though the universe is testing us to see if we're aware of what's going on around us, during the transit of Moon trine Saturn, the universe's signs reach their destination.
Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Virgo pick up on what Moon trine Saturn has to offer and find that if we are receptive to hearing it all, we may just learn a thing or two about a thing or two. We're in a good place on Wednesday and stand to benefit greatly as long as we stay open to the idea that everything is as it should be.
Four zodiac signs receive signs from the universe on January 22, 2025:
1. Taurus
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
Leave it to Moon trine Saturn to show you what you've been intentionally trying to miss. On January 22, you, Taurus, will start to remember why you got into this, and your horoscope will show you why you are doing whatever you're doing right now.
That might still seem vague, but the universe sends you a sign that you can receive. The universe is trying its best to help you stay on course, and during the transit of Moon trine Saturn, you get a reminder of why you are involved with whatever it is that you're putting all your energy into right now.
It's easy for you to get off track and become distracted. You started something a while ago, and with Saturn above you, the gist of the message is to remember your purpose and not give in to distractions. It is what it is, but the point is not to let it become something else.
2. Cancer
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
What you might find yourself up against during Moon trine Saturn on January 22 is the idea that you are starting to feel differently than you thought about something in your life that has changed. Change is important and necessary; now that it's here, you must deal with it.
It's usually during a Saturn transit that you get this kind of wake-up call, and if the universe is sending you a sign, it's the change itself you will receive. It happened, and now the only thing you can do about it is move along as it progresses.
You'll see that you have a choice during this Moon trine Saturn transit, and your horoscope shows you that all that's happening in your life right now has a purpose and a reason and that if you allow yourself to accept the changes, you will end up feeling much better about everything.
3. Leo
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
You feel good about certain changes and decisions made recently, but there's a moment of pause for you, Leo, as you might feel you need to backtrack a bit. Did you make the right move? Was this really what you wanted?
The chances are good, and signs from the universe all around you show you that you made the right choice, but still, there's that lingering, momentary self-doubt that creeps in and takes over now and then.
It's OK, and in a way, you welcome that doubt simply because it shows you both sides of the coin. In this way, you can use the power that comes with the transit, Moon trine Saturn, in your daily horoscope to help you see clearly. You are on the right track ... no worries, Leo.
4. Virgo
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
You may not love what's going on in your life now, but you have a way of making things work out, Virgo, and your ability to rise above is flawless. January 22 presents you with Moon trine Saturn, which shows you that the universe is on your side ... even when you don't believe it to be so.
You have everything you need, and what may drain on you is that you think you need more. Sometimes, you think others should agree with you, and the little things like that make you feel less than satisfied.
So much of this is magnified during a Saturn transit and a sign from the universe. What you need to know today is that while you can't always get what you want, you do get what you need in your horoscope, and so on. It's all good; stay looking on the bright side.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.