3 Zodiac Signs Have Their Luckiest Day Of The Week On January 2, 2025
It's a new year and we are starting it off on the right foot.

It's the luckiest day of the week for three zodiac signs whose dreams come true on January 2, 2025, and so much of that has to do with the astrological placement of Moon trine Jupiter. We're smiling over the idea that we're seeing results from what we've wanted for a long time.
This is a day when dreams come true and wishes are granted. What three zodiac signs will be feeling during this marvelous cosmic passage is the notion that we are about to experience the culmination of many dreams, all becoming realities right here and now.
We've worked very hard to get here, and while this day itself isn't particularly filled with work, we'll be able to see how Moon trine Jupiter does the work for us by letting us see how our efforts have paid off. It's a new year, and we are starting it on the right foot.
It's the luckiest day of the week for three zodiac signs whose dreams come true on January 2, 2025:
1. Taurus
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
You're very keen on making your dreams come true, but the fun part is when you aren't even aware of what's coming your way because someone else is behind the manifestation. On January 2, you'll receive a very special gift: care from the person who loves you most.
Nice to hear! There is someone in your life who is just as influenced by the transit of Moon trine Jupiter as you, and you'll find that this person desires to give you something you want. Expect the highest, Taurus ... your dream is about to come true.
What's pleasant about this day for you, Taurus, is that when your dream comes true, thanks to the very generous person who wants to please you, you'll feel very at home with their love. Love permeates your day and makes you feel special. This is the Moon trine Jupiter effect.
2. Scorpio
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
Generally speaking, you're the one who decides if your dream is to come true or not, but during the transit of Moon trine Jupiter, it seems as though someone else has your back this time around, Scorpio. January 2 is all about happy surprises.
Expect the best on this day, Scorpio, as one of your all-time big dreams is about to take shape as reality, and you can trust that you'll enjoy it very much. You are sometimes skeptical of things like this, but not on this day, not during Moon trine Jupiter.
Moon trine Jupiter obliterates doubts of all kinds. Jupiter's energy is too grand and positive to allow doubt or skepticism. This means you can trust this dream to come true and experience it to the fullest while you're there, Scorpio. After all, it's all for you.
3. Sagittarius
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
There's a very good explanation for why you can see a dream come true during the power-packed transit of Moon trine Jupiter on January 2, and that is because your dreams are very specific. You don't wish for the world, but you have a few things in mind which are all possible.
It's the idea that what you dream of happening is a thing that can happen. You're not wishing to get into a space suit and float around Jupiter's big red eye; you want something very down to Earth, so to speak, and that is why you can see it come true for you on this day, Sagittarius.
You probably wish you could orbit Jupiter on a spaceship, but that's a fun fantasy you like to indulge in. However, the more realistic of your dreams is definitely on the raster for fulfillment on January 2, 2025. Be prepared for happiness. The countdown is on ... three, two, one ... blast off.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.