3 Zodiac Signs Experience Luck & Success All Week From Now To November 24
Anything is possible with the positive energy this week.

Three zodiac signs experience an abundance of luck and success the week of November 18-2024, especially after Pluto shifts into a new zodiac sign after spending 16 years in Saturn-ruled Capricorn.
Pluto will shift into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, marking a new era in your life and helping you listen more deeply to your intuition and inner desires. Aquarius is the zodiac's free spirit that encourages you to rebel against the status quo so that you can align more closely with your soul purpose in this lifetime.
But Aquarius is also an air sign that brings in movement, change, and hope, providing a welcome relief for the obligation-ridden period of Pluto in Capricorn. Anything is possible with this energy. As the Sun shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21 beginning a brand-new zodiac season, you will feel more optimistic and adventurous in exploring the path ahead.
This energy encourages you to test out new ideas or dreams without letting the fear of failure block your progress — especially once the Last Quarter Moon rises in Virgo on Friday, November 22, signaling that it’s time to let go of any heaviness of the last few months so that you can not only find hope but truly become excited about life once again.
Three zodiac signs experiencing luck and success the week of November 18 - 24, 2024
1. Gemini
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The tides are shifting, dear Gemini, helping bring about a great transformation phase in your life. Pluto shifts into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, where it will spend the next 20 years helping you evolve and embrace opportunities for abundance and greater meaning in your life.
Pluto is a slow-moving planet, and though this process will happen behind the scenes, its influence is especially strong as it enters Aquarius. Use this time to your advantage and focus your energy on new beginnings, especially those connected to the inner work you’ve been doing on yourself.
Pluto in Aquarius heightens your sense of spirituality and connection with the divine, changing how you approach life so you can align yourself with what is most authentic for you. This helps you shed any remaining ideals connected to external validation or thinking that there is a right or wrong way to go about life. You will experience greater freedom and become aware of how synchronicities from the universe help guide your choices.
Let yourself feel excited about what’s to come because you are truly beginning one of the most transformative periods of your life.
2. Aries
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The Sun shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21, reigniting your faith in the universe and bringing divine moments of luck into your life.
You experienced an immense phase of growth and change over the last year, and while all of it has helped get you in place to step into your fate, there were plenty of moments that had you doubting your decisions or wondering if anything would ever turn around for the better. But the universe will always take away what isn’t meant for you before it can bring you what is. You have been in a preparation phase — the hardest moments are finally over.
Once Sagittarius season begins, the Sun, one of the luckiest planets in the cosmos, will help you take direct action to manifest more abundance. Although this will strengthen your intuition and faith in a divine plan for your life, it will also help you to take advantage of new beginnings. This renewed sense of faith helps you pivot more quickly instead of giving up on your dreams in moments of disappointment.
But the Sun rules over external action, so though you will feel a more profound connection with the divine, you also need to remember to take action, as good things don’t only come to those who wait but also those who go after what they want.
3. Capricorn
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There is sometimes a difference between the life you envision for yourself and the one meant for you, Capricorn. But the caveat is that what is destined for you is usually far greater than anything you have imagined for yourself. On Friday, November 22, the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo rises in your house of luck, helping you release any beliefs, visions, or fears preventing you from living life to the fullest.
Surrender to what is naturally occurring instead of continuing to fight to bring your picture of life into reality. You are safe to let go, Capricorn — to trust more and realize that if you have to exhaust yourself to achieve something, it may not be meant for you. Releasing the picture of how you think life should be makes room for the universe's divine plan of the universe.
Rid yourself of excuses for why you can’t take action or follow your dreams. Instead of thinking you have to dig in harder to bring about the success and abundance you want, try letting go. Observe where it feels like you are being directed, and above all, never lose faith that the universe is always working in your favor.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.