The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On September 21, 2024
We feel relaxed, and that allows us to pick up on what the universe is trying to convey.

September 21, 2024, brings the transit of Mercury square Jupiter to us, and all we have to do is look at the words that make up this event to know that if there were ever a day for the universe to transmit messages to a zodiac sign, this is it. Astrologically, Mercury is the messenger, and when squared with Jupiter, we're looking at specifics here. Only certain people will be getting big messages from the universe now.
It's Saturday, and we may feel as if we're under less pressure, as it's the weekend, and so, in turn, this makes us more receptive to universal vibrations. We feel more relaxed, allowing four zodiac signs to pick up on what the universe tries to convey.
We will see that on September 21, four zodiac signs will receive a special message, one made specifically for us. We will know it when we hear it or see it, and we will consider this knowledge as something we 'need' to hear. It will all make sense when it happens.
The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on September 21, 2024.
1. Aries
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Prepare to receive a very special message, Aries. While the message comes directly from the universe and is meant for your ears only, it will come to you in the form of a good friend telling you something in passing. You know how sometimes someone says something that is spoken casually and yet, all you do is see meaning in it? That's how this day goes for you, Aries.
Whatever your friend tells you now is how the universe gets through to you on something you think you need to know. Because your friend's words will stir something within you, you'll feel that none of this is a coincidence; it's all part of the plan.
And, with the help of transit Mercury square Jupiter, it happens quickly and you get the point almost immediately. There is something for you on this day, Aries, and once you get it, you will immediately start to put it into practice. You'll know what it is when it happens.
2. Gemini
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You have always been receptive and eager to pick up on messages from the universe, and on September 21, you'll see that with the help of the Mercury square Jupiter transit, things seem to want to make sense to you. What you didn't understand only yesterday now, on this day, makes perfect sense to you.
This is because, during Mercury square Jupiter, we quickly understand our situations. We know a lot is coming at us in the form of cosmic information, and we want to take it all in. To do that, we must push aside all preconceptions of what the universe might want us to know.
It's the universe doing the talking, not your mind this time, Gemini, and this will be very curious for you to think about. As soon as you pick up on this message, which may be transmitted through a friend or family member, you'll know your next move.
3. Scorpio
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If there's a message that you are to pick up on this day, Scorpio, it's something only you would recognize, and recognize you will during the transit of Mercury square Jupiter. The universe will reach out to you via one of your friends, and what they say to you on this day, September 21, will be of utmost importance.
Perhaps it's because the season is changing, and we're all getting ourselves ready for the end of the year. You feel ready as well to take any helpful advice. You want the rest of the year to go smoothly, as you've made a great effort to set this in motion. This makes for a great day to start anew.
Mercury square Jupiter brings you the idea that it's never too late to start anew and that you don't have to hold on to any previous ideas of failure or being too late. This day is very positive and productive for you, Scorpio, and you'll be happy to hear whatever it is you hear on this day.
4. Sagittarius
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Mercury square Jupiter takes your day and gives it some serious purpose. Because of the nature of this transit, you, Sagittarius, will be more discerning than usual. You work with Mercury's lightning speed and flow with Jupiter's enormous promise. You're on the right track.
The universe, however, wants you to fine-tune that purpose on this day, September 21. Throughout the day, you'll pick up on little signs that you interpret as helpful. You've got a good sense of direction now and be very open to receiving external messages.
Because you are open, you get to understand all there is to know about certain things you do in your life. Mercury square Jupiter is the kind of transit that works with the universe to uncover what has been buried inside you for too long. This day brings you hope and a vision of where you want to take your life as of September 21, 2024.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.