3 Zodiac Signs Attract New Opportunities On July 17, 2024
We want experience and we get what we want.

New opportunities will show up for three zodiac signs on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. Because of the ruling transit of the day, Moon trine Venus, we will see that some of these moments are both unexpected and very much needed. Astrology shows us that it's a good day to get involved with something new and an even better day to keep one's eyes open just in case.
We're open to new opportunities, but there's more to it than just being open at this juncture. We're in the right place at the right time, along with being in the right headspace for change. We've got the nerve to say 'yes' to adventures that take us into new territory. Three zodiac signs literally attract this kind of energy. We want experience, and we get what we want.
During Moon trine Venus, we can count on the idea that what we do summon up will be a positive experience, so that's good news. We may be hungry for new opportunities, but that doesn't mean we should take anything we are offered. Venus directs us towards what is best for us, so we march on. Onwards!
Three zodiac signs will find a way to attract new opportunities on July 17, 2024.
1. Gemini
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If you are part of a community of like-minded folks, you'll see that during Moon trine Venus, a certain opportunity will unfold for you, and this could lead to some big. You are open to this because you need something in your life to change, which could be your big moment.
While you don't like thinking of yourself as particularly social, you often find yourself in social situations. On July 17, you'll be in one such situation where an opportunity to get involved pops up. This moment has the potential to become more and more of the same kind of opportunity.
This day has you staying aware of your environment as there's much frenetic energy all around you, and the distractions are plentiful. Because of Moon trine Venus, you, Gemini, will need to pay close attention to what's going on so that you can be present and pay attention to the great opportunity that is heading your way.
2. Libra
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You might be someone who thinks they always have a handle on what they're doing, but you'll find that what you do on July 17 puts you in the position of a student. In other words, if you are to get the most out of this day's amazing opportunities, you'll have to approach the idea from the standpoint of a novice.
This is OK with you, and you've got the power of Moon trine Venus behind you, which shows you that it's not only fun to learn something new but that you can use this information to create an even brighter opportunity in the future. What's going on during this time for you, Libra, is that you are learning how to do something — a skill or a trade — and it helps you 'up' your value.
This opportunity doesn't come along every day, so when you recognize that you are working toward something good, then grab it. Don't hesitate. Opportunities to learn are great, and with your talent, you'll be able to parlay this chance into a lucrative career in the future.
3. Capricorn
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Attracting new opportunities is something you've worked a lifetime to achieve on a regular basis. You are all about this kind of energy, and you know what to do with an opportunity once you sense it's a good one. During the transit of Moon trine Venus, you'll know a good thing when you see it, and you will pounce.
Life is good for you, Capricorn, as long as you are quite capable of handling yourself when something unique comes your way in terms of a career move or the prospects of some kind of financial undertaking. This is your world, and it's easy for you to see how this kind of thing continues to happen to you.
Once again, you get to see it through to the end, as Moon trine Venus shows you that there's love involved. Whether that means the love of a person or the love of what you do ... it's all good. Venus takes over and lets you know that the new opportunity that is coming your way is something that's going to bring you a warm feeling of love and happiness.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.