5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Have Very Lucky Love Horoscopes In July 2024

The days are sweet and beautiful.

bride and groom in front of chinese zodiac wheel Chermiti Mohamed via Unsplash / Daboost, reza studio via Canva

Five Chinese zodiac signs are luckiest in love in the month of July 2024. They are: Goat, Pig, Rat, Ox, and Rabbit. But first, let's take a look at the love messages of the month for everyone.

The I Ching hexagram of love this month is Fire over Wind (#50) changing to Earth over Water (#7). It speaks of the importance of valuing love more than at face value — as in, don't just engage with someone because you think they are cute or will bring you prestige in your family circle or among your friends. 


Look deeper than the surface and see the person within. Whether they like you back will come later, but first you must find out if you find the person within even more amazing than their looks. They will notice you if you can see them beyond skin level — the yearning is to be seen for who we are within. That's the key to true love. If you haven't experienced that with someone yet, you have yet to meet your soulmate. 

Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love in July 2024.

1. Goat

goat chinese zodiac lucky love horoscope july 2024 Giuseppe Ramos V and Daboost via Canva


Goat, your luck in love in the month of July is all about tapping into the well of intuition within you and making sure you don't ignore the red flags. 

If you are single, you are urged to trust your personal needs and desires in love because that's the most important. Your friends and family may wish you well, but they cannot tell you what you need because only you can. Lean into this and you will know who your true love is and/or where you must go to find them.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this month is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and making the most of the beautiful days in July with your partner (and family). Let creativity bring you bells and sweetness. 

Don't shy away from new hobbies or interests that your partner and their friends or family may try to introduce you to. You will be doing the same to them too!


RELATED: 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest The Week Of July 1 - 7, 2024

2. Pig

chinese zodiac pig lucky love horoscope july 2024 Giuseppe Ramos V and Daboost via Canva

Pig, your luck in love in July is all about the hidden and the talented. That's a cryptic message, but it will make sense in a minute. 


If you are single, you are encouraged to lean into your talents and extraordinary spaces that lie within you. Don't let anyone hold you back. If a new date or love interest seems to care more about the physical connection than actually getting to know you, move on from them. All these will unlock your luck and lead you to the love that's true and good for you.

If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to be aware of the words and gossip around you. Don't ignore it if you feel like a third party (whether a friend, sibling, or family) is trying to drive a wedge between you and your partner. In fact, don't ignore it either if your partner isn't acting as a partner. 

This luck in your love life is all about knowing what's worth building and what's worth letting go of. Only you can answer these questions and find your luck.

RELATED: The 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs That Are Luckiest In Love From July 1 - 7, 2024


3. Rat

chinese zodiac rat lucky love horoscope july 2024 Giuseppe Ramos V and Daboost via Canva

Rat, your luck in love in July has a sweet undercurrent. If you are single, lean into the whimsical and nostalgic and you will find your luck. It's the most unexpected, yet the most beloved. 

You are also encouraged to only do as much as you want someone to do for you when you are engaging with them in a new romance. Too much or too little will prevent you from tapping into this space of luck and beauty.


If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this month is all about holding close to your chest the things that are just yours to decide on. Just because you are in a partnership doesn't mean you are not an individual with your personal goals and dreams. 

As long as the paths of your individual life and your partnership run together, you will be golden. But you must not mix them too much this month if you want to tap into your luck.

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope From July 1 - 7, 2024

4. Ox

chinese zodiac ox lucky love horoscope july 2024 Giuseppe Ramos V and Daboost via Canva


Ox, your luck in love in July is all about the sweet nothings. If you are single, listen to love songs that make you feel good about yourself and the potential of true love to lift you out of the mundane into the extraordinary. Watch movies that do the same. What you consume will influence you, so try not to allow pessimism to sink its claws into you. Hope and sweetness will draw your fated mate to you.

If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to open your eyes and see its true potential for the long term. How can luck bless you if you actively walk away from it? 

Opening your eyes will show you where you will find your luck in your partnership and how you can grow it to thrive and succeed. Of course, you need the support and engagement of your partner in this, but you can always be the leader who leads with love, creativity, good ideas, and so on.

RELATED: Luckiest Day Of July 2024 For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign


5. Rabbit

chinese zodiac rabbit lucky love horoscope july 2024 Giuseppe Ramos V and Daboost via Canva

Rabbit, your luck in love in July is all about trusting your inner voice when it comes to love. If you are single, don't settle for less, no matter what. And definitely don't settle for someone others believe is excellent for you if you know in your heart they are not the one and also have many red flags. The approval of others in this case will lead you to bad luck more than good luck. You must be the driver of your chariot of love.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this month is all about being patient and realizing that love is not just about the grand gestures and the creative date nights. It's also about being there for each other when you are sick, helping out with the chores so you can build a home together, and sharing burdens without needing to be asked again and again. 


Journal your thoughts and feelings on this and you will know exactly what to do to unlock your luck in love. You can also wear a Rose Quartz pendant to help you stay aligned with the energy of luck this month.

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect During The Month Of July 2024


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
