3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Strawberry Capricorn Full Moon On June 21, 2024

We can direct our wishes towards the big, beautiful Full Moon.

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Capricorn Full Moon On June 21, 2024 StefanDahl and Rory Dean from Getty Images | Canva Pro

If we are the kind of people who wish upon a star, then we are definitely the kind who wish upon a Full Moon. On June 21, if we venture to do so, we may find that our wishes will come true. Astrology makes it very clear that during the Capricorn Full Moon, we may be well on our way to manifesting one such dream come true.

This Friday is no mere 'wishing well' for us. Three zodiac signs will come to know that if our hearts are in the right place, we can direct our energy toward the big, beautiful Capricorn Full Moon. We can tell that we don't wish without a need for fulfillment. These wishes are genuine, and we mean to use the power of the universe to manifest them.


All it takes is belief. We believe things into being. We think, therefore, we are, as it is said. This is when the mind becomes matter when three zodiac signs rise above the limitations. We do not see our dreams as impossible or flighty. We take them seriously and incorporate the powers of the Capricorn Full Moon to make them come true. This is only the beginning.


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Wishes come true for these three zodiac signs after the Capricorn Full Moon On June 21, 2024.

1. Virgo

 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Capricorn Full Moon On June 21, 2024 Valeriia Timofi, Yuri Manei from Pexels | Canva Pro

If you recall, you once believed in magic, and you thought that if you could concentrate hard enough on a wish, you could make that wish come true. As time went by, however, you started to think that this was childish and that the only thing that could ever make a dream come true would be hard work and effort. Well, in a way, you are right ... but wishes do come true, as astrology shows us.


During the Capricorn Full Moon, our chances of seeing a wish come true are far greater than at any other time. This is because so many people 'out there' are staring up at that big, bright, Full Moon, putting all of their energy into it. We believe in the Full Moon and add to its brightness simply by believing.

And, as it goes with nature, what we put in comes back to us, which is precisely why dreams come true during Full Moon transits. On June 21, those 'childish' thoughts of yours won't seem too childish. In fact, you'll be so in touch with your inner child that you'll allow yourself the audacity to dream again, wish things into being, and see the magic take place right in front of your very eyes.

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2. Libra

Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Capricorn Full Moon On June 21, 2024 Valeriia Timofi, Yuri Manei from Pexels | Canva Pro


You have always been a big believer in the power of the mind. On Friday, June 21, you'll look up to the sky and see a Full Moon, automatically inspiring you to make a wish. You can't help it. You've always done this, and you probably always will. You love looking at the Moon and, with its Capricorn influence, staring up at the Moon and making a wish that, oddly enough, makes sense to you.

That's just how you are, Libra. You may be a realist, but that doesn't stop you from being someone who makes wishes upon a celestial body. The stars have always held you captivated. You believe that when you send a thought out to the universe, it, in turn, reflects that thought and magnifies it for you.

This Friday, you are gazing at the Moon as if it were an old friend. You will send a wish 'out there' to reverberate throughout eternity, allowing the cosmos in on your private thoughts. What you wish for will be granted, as this particular Capricorn Full Moon is here to make you feel comfortable, knowing that, yes, wishes do indeed come true.

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3. Sagittarius

Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Capricorn Full Moon On June 21, 2024 Valeriia Timofi, Yuri Manei from Pexels | Canva Pro

When you wish upon a star ... you feel childlike, which feels good. You are no longer doubting yourself, Sagittarius, in fact, you are ready to give yourself fully to these kind of childlike ways. Being in touch with your inner child has allowed you to feel again and release those struggles of adult life. Your wish is to be free, and your wish will be granted during the full Moon in Capricorn.

It is on Friday, June 21, that you allow yourself to dissolve into this wish. You aren't standing in your way any longer, as you do not see the point in preventing yourself from experiencing the exhilaration of being free. In your case, 'freedom' means the liberating feeling of not having to live up to expectations.


You are so unique and individual, and what you wish for during the Full Moon in Capricorn is to live your life on your terms, now and forever. You are not like others, and you know it and have come to love it. Owning who you are gives you the power to support your wish and make it come true. This Full Moon is waiting upon your wish, Sagittarius. Make it with pride.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
