3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Their Challenges In Love On April 22

Our ability to strike while the iron is hot may be off by a couple of degrees.

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Monday, April 22, we will experience the Moon opposite both Mercury and Venus. This could create some difficult conditions for those of us who were hoping for a bit of luck to travel our way when it comes to our love lives. Perhaps we see a window of opportunity that will allow us to approach the one we love so that we can tell them how we feel, and as soon as we find our nerve, we lose the opportunity. We feel as though our luck in love has run out.


So, Moon opposite Mercury and Venus puts us in a position where we have to seize the moment or lose it. This day is all about timing and pacing. We don't necessarily have to miss the beat, but for three zodiac signs, it might be unavoidable. There's just a little too much 'opposite' energy going on, and for some of us, our ability to strike while the iron is hot may be off by a couple of degrees.


Let's also mention that this day gives us a Full Moon. While so many of us think of this kind of transit as a wish-fulfilling tree or something that grants us our dreams come true, the Full Moon can actually aggravate things to such a degree that we don't read the signposts and we don't pick up on the cues. So, if this day is all about timing, and we can't pick up on cues, then it only makes sense that some of us will feel as though we've run out of luck when it comes to love.

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3 zodiac signs overcome their challenges in love on April 22

1. Gemini

You don't like feeling as though you've missed the boat, but you've, um, missed the boat where love is concerned, at least. You may have given your all. You may have believed to your core that because your aim was true, how could you receive anything less than exactly what you wanted from the person you fell in love with? It didn't work out, and this day has you knowing it and accepting it.

You wanted it to work out, and you ended up not getting what you wanted. OK, so it's back to square one for you, but that's not really something that would upset you. You like problems simply because you are very keen on finding solutions. You will find the solution to the disappointment that comes from feeling like your luck in love ran out, and that solution is to adapt rapidly to your new set of circumstances.


It's all good. Gemini, if anyone can turn a situation around, it's you. You'll be taking in the information that you receive, and you will work your magic ways so that the future actually works for you. OK, so you didn't get the love you wanted from that one person; you'll deal. You'll deal because you're a super strong Gemini. During a transit like Moon opposite Mercury and Venus, you find new options to seek out for happiness.

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2. Cancer

The interesting thing about you, luck, and love is that you put in all your effort. When things don't work out according to plan, you work with what you have left. That's sort of what's happening. Transit-wise, you've got Moon opposite Mercury and Venus to work with. You'll make the best out of a situation that, for another person, might seem tragic. To you, there is no such thing as tragedy. It's all 'just another day.'

You'll end up wishing for personal happiness as you've come to see that you may have been wasting too much time waiting for that one person to go around. Your love interest has moved into another realm. In all honesty, you're not about to chase them down and convince them to love you. You did all you could, and now that you see the truth for what it is, you aren't going to sweat it. You did what you could. Now, it's time to move on.


This is something that's taken you a while to develop, this resilience to pain or rejection. You no longer take anything personally. So, if you feel as though your luck in love has run out, then so be it. Tomorrow is another day, and you'll make the best of it. During Moon opposite Mercury and Venus, you learn your lesson. So much of it revolves around the idea that you're not here to waste your precious time on things that are destined to not work for you.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs In A Relationship To Make Them Happy

3. Scorpio

The only reason that you conclude with the idea that you've run out of luck in love is that you're just starting to understand that you spent too much time dwelling on wanting the love of one particular person and discovering that their interests are in anything. Still, you've come to see that this is just a waste of time, effort, and heart. During the Moon opposite Mercury and Venus, you'll know that it's time to get off that hill and start living your life again.

It's not that you ran out of luck; it's that you gave too much time to one way of thinking. If you want to fall in love again, then all you have to do is give up the hopeless attention you've been giving to the one person who does nothing with all of that loving attention. In other words, during the Moon opposite Mercury and Venus, you will see that you've gone too far and that to go any further only hurts you.


So, you accept. You accept that it's not about luck but about time wasting and misplaced efforts. OK, you got it. You've woken up to the idea that you no longer have to waste your time holding out for a dream that you know deep down inside will never come true. This is how you are able to parlay the transit of the Moon opposite Mercury and Venus into you becoming a healthier, happier person. This is a mental health day for you, Scorpio, and it is also quite freeing.

RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Expresses Love In A Relationship

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
