3 Zodiac Signs Grow More In Love With Their Partner On March 18, 2024

We may just love what we find out about.

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What's nice about romantic relationships is that they give us a glimpse into how the other half lives. If we spend a long enough time with another person, we can't help but get to know them better. Sometimes, that can end up being a very revealing experience. While they reveal more and more of themselves to us, we do the same in return. This is where things get really interesting.

The formidable transit of the Moon trine Saturn shows us that there's always more to learn about our romantic partners and that something new will be discovered on this particular day. Saturn is the planet that rules restrictions and laws, and the Moon acts as a key that opens that strict gate. This is the day we learn something new about the person we are with, and we may just love what we find out.


Three zodiac signs are very susceptible to the vibe that Saturn brings, as we like to unlock mysteries and rebel against the rules. This works in our relationships because, on this day, we pry a little into something about our partner just to see if they will divulge their secret, and surprisingly, they do. They are happy to share something with us that might have been kept secret otherwise. One thing we'll know: It's all OK.

Three zodiac signs grow more in love with their partner on March 18, 2024:

1. Aries 

You're going to find something out about the person you are in a romantic relationship with, and that's the fact that they are not you. OK, that sounds ridiculous and obvious, but let's take a closer look at what that might mean. When you got together with this person, you had much in common, and the compatibility was off the charts. However, now that you know them a lot better, you're starting to see things about them that are disagreeable, perhaps.


This has you wondering whether or not you can handle it, and of course, you can. That's how Moon trine Saturn affects you, Aries. You stand back and look at your situation with a big question mark in your mind. You will come to accept that your partner is really and truly different from you, and eventually, their differences might become alluring to you.

What you're used to is being agreed with on everything, as your partner is a very friendly and gregarious person. So, during Moon trine Saturn, when something clashes, as in a matter of dual opinions, you might get flustered. Still, you are an Aries, and you will get through it. Finding out something new about your romantic partner presents you with a learning curve, and this kind of challenge may end up being quite thrilling for you, Aries.

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2. Taurus 

You are always happy to discover new things about your partner. It thrills you to know that your person is deep and filled with stories of their past. You like knowing that the person you are with is not a blank slate, as the two of you share tales of the past and dreams of the future very often. You find this kind of sharing entertaining.


When you discover yet another side to your romantic partner, you'll see that you are not only surprised by what this person reveals about themselves but inspired, if not a little shocked. So they had it in them all along, eh? That's how you'll feel as you find out something about your partner that proves to you that you are in love with someone who is very, very special, indeed.

What is most important to you, however, is that the information you receive on this day becomes something that sticks. What you're going to learn about your partner is their plan for success. You like where their mind is going, and you don't want them to fall back on laziness. What you learn about your partner on this day needs to be put into motion, and you will stand by them and encourage them all the way to success.

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3. Leo 

You've come to see your partner as an ever-expanding book of curiosities. While you don't always agree with what they think about or support some of their less-than-savory choices, you are still endlessly enamored by your partner's wondrous mind as this person truly is the Willy Wonka of romance. What this day has in store for you is yet another look into the mind of someone who has captured your imagination for a long time now.


Learning something new about the person you are with is not a 'new' thing in and of itself, but the subject matter is always new and always interesting to you. You wish to share your own clever ideas and wild imagination with them as well. During this day's transit of Moon trine Saturn, you'll join in on the sharing session as you realize that you are just as interesting as your partner.

Your partner wants to know. They are here for the long haul. They find you incredibly vast and filled with knowledge they long to share. Together, you are like a nonstop theatrical event that always pleases. This is a beautiful day for you, as the more you know, the better you feel. Discovering new things about your partner merely opens the gates to a wonderland of curious new ways to love each other.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.