3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Improve On March 15, 2024

We're 'just' friends, but this really means so much more when the Moon squares Venus on Thursday.

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Improve On March 15, 2024 AlxeyPnferov from Getty Images Pro, domninate, afrial, StefanDahl | Canva Pro

When we say the expression, "We're just friends," we seriously underestimate the idea of what a friend truly is. When we find a person in this world that we can call 'friend' and really mean it, there's no such thing as 'just friends' because there's nothing 'less than' about finding a great friend.

Suppose we believe that being in a romantic relationship creates a greater bond with another person than being in a platonic relationship with them. In that case, we haven't fully experienced the true joy of friendship.


And, if you are someone who has a true friend, then you would know exactly what this means. On March 15, 2024, during the transit of Moon square Venus, we will see just how our closest friendship is put to the test and how we ace that test with flying colors. This is a very beautiful day for friendships, as we will come to know that this person is very special to us.


During Moon square Venus, we get to see that, unlike in romance, we're able to spar back and forth without fear of 'breaking up.' We can talk with our friends in ways that we can't with our romantic partners. For three zodiac signs, the friendships we have already established are the ones that will see improved change on this day.

Three zodiac signs whose friendships improve on March 15, 2024:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

Whether you grew up in an environment that placed romance on a pedestal while considering friendship to be something on a level somewhere beneath it or not, you have come to understand that having friends is the BEST THING EVER. You aren't someone who collects people. Sure, you may be popular and have many, many acquaintances, but a real friend in your life is a rare and beautiful thing. You don't do anything to jeopardize such a gift.

On this day, March 15, 2024, you'll see that with the help of Moon square Venus, you're able to share ideas with a friend that you absolutely have no interest in sharing with a partner. It's not that you don't trust your partner, but if you are honest with yourself, you will have so much more fun with your friend. When it comes to real sharing and real experiential fun, you want to be with your friend for this kind of thing.


That's why, on this day, you find that your friendship improves, and it's all because you've come to realize just how valuable it is to have a good friend. These aren't a 'dime a dozen' people. These are rare gems that come into your life, and you feel you have to respect the gift of friendship. You, being as friendly and gracious as you are naturally, allow friendships to grow and expand over the years. This day, however, shows you that your relationship with this one particular friend is the BEST of the best of the best.

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2. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

You will always be someone who has a billion friends, but you are also quite aware of which ones are real and which ones are there just to have a good time with. Real friendships in your life are few and far between, but that's OK. That's how you know they are real. There's one person in your life whom you absolutely adore with your whole life. This is your best friend, the one you turn to for everything, the person who completes your life, in an ironic way.


While you are totally into having romantic relationships, you will always have that space in your heart for that one best friend. On March 15, during Moon square Venus, you'll see that this person is the only person you can really trust. On this day, you'll run to them. You need something on this day, and only that best friend of yours can fill that spot. You'll know from the moment you hear their voice that everything is going to be OK.

Moon square Venus shows you that even through adversity, you are loved. You can be yourself with this person, which also implies that you don't have to be at your best for them to love and adore you. You are always adored by this one person, no matter what. Knowing this on this particular day lets you know that this friendship of yours never stops improving. Every day is a little better. How sweet!

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3. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)


At first, you weren't keen on the idea of having a best friend as you had it in mind that you were someone who moved through the world like a lone wolf, stealthy, singular, omnipotent. Alas, fantasies such as this one are best in mind. What you've come to see is that there's that one friend of yours who allows you this fantasy, even though they know you'll be telling them every detail of it later on.

On this day, March 15, during the transit of Moon square Venus, you are going to see that you really do depend on this friend of yours and that even though you continue to tell them that you are that 'lone wolf' and that you move through the world on your own, they get to hear you out, again. They are there for you, supporting your fantasy. What happens during Moon square Venus is that you come to realize that they're always there, always supportive, and this touches your heart.

So, it's during the Moon square Venus that you accept the fact that it's better to have such a wonderful friend than to go about life on your own. Having a friend who supports your fantasy is rare and amazing, and you really treasure the person who is kind enough to let you do things your way. This friendship improves so much on this day, and so much of that is because you've come to accept that you're not alone.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.