3 Zodiac Signs Experience Great Luck In Love On March 8, 2024

We've conquered the past; it's time to celebrate the now.

zodiac signs luckiest in love on march 8, 2024 Vividdiy8, breakergirldope from Pixabay, putrabahagiaicons, Codioful from Pexels | Canva Pro

This Friday brings a very fortunate cosmic interplay for three zodiac signs who experience the most luck in love: the mixed transit of the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus. Everything about this grouping speaks to us of gentle love and concern. This is a day when we bond with our mate, feeling like we could never be closer to another person. It's a day of great release as well. 

The bond we experience on this day frees us from any past doubts we might have had about the person we are with. During the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus we come to understand that we needn't prove anything, that we don't have to demand much from our partners, and that the entire idea of drama or over-the-top reactions are a thing of the past.




For those of us who have paid the price to be in the fortunate position we are in now, we will realize there is no need to look backward. We've conquered the past; it's time to celebrate the now.

Leo, Libra and Scorpio will learn that during the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus, our love is not only strong but that we, as a couple, are part of an eternal love story.


On Friday, we are one with our partners. We are in complete union; we feel like we move as a solitary unit. The connection we have with our partner on this day is both beautiful and solid.

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Three zodiac signs experience great luck in love on March 8, 2024:

1. Leo 

The day is all about growing closer and developing something with your romantic partner that you personally feel is 'the key' to making this relationship last. This day is about connection and adaptability. You will learn to bend and accept. All of it, in the long run, serves you both in terms of romantic love.

This is not the kind of day when you and your partner bicker over the things that have held your curiosity for years when it comes to 'what to fight over.' What you've come to realize is that during the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus, the only real thing that matters in your relationship is the love itself. You've been down so many paths together that you feel you both have learned much of the lessons needed the hard way.


Now is the day when you and your mate decide that there really is nothing more important than finding a way to make every day bright, full of positivity and light.

While it may sound corny, you've been through enough together to know that you've wasted way too much time on things that have no relevance to the reality of your relationship. This day puts you back on the path of love again, and you rejoice over it, Leo.

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2. Libra 

There's something very special about the way the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus works in your world, as it shows you a gentler approach to something you might have, at one point, felt defensive about, and that is, of course, your love life.


What's going on during this time? Something hits you on this day. It feels as though you are being given a different viewpoint by which you can see your own romantic life, and the realizations are plentiful and helpful.

The idea of a 'gentle' approach may seem very natural to you, but over time, you've come to rely on a less-than-gentle approach regarding how you relate with your romantic partner, which may have caused friction. It may have introduced animosity or even resentment at times. However, you see this very clearly on this day, and you want, with all of your heart, to reroute that kind of behavior. Never again!

You see that the person you are with is not only the love of your life but also the person you wish to spend the rest of your life with. To do so, you must cement the bond between the two of you with love, trust, respect, and acceptance. This is all perfectly possible on this day, and because of the power that the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus has over you, you will be able to change and transform yourself from judgmental to accepting and loving.

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3. Scorpio 

Because you've realized that the nature of a long-lasting romance is based on the ability to adapt and accept, you'll feel that with the power of the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus behind you, this day will bring you great good fortune when it comes to having that 'important' conversation with your love partner. What's happening on this day, March 8, is that you have decided that you need to tone down your ways, meaning you feel you've been too harsh and that you need to lighten up.

Being in a relationship is so very important to you, and the person you are with is such a rare gem that you cannot risk blowing it. So, being that you are super strong and resilient, you put your all into it during the Pisces Moon conjunct Venus. You show your partner that not only are you contrite but that you are willing to work with them on any point. This shows your lover that you are willing to do that thing you've never been willing to do before compromise.

This is where the bond grows tight, Scorpio. Love takes work, but that work gets you where you want to go. There's nothing fruitless about putting in effort in a love relationship, and you'll get to see just how incredible your efforts will be on this day. Prepare yourself for a brand new outlook on the love you've already established. Things are only going to get better from here on in.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
