Love Horoscopes For 3 Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest On February 10
The ability to listen is our most valuable asset on this day.

What makes for the right conditions for love, romance and intimacy on February 10, 2024, is the Moon in Pisces, and its timing is critical for three zodiac signs, as this is the day we 'get over' something for the sake of showing our loved one that we are dead serious about this relationship.
This means that during the Moon in Pisces, we will come to terms with the heart and soul of compromise, but let's take that a step further. We will WANT to compromise on this day, February 10, 2024.
We're going to do it because we finally see that this relationship really is about give and take. We are sensitive to our partner's wishes, and we've come to see that what they want of us is no big deal. We may wonder why we ever deprived them of this wish.
So, on February 10, 2024, we will learn something very valuable. It will come in the form of listening, of really hearing what the other person has to say, and for waiting our turn to speak.
When we consider the reality of the person we are in love with, it is essential for us to listen to them with our best ears, as they say, and to give advice only when it is asked for.
Compromise is key here, and during the Moon in Pisces, it will be easy enough.
Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on February 10, 2024:
1. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
Your romantic partner has asked a favor of you, and that is that you try to be a little more sensitive to their needs as this is a priority for them. You might not have been aware that you weren't tending to their needs according to their description, but you are more than happy to learn a thing or two about the person you love and adore. On February 10, 2024, you will see that it's worth your while to explore the psyche of the person you love.
This is made all the more easy because of the Moon in Pisces, which helps you feel caring and love for the person you are in a relationship with. What they are asking you for is nothing out of the ordinary, but it is a wake-up call for you, in a way. It shows you that you haven't always been emotionally 'there' for this person, and now you realize that this is something you need to work on.
What you know as of February 10, 2024, is that love requires focus and attention and that if you are to make your relationship work out and last, then you need to be much more aware of your partner's feelings and emotions. They are not someone you can ignore. This is your partner we are talking about, and while you sometimes use humor to get through things, there is a time when you realize that you need to shut up and just listen.
2. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
What you've come to understand in your life is that love doesn't go too far unless there's honest communication to accompany it. You find that over the last few weeks, you and your loved one have not been as honest with each other as you might be if you were to take this relationship seriously, and the thing is that you do. You both take it very seriously, and you both want it to last, but you are also both guilty of withholding. During the Moon in Pisces, all that changes.
This transit, which occurs on February 10, 2024, will open the floodgates up to you so that you can recognize the right opportunity to tell your partner exactly how you feel. The days of withholding are long gone, as you have both come to understand that nothing good comes of withholding true emotions. The interesting thing is that neither of you has anything that serious to withhold. You just started getting into the habit of retreating into your world. As of this day, February 10, 2024, all that changed.
It's good to know that the person you are with is someone you can trust in your life. In your case, Sagittarius, your 'life' means your romantic heart. During the Moon in Pisces, you will once again feel at ease with your partner, knowing they have always been there for you. This day marks a new and positive era in your love life.
3. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
It seems that you got the love you wanted in the long run. Whatever the naysayers told you, whatever your relatives said to downplay your romantic interests, it no longer matters as you have stepped into a bright new world filled with hope and reality. Yes, Aquarius, you did it. You got the love you wanted, and they are happy to be with you. This is the gift the Moon in Pisces brings you on February 10, 2024.
You may find that most of the day is spent giggling to yourself as you can hardly believe your good fortune, but then again, why not? Why should you not have such great fortune as your heart and your mind were always so one-pointed and driven towards creating the love life you are now in full possession of? You may even inspire jealousy on the part of friends who didn't think you could do it. Ah well, tough to be them, eh?
While the Moon in Pisces doesn't make you want to kick back and laugh at the friends who doubted you, it most certainly does make you want to hold tight to this precious person whom you fought so hard to bring into your life. You did it, Aquarius. And the fact that this person loves you, as they do, is proof that you are truly a magician. You are able to manifest your thoughts as reality, so keep up the good work!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.