3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Big Challenges Starting On February 3, 2024
We need things done at our own pace and we may end up getting very loud about it.

Now that we're into February, we might feel as though we are a little more adjusted to what we wanted to accomplish this year and even though it's just the tip of the iceberg, we may find that we're in a better place than we were before. What's taking place for three zodiac signs starting on Saturday, February 3, is that many of us feel rushed into things, and we're still not totally sure where we want to go.
During this day's transit, Moon sextile Mars, we want to shout at people and tell them to back off. Yes, we are slowly but surely figuring things out for ourselves, but that doesn't mean we're ready to act just yet. The last thing we need at this point is for someone like a boss, a bossy lover, or a pushy family member to continuously remind us of what we need to be doing with our lives.
So, what makes this time a little challenging is that we feel great about who we are and where we're going, but we really just want to do it all at our own pace. We need people to leave us alone. That's not to say we want to be isolated and made into satellites. We simply need things done when we are ready to do them and we may end up having to get very loud about it if want to get our points across.
Three zodiac signs who overcome big challenges starting Saturday, February 3, 2024:
1. Aries
So, you had it in mind that by today you'd know exactly what you want to be doing with your life, and yet, here you are, a little confused and perhaps more hesitant than you expected. So much of this has to do with the person that you consider to be your romantic partner. OK, you love them and all is going well — or is it? As Queen once asked, 'Is this real life, or is this just fantasy?'
During the transit of the Moon sextile Mars, you will recognize a feeling of dismay within yourself. You aren't sad, per se, but you are disturbed by something, and you can't put your finger on it. When you get this way, you tend to become unnerved and even hostile, and you will definitely be taking out some of those frustrations on your romantic partner, which will feel, to them, as if they've come out of left field.
Yes, you know you wanted this, but 'this' has started to turn into something that you can't define, or rather, something that doesn't look like the way your fantasy had it painted. The person you are with is innocent, and they do try, but you are not that easy to please, Aries and your demands may be harder to deliver than you know. What's also happening during Moon sextile Mars is that you are passive-aggressively pushing this person away.
2. Leo
You are very hard on yourself starting on February 3, and so much of that has to do with the fact that you don't exactly know what you want out of your life at this point. Now that Moon sextile Mars is in the sky, influencing so much of your day, you may end up feeling very angry at yourself for decisions that lead you to the place where you are on this very day.
While you aren't going to spend the day kicking yourself for past mistakes, you aren't sure about how to right the wrongs and get a move on. You want very badly to live a happy life and you know it's possible because you feel you've always been a happy person, but something is missing and you know that it has to do with your perception. That's why Moon sextile Mars is a very tricky transit where you are concerned because it plays on your sense of self-worth.
As it stands, February hasn't been hopeful, and it's only day three. You tend to sink into these depressed mires and while you know you'll figure it all out and get yourself on the right track again, you won't be able to avoid the pressures that come along with Moon sextile Mars and you may feel that this entire day is for the birds. What you can do is know that you are always the person who rises above. Trust in this and know that it will all work out.
3. Aquarius
You are dealing with the idea that you've just got a bit of bad news and that your birthday has either just passed or is about to arrive, and both ideas really grate on your nerves. You had your heart set on something that didn't go down according to the way you wanted, and now you don't really know what to do about it. As soon as February 3 starts, you will feel confused, but you are also quite aware of what's confusing you.
You realize that during the transit of Moon sextile Mars, you need to make a choice and that choice is super imminent. So much so that you resent the fact that you have to endure this whole thing, as you also realize that you can't move forward unless you accept and make a decision. The last thing you wanted was to start the year off with bad news, so now, during Moon sextile Mars, you feel angry and resentful over just about everything.
This doesn't need to last, Aquarius, and you know it. You can nip it all in the bud starting today, and you will if you are smart, which you are. Do yourself a favor and don't buy into the idea that 'all is lost.' You've got a zillion chances to change your life and what you can do starting on this very day is reroute your perception. OK, so you got some dismaying news. It's not all there is, and it certainly is not life-changing news or the kind that will keep you down for long.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.