What This Week's Horoscopes Will Be Like For Each Zodiac Sign
Gratitude abounds, let's do this thing!

Welcome to the first weekly horoscope of the year! I hope you've enjoyed the crossover and let us raise a cup of something delicious to ring in the new week, January 1 - 7, 2024. Cheers to all, including the planets, the stars, and all the celestial bodies that keep us company through it all.
This first week brings luck and hope, and what better way to ring in the new year than to have Mercury going direct on January 1. Thank you, Mercury! Thank you for removing the shackles of your retrograde behavior and letting us move into the bold and beautiful new year without all that comes with a Mercury retrograde. Gratitude abounds. Let's do this thing!
This week has each zodiac sign facing certain cosmic influences, as we have a few very notable transits ahead of us. We are looking at how Moon opposite Neptune might affect our mood, how the Half Moon in Libra might restore that mood, how Mars in Capricorn may just jump-start our ambitious side, and how Sun with the Moon could add to our romantic lives. There's much, much more going on, so let's see how the stars have their fun with us during the week of January 1 - 7, 2024.
Weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs, January 1 - 7, 2024:
(March 21 - April 19)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 2, 4, 5.
You catch on real quick when Mercury leaves you alone, and now that the retrograde is gone, baby, gone, you're free to carry on with your intense pursuit of happiness. Day one of the year kicks in big time for you, mentally, as you feel stronger than ever and more positive about 'everything' than you have in what feels like years. You are all about forward movement, and as far as your career goes, you can feel proud and happy to know that you're on the right track.
You've got a lot of helpful Mars energy working for you this week, January 1 - 7, 2024. you're going to be able to parlay all of it for the good of your job, your love life and your health. You are going through a particularly healing time in your life and you're certainly going to welcome in this first week with open arms. You are, without a doubt, an unsinkable person, and you'll make good use of all that intense warrior energy that is slated to come your way this week.
Keep an eye out for Moon in harmony with Venus, as you may find that your love life veers in a different direction this week. With the Sagittarius Moon, you can probably expect that the 'newness' will be interesting and beneficial. You are open to change; keep that energy going, Aries. This is exactly what you need.
(April 20 - May 20)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 3.
Well, if anyone here can say that they are starting the year off with a bang, it's you, Taurus, as the week of January 1 - 7, 2024, brings you great fortune and major luck, especially when it comes to love and romance. What's even more fortunate is that, for you, if your love life is in place, then you have less to worry about during the time that isn't love-related, as in 'your job.' You'll find that not having to worry about your love life coincides well with Mars in Capricorn, which will elevate your desire to make money and create abundance in the future.
You also have a Half Moon in Libra on your side, coming round on the 3rd, and this energy lets you put your entire life into perspective. You've needed this, too; you need to know where you stand in both your relationship and your job. This week, January 1 - 7, 2024, brings much clarity where those areas are concerned. Knowing that you don't have to worry about where your love life is headed really takes the pressure off.
And, with the pressure off, you can now concentrate on so many of the other things that you like to be involved with, such as art or writing. The Scorpio Moon on the 5th has you feeling wildly creative. Why not dive right in, as this is your first week and you want to express yourself artistically.
(May 21 - June 20)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 2, 4, 7.
Bye-bye, Mercury retrograde, and challenge, clarity of thought, Gemini. This is basically the best news you could get on this first day of the year. It will set up the rest of the week, January 1 - 7, 2024, for you in terms of a positive approach and belief in yourself. While the Moon is in Libra, on the 2, you'll feel as though everything just became crystal clear, and this kind of focus will allow you to concentrate on what you really wish to do from here on in.
You will see Moon speaking sweetly to Mercury on the 4th, and this is what's going to get you out of the house and into something more social and verbal. You absolutely have a lot on your mind. Even though you weren't sure you'd have the energy to be 'this' involved during the week of January 1 - 7, 2024, it seems that you're not only energetic but clear and able to speak your mind in ways that can stir the crowds. You have power this week, and you can influence others.
Mars in Capricorn is a biggie for you as this could be one of those make-or-break transits for you in terms of how you perceive your career and whether or not you should do something 'drastic' about it. You may want to challenge the system during this transit. With the accompanying Mars energy that follows you throughout the week, know that you will come across as persuasive and mighty.
(June 21 - July 22)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 2, 3, 6.
Sun trine Moon opens the week of January 1 - 7, 2024, for you and lets you know that love is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about on that front during this week, and that frees up our mental space so that you can concentrate on something that you know has been calling your name: your health. While you're in decent shape, you feel as though you have been neglectful, which is all the more reason why you'll see how transits like Moon square Mars and Sun sextile Moon really play a part in your physical healing.
All you know is that, while the transits are doing their part, you aren't as concerned with what the Moon thinks of your appearance. You are the one judging yourself, and what you see is something you feel needs a major overhaul. You love yourself and want to treat yourself with the gift of good health. This first week, January 1 - 7, 2024, is the week where resolutions either come or go, so you'll decide to make the best of it.
You are a strong person, and because of the much-needed Mars energy that follows you this week, you'll feel as though being committed and sticking with that plan is something you can tackle. Yes, you see that it's not going to be easy, but then again, what is? This life is hard, but you can get on top of your problems by naming them and then ... conquering them.
(July 23 - August 22)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 6, 7.
You are only too happy to feel as though the pressure that came with the Mercury retrograde is finally off as of January 1. Being that on the same day, you'll be seeing the Sun trine Moon. You can know that all of this is definitely going to affect your love life in majorly positive ways. You and your partner will be delighted just to be together, and this awesome energy is what's going to carry the both of you through the week of January 1 - 7, 2024.
It's nice to know that you can depend on someone else, especially when you're depending on them to stay happy and in a good mood so that you're not 'being there' alone. It is during this first week that you notice that your romantic partner is definitely able to keep up the pace ... and you are quick, too. With Moon square Mercury on the 2, you'll feel as though you want to cut right to the chase and say a few 'important' things ... just to get them off your chest.
It's on the 6 and 7th that you really start to feel the payoff, as these are the days that bring you Sun working nicely with the Moon and Moon trine Neptune. it will be during these transits that you find that the last thing you could ever call your romantic relationship is 'boring.' No way. You have something very exciting here, and you mean to highlight it all through the week of January 1 - 7, 2024.
(August 23 - September 22)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 3, 7.
For you, Virgo, it's all about attitude, and right from the very first day of the week, you'll be on top of it all. You feel you've done your penance in 2023 and that '24 is all about healing and finding ways to become victorious. With the Half Moon in Libra and Venus on the 3rd, you'll see that you are definitely on the right track. Your attitude is all about renewal, and you are ready to shed that old skin of yourself. It's time for reinvention.
What really adds to your power this week is that you are accompanied by much Mars energy and it's going to fuel your decision-making (a thing you are generally not that into) and your ability to get up and do the things you usually only talk about. You are tired of hearing your voice, especially when that voice tends to give you the same redundant message over and over. During the week of January 1 - 7, 2024, you'll know for sure that it's time for action: less words, more work.
You've got a Sagittarius Moon and a Moon square Saturn transit coming your way at the end of the week, and these transits will only strengthen your resolve, Virgo. For the first time in forever, you feel amazing, strong, intense and true to your word. You are not going to let yourself down this year, no way. You see where you went wrong, and during January 1 - 7, 2024, you resolve to work with forward momentum.
(September 23 - October 22)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 3, 5.
You like being the 'level-headed' one among all of your friends. This week shows that you are not only an example of balance but also the right person at the right time for the right job. What this implies is that during January 1 - 7, 2024, you may find that your ability to judge a situation for what it's worth is not only beneficial to you but to others as well. So you'll be in the position of being a guide during this time.
It's all OK, though and you don't feel put out by it, as Moon being in partnership with Venus lets you feel quite gregarious in your efforts to be there for everyone, as they need you. Mars in Capricorn does play a part in all of this, as it helps you tackle the idea that if you really are well-balanced, then you need to take care of work, as well. Interestingly enough, none of this disturbs you and you may even find it humorous that you're able to juggle so many things at one time.
During Moon opposite Jupiter, you may want to take things down a notch. However, there's some energy here that is telling you that, while it's nice to be everyone's hero, you need to spend some time alone now just to recharge your Libra batteries. You'll go with the flow and resume your 'regularly scheduled program' as soon as possible. Ebb and flow. That's what January 1 - 7, 2024, is all about for you, Libra.
(October 23 - November 21)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 2, 3, 5, 7.
While you are happy to know that many of the doubts and fears that accompanied you right through until the very end of 2024 are over, thanks to Mercury going retrograde on January 1, you are still worried about how you are going to approach someone in your life with a particularly tall order. There is something you need to get off your chest, and during Moon square Mercury, on the 2nd, you may just feel as though the pressure is too much, which is actually a good thing because that means you'll alleviate that pressure.
During the week of January 1 - 7, 2024, you will find that you feel as though the entire week goes to ridding yourself of that which you find to be no longer worth, redundant or not worth your time, and that might even bleed over into your love life, Scorpio, so be prepared. With Mars in Capricorn on the 4th, you may feel as though your career and work have suffered due to unstable home life, and you'll want to nip that in the bud.
Moon opposite Jupiter, on the 5, has a profound effect on how you approach the idea of communication, as you can no longer hold back — not if you are to live in peace with a healthy and happy mind. What's interesting here is that when the Moon enters Sagittarius on the 7th, all things will 'snap back.' It seems that during January 1 - 7, 2024, you'll be doing something right!
(November 22 - December 21)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 6, 7.
What you partake of this week, January 1 - 7, 2024, is solitude and self-absorption, and only you know just how refreshing and beneficial this can be for you. While many transits will support you this week, you'll find that during the Moon opposite Uranus, on the 6th, is when you really come into your own. By 'your own,' we mean that you will stand alone as a unique person, one whom others look to with confusion.
You aren't asking to be understood by anyone this week, so you're on your own ... and loving it. January 7 shows you that, with the help of Moon trine Neptune, you can think on your own, decide on your own, and create your world as you like it. On that same day, the Sagittarius Moon will give you all the more power so that you can feel both independent and authentic. There's no one like you, and that might make others mad or ... jealous.
With Moon aspecting Pluto on that last day, you'll know that you did the right thing by pulling away from social engagements, as you feel transformation is now just about to start. There will be many things that you need to be in attendance for. This week, January 1 - 7, 2024, is mainly for you to stand back and gather your strength and knowledge for the year to come.
(December 22 - January 19)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 2, 5, 7.
You are the only person who knows how to tackle the first week of the year. During January 1 - 7, 2024, you'll be so on top of things that you may baffle others with your intense enthusiasm and spirit. You feel free again, unburdened by those last two weeks of 2023. Now you've got that fighting spirit back, which is only empowered more by the transit of Mars in Capricorn on the 4th. That's only one little player in your game, however, as you will be taking advantage of everything during this time.
Your love life stands to thrive during the week of January 1 - 7, 2024, as there are many positive Venus transits and the way they are lined up really works in your Capricorn-centric world. You'll find that due to Mercury going direct on the 1st, you're able to clear up any misunderstandings that might have occurred over the last few weeks with your romantic partner. Honestly, they are overjoyed at the prospect of getting things back on the road in working order.
You may find that with Moon square Mars coming at you so early in the week, you'll be prone to arguments. You'll also see those arguments as valuable; you aren't interested in wasting time with worthless words. You are here to make your time count, and this covers your love life, your work life and your attitude toward 'what comes next.'
(January 20 - February 18)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 1, 6.
You feel as though you're doing the best you can, Aquarius, and of course you are. You have something that requires your time, patience and practically your constant attention. Even though it may not be 'fun,' you will do your duty and keep your head screwed on tight. There is much to tempt you into laziness this week, but laziness is definitely going to be destructive, and you know it. With Mercury direct, you can no longer put off what must be done today until tomorrow.
During the week of January 1 - 7, 2024, you'll find that your most important day will be the 6th, as this is the day when you'll want to rebel the most. Knowing that rebellion is exactly the opposite of what's required of you is precisely WHY you'll want to stray from the beaten path, and this is because of Moon opposite Uranus. You want to be a kid again; you don't want to grow up. Yet everything in your life right now is unavoidable 'adulthood.'
What you will do, however, is that you'll accept and plow through whatever is required of you. You may not love it, but you'll love knowing that you have the strength to endure what comes your way. You've long ago learned that life is, indeed, difficult, but it's never gotten the best of you, Aquarius ... and it never will.
(February 19 - March 20)
Dates and moments to keep in mind: January 2, 3, 7.
Welcome to a brilliant week, Pisces, as you won't be able to think of January 1 - 7, 2024, as anything less. You are officially over the hump, out of the rut and on to new and better things. With the help of Mercury Direct, you're able to work well with the coming transits of Moon square Mercury, Moon trine Pluto, Moon in touch with Venus and Moon square Saturn. There will be a few trying times during this week, Pisces, but you've already got a plan as to how to parlay them into something you can benefit from.
You are fearless in a way, as you are mainly tired of being scared. Scared was for last year's version of you, as you have decided only recently that you just can't live your life in fear any longer. So this week, January 1 - 7, 2024, ushers in a new attitude for you. While you still might be in the 'fake it 'til you make it phase, that's good enough for you. You need to convince yourself that everything is going to be OK, and that sounds like a good first step.
Considering the fact that this week brings you some ferocious Mars energy, you're going to decide that it's time to whip that energy up and make it your very own. This was an option you often refused as you didn't believe in yourself enough to make it a reality. Now, there's no such thing as defeat: resistance is futile! Go, Pisces, go!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.