3 Zodiac Signs See Friendships Improving During The Last Weekend Of 2023

Jupiter direct brings us the warmth of a great, big hug...one that we want to share with a good friend.

3 Zodiac Signs See Friendships Improving During The Last Weekend Of 2023 Libking, Jacob Lund, Syda Productions | Canva Pro

It should be no surprise to find that our friendships seem to get better during this day's transit, as the planet that is involved is one that rules over friendships, growth and abundant good luck. We are, of course, referring to Jupiter, which goes direct on December 30, 2023, after a period in retrograde.

It will be on this day that we feel forgiving, or, for some of us, as in three zodiac signs, for instance, we feel as if we don't want to hold on to any grudges. Jupiter's energy lets us see the big picture, and that picture has us envisioning a closer relationship with the people we already know and love.


We have no room in our hearts for hate during Jupiter direct, as we can't find a good reason to hold on to anything negative at all. This creates the grounds for improving upon friendships that already exist and may even open the door to new friendships. Jupiter direct brings us the warmth of a great, big hug ... one that we want to share with a good friend.


Three zodiac signs whose friendships begin to improve over the weekend:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

You've always been someone who relishes the idea of friendship, perhaps even more than you care for romance. While you enjoy being in a relationship with a romantic partner, you'll find that on this day, December 30, 2023, your preference will be that of a friend, mainly because you feel that you need to set things straight with this one particular friend so that the two of you can grow closer in the coming year.

It's not that you're at odds with this friend; you simply want them to know that you really enjoy their company and that you wish to hang out more often with them. Part of your desire is fueled by Jupiter direct, which really lets you see that this particular person is such a good buddy of yours that you can't possibly let them go. For those of you who treasure good friendships, you go out of your way to make them feel loved and cherished.

You and your very good friend will indeed find yourself hanging out on this day, and the laughs that will occur will lock in the deal when it comes to both of you knowing that this friendship was made in the stars. This is no ordinary pal; this is someone whom you can trust with all of your secrets. During Jupiter direct you'll find yourself enjoying your time with this friend even more than usual.


RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make The Best Friends

2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You might find an interesting turn of events is presented to you in the form of a new friend and a new opportunity. This is the perfect time for this day's cosmic event, which is Jupiter direct. What you might see happen on this day is that this new person will offer you something that truly brightens your day, and whatever it is that they offer is something that will give you hope and something to look forward to in the new year to come.

There's the hint that this could be a professional move here, but it comes with the promise of a friendship. There is someone who believes in your ability and they want to support your efforts to shine in this capacity. They are not merely interested in supporting you ... they want to be your friend, as well. While this might sound creepy at first, what's going on is that you are about to walk into a very profound and interesting friendship with someone new in your life.


It all happens because Jupiter direct moves the cosmos in such a way that you benefit from it. Friends have always been your joy in life, and while you may not have many, the ones you do have are precious few. This new person definitely stands a chance at getting up there on the upper echelons of friendship. You know this because you can't help but love them as soon as you meet them. They are more than just helpful to you; they are sincere, trustworthy and kind.

RELATED: Libra Friendship Style And Best Friend Compatibility

3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

Jupiter is your planet, Sagittarius. Whether it clogs your mind during a retrograde or clears your vision as it goes direct, as it will begin to do. You are always deeply affected by it. This day shows you that, once again, Jupiter rules your world, and the way it shows up for you is in the form of deep, loving friendship. You are one of the lucky ones in this capacity, Sagittarius, as you've been able to hold on to one to two friends for an entire lifetime.


And, being that it is the end of the year, you want to be with that one special friend of yours ... the one you call 'best.' Oh yes, you are always happy to be in a romantic situation, and it's quite thrilling to ring the new year in with your loving partner. Still, there's just something about your best friend that calls you during Jupiter direct, and you will heed that call because you always follow your heart.

The friendship that you have with this one person never falters. Oh sure, you've had your fights and your times apart. As the two of you grow older together and as life on earth becomes harder and more challenging, the two of you grow closer and closer; you practically cling to each other during Jupiter direct. On December 30, 2023, you'll know that nothing can ever keep you apart. No person, no romantic partner, no doubts ... you are always with your best friend, and that's the way it should be in your book.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Can Teach You About Love


Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.