3 Zodiac Signs Embrace Tough Changes On December 30, 2023

We're looking at emotional unpredictability, a lust for independence, and a very desperate need for change.

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on december 30, 2023 Peopleimages.com - YuriArcurs | Canva Pro

December 30, 2023, brings us the conflicting energy that comes with the transit, Moon square Uranus and it will be during this time that three zodiac signs find that they feel either confused or mistaken about their approach to many things in life, including love and romance. It is during Moon Square Uranus that we start to guess second why we do things, and it will be on this day that we figure out that we need to, perhaps, try something different.


When the Moon forms a square formation with Uranus, we're looking at emotional unpredictability, a lust for independence, and a very desperate need for change. We may become very rebellious during this time, and what's more, we may not even know why we wish to rebel, making us true 'rebels without a cause.'

On the bright side, we may see some of our best thinking come into play on this day, December 30, 2023, as the transit of Moon square Uranus really can inspire as well as encourage. What makes this day rough for these three zodiac signs is that we might have too much energy to deal with, and channeling that energy is at the heart of our problems. Moon square Uranus pushes us hard, but we might not know where to go with this push.


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 30, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

Oh, how you want to move ahead, and oh, how this day just seems to drag and drag. What's being set up is the idea that you are somehow way too advanced to hang back and just live the day out. You'll find that on December 30, 2023, your lack of patience might get you in trouble with a friend. Oddly, you might even want this to happen because you need something to break up the monotony of this 'endless' end of the year.

What you might want to watch out for is how the transit of Moon square Uranus makes you act, in terms of your behavior towards other people. You don't want to be a part of the mob on this day. You want to stand alone, which doesn't mean you want to BE alone ... you just want people to notice you and the only problem here is that you don't really have much to offer once they've taken notice.

So, you really are more bark than bite today, but that's not going to stop you from barking. You know that the new year is right around the corner, and for some reason, probably because of Moon square Uranus, you can't sit tight and wait it out. It's as if you feel you need to stir the pot just to have something interesting to do. This could end up with a family argument or a dispute with a friend that goes nowhere.


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2. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Mood swings may be what creates a very poor atmosphere between you and your romantic partner on December 30, 2023, as you might not be happy with anything they offer you. Because of  Moon square Uranus, you'll feel almost entitled to throw a hissy fit in front of them simply because nothing seems to please you today and you look to them to make it all better as if they were your parent or something like that.

This will definitely cause tension between you and your partner, as they are not into your moods and would really like it if you could just go with the flow like the rest of everyone. You can't make time go any faster and getting down on your partner is certainly not going to do the relationship any good, so ... chill out, Cancer. Yes, you feel spunky and rebellious, but everything's closed; there's not a lot to do and not a lot you can miraculously make happen. So ... relax.


Naturally, not getting your way is going to have you more than likely seeking some kind of freedom, so don't be surprised if, in an attempt to get away from your partner, you end up taking a nice long walk alone. This is probably your best bet if you're to make use of the time and still keep your partner. Find ways to bide your time today, knowing that it will be behind you soon, and all will be well shortly.

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3. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

The one thing you don't want to hear about is how you need to change. You don't want to clean or take care of business, and you don't want to be responsible for paying bills or making sure the dogs are fed; you want someone else to do that. On December 30, 2023, you will be very honest about your desire to shirk all responsibilities. And, you will toss your burden right onto the head of the person in your life whom you call your partner.


Well, if you're going to be like this, then someone's going to have to clean up the mess. During a transit like Moon square Uranus, that person is definitely the one who has opted to spend their life with you. While it's known that you love them and that you appreciate them bending over backward for you, you aren't very forthright with words of love. You take them for granted, and they do what you say because, apparently, that's how you've set up the dynamic. 

You're a ticking time bomb, emotionally, as well, and during Moon square Uranus on December 30, 2023, it would be best for those who are closest to you to keep their distance. This, of course, will annoy you even more and give you more fuel for the fire of your wrath, which has no reason, nowhere to go, and will eventually dissolve into nothingness. All of this is for no reason at all. That's how Moon square Uranus likes to play.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.