3 Specific Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On November 27
During the Full Moon, 'magical things' can happen.

Whether we are die-hard astrology fans or just passing by to check in with what's up for the day, the one thing we can all agree on is that we've all heard of the Full Moon and that during the Full Moon, 'magical things' can happen. The truth is magical things aren't automatically going to happen, but natural things will. Science plays a part in today's version of 'luck.'
Today, November 27, 2023, brings us the Full Moon in Gemini, and this natural event has the power to shift our way of thinking. Full Moon energy is representative of the culmination of our thoughts. This is the day of manifestation. While some believe we need to pray or give offerings to the Moon on this day, this is not the day for that. This is the day we get to see the fruits of our concentrated thought 'become.'
Because the Moon pulls the Earth's tide, we feel it in our blood as well. We feel as though we are being called to service that it will be on this day that we get to see what we're made of. For three zodiac signs, the Full Moon in Gemini will make one thing certain: there is certainty. No more unresolved issues, no more fear of decision-making. Today, we step up and do the right thing, and in terms of love and romance, that's the best thing we can do right now.
Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on November 27, 2023
1. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
During the Full Moon in Gemini, you will finally feel confident enough to know that all of your loving efforts were valuable and worthwhile. You've put in some serious time when it comes to your romantic life and you'd like to think that it was all worthwhile. Well, it is, and you'll see a shining example of that today, November 27, 2023. It seems that you are such a powerful personality that when you really and truly want something, it 'magically' happens.
That's how it's going to feel during the Full Moon in Gemini. Gemini's energy on this day lets you know that you've made the right choice in a partner and that you don't want to look back. You've spent enough time in the Doubting Zone and this day has you feeling pretty extraordinary about the person you are with. This is definitely someone you can last the duration with, but you won't know it until this day, November 27, 2023.
You've also got the firepower of Sagittarius assisting you and you'll see that it's this zodiac sign that allows you to feel that it's all going to work out after all. Sag power puts you in a good mood as well, so now that you're over the hump and you've decided that sticking with the person you are with is definitely the right move to make, you also can't help but smile happily, knowing you've done the right thing.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
You feel like you deserve today, as this day, November 27, 2023, brings you proof positive that you and your romantic partner are on the right track. You have both undergone so much together — and apart. You both bring so much life experience to the picture and at times, your personal experiences might have gotten in the way. It's during the Full Moon in Gemini that you realize that you either commit or you split.
Of course, you commit, as you've always been committed, but there's something special about the Full Moon in Gemini as it comes with this exceptional power to make your dreams come true. Your dreams are shared; you have a mutual ideal in store and that is to stick together through thick or thin. It's not always pretty but it's always something you can take. Nobody knows what they're signing on for when they get into a relationship, but you and your partner have a pretty good idea at this point.
You'll see that life is just ... life. It comes with ups and downs, and in your case, Virgo, you feel it's a better deal to have someone there by your side. You are no longer looking for perfection, as it doesn't exist, and certainly not in a human. Your partner is everything you could ask for and the main reason is ... because you aren't asking for much. Stick with the love and all is fine with the world.
3. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
The Full Moon in Gemini brings you luck and success in love, and while you have always believed that you could never have anything but love and success, you've been humbled over the years and you've come to understand that if you got lucky ... you got LUCKY. Today allows you to count your blessings, so to speak, as you will know that what you have right now is 'the good stuff.' Acceptance is what comes to you today, Libra.
Gone are the days when you hold someone to an unreachable standard, as you, yourself, have learned that all that gets you is disappointment. You are no longer happy to judge people in the same way as you once did, as all that brings you is isolation and eventual loneliness. You are lucky to have someone in your life right now, and on November 27, 2023, you are going to thank your lucky stars that you stuck with them.
November 17 also takes place during Sagittarius season, and that's what's behind that 'extra happy' touch. You are overjoyed to feel happy, as this isn't your natural state. You have settled for 'balanced' or 'mildly annoyed' as a way of life, and now that you've found happiness in this person that you call your romantic partner, you'll be ready to howl at the Full Moon in Gemini happily. Cherish the day, Libra. Cherish the day.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.