Which 3 Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love The Last Week Of September 2023

Night after night, I'll be loving you right...

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Thankfully, this week will be wonderful for three zodiac signs regarding love and creativity. We're looking at a week that is jam-packed with Jupiter transits, and as this week, September 25 - October 1, 2023, takes us through a Full Moon in Aries and lands us home, safe and sound, we're going to find out what these romantic partnerships that we've made are all about.

This is a week of great sharing. Ideas will be passed around, and we will find inspiration in the thoughts and shares of our beloved partners. This week gives us Venus square Uranus, which ensures our love lives are anything but boring and as we approach Moon conjunct Neptune, we'll be able to safely say that whatever we go through with this partner of ours is worth it.


We are thinking clearly due to the planetary transits that we have joining us through the week of September 25 - October 1, 2023. Three zodiac signs will learn that speaking up and being heard is good. Sometimes, that's all we want ... for someone to hear and see us. This week lets us know that we aren't alone or that we're not just some satellite revolving around the idea of love. We are right there, in it. We are IN love and feel every second of it during this week.



As we mentioned, this is a creative week, so projects that require both parties will be successful and fun to participate in together. We need to trust that our partners are just as capable as we are when it comes to creating wonderful, artistic things and that fun is only to be had when we open to the idea that both parties play an equal role in making it. Let it happen, zodiac signs ... this week has all the potential in the world for greatness. Here are the three zodiac signs that will see the best results.


Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love the last week of September 2023:

1. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

Positive thoughts lead the way for you this week, September 25 - October 1, 2023, as you and your partner finally see eye to eye on something that needs your attention. Now that it is out of the way, you'll find that all that's left is laughter. What a vacation that will feel like, Leo, as you've been needing to feel uplifted and with a Full Moon in Aries heading your way, it's as if all you dreamed of is finally coming true ... in all the right ways.

This week shows you that if you stick with the plan, the plan works for you, and this week proves that you are not only dedicated to loving your partner but that they are appreciative of your efforts. Here, you have a week to feel like your old selves again. Communication between you is the same as it used to be: open, honest, fun. Fun is key this week, so enjoy it all and don't sweat the small stuff!

RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Expresses Love In A Relationship


2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You've already accepted that arguing is just what comes with it if you are in a romantic partnership, as you are fairly argumentative. What's great is that this is what your partner loves about you, so you guys don't call it arguing. You name it 'having fun with words.' Well, maybe you don't call it that. Still, during the week of September 25 - October 1, 2023, you'll find that you have something extraordinary going on with this person and that their ability to play along with you is something you just can't find in anyone else.

Communication is what it's all about now, but it leads to deep conversations and inspiring ideas. You're not just having a good time this week. You're letting those good times lead you into new experiences, and with the week ending in an Aries Moon, you'll feel stronger than ever.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

Now that you've shaken off the 'bad feeling' that you've been carrying around with you for a few weeks, you feel like it's time to start joining the living once again, and your life partner will notice your new positive attitude, and they will be pleased as punch to have you back. Now and then, you take time to be alone, and the good part is that your partner seems to understand this need in you ... and they support it.

During the week of September 25 - October 1, 2023, it will be obvious that, while your partner has been patient, now that you're 'back,' they have plans in store, and they will talk your ear off about all the glorious events they want to participate in, with you. You will adore their enthusiasm, which will help get you back on track. You feel good, and you look good. It's all working out, Aquarius.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
