3 Zodiac Signs Will Likely Be The Luckiest In Love On August 30, 2023

On August 30, 2023, three zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love discover how incredible finding someone feels.

zodiac signs full moon in pisces kieferpix from Getty Images via Canva Pro

Nothing is impossible, and on August 30, 2023 three zodiac signs will likely be the luckiest in love in astrology. We have a Full Moon in the sign of Pisces, and for lovers, that means a great day ahead. As we close down the last days of August, we get to know where we stand in our love lives.

This Full Moon is captivating and strong. We feel as though we've worked towards this day, and we see in the eyes of the one we love all we've hoped to see. 


Today is the day we really and truly recognize that they love us. While that might seem to be a 'given,' we've all come to know better. Love isn't always that obvious, but during today's Full Moon in Pisces, it will become a glaring and positive truth. We get to know that as we leave the month of August, we are in good hands. We will move into September feeling secure in our love lives.



Pisces energy is very peaceful and extraordinarily loving. For three zodiac signs, this day will feel more like the beginning of a new love story, rather than just a continuation of an old one. We see in our beloved's eyes a future that is welcoming and peaceful. Today's energy lets us know that we are in command of our romantic destiny, and that we want only the best.


The best is what we experience on this day, August 30, 2023. Expect to have fun in the warmest way possible. We will be doing much cuddling and affirming during the Full Moon in Pisces. Sweet and kind words will pour out of us like poetry, and we will feel the gratitude that comes with knowing that we are not only secure in this love, but that it has somewhere to go ... as if it had wings. Today is the day we fly, zodiac signs.

The three zodiac signs likely to be luckiest in love on August 30, 2023:

1. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

Pisces energy helps you express yourself in ways that you sometimes are shy about. While being shy is definitely not a part of your nature, expressing deep feelings of love can sometimes make you tongue-tied, and during the Full Moon in Pisces, you'll be released from that bondage.

What you've been wanting to say to your romantic partner for a long time now suddenly seems like an easy enough thing to do. You already know they'll react well, but you still have that giddy, shy feeling as you tell them what's on your mind. It doesn't hold you back, but it does make it all feel even more exciting. August 30, 2023 is the day when you allow your inhibitions to take a back seat. Today is the day you find the most beautiful words to say to the person you love.


RELATED: 3 Specific Zodiac Signs Need Honesty In Their Relationships On August 30, During The Full Moon In Pisces

2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

Something about you has changed; you are more accepting of 'everything' these days and that's because you realize what you have and how valuable it is to you. During the Full Moon in Pisces, you and your partner will experience a sense of gratitude as well, in so much as you will both be very obvious about how you share your feelings about each other, to each other.

August 30, 2023 brings out something in your that is honest, desperate and loving; it's as if you have no fear of being seen as vulnerable, in fact, you want your partner to see this in you. You want them to understand that while you may be cranky and ornery at times, your love for them is unquestionable and strong. They feel it, Virgo, and they reciprocate the emotion. During the Full Moon in Pisces, your love will be justified.


RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Luckiest Weekly Love Horoscopes, August 28 - September 3

3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

What comes up for you during the Full Moon in Pisces is the idea of finally being at peace with your romantic partner. It feels as though August was rough on the two of you, and that you both knew you had to get over certain things before the relationship mended, and now, during the Full Moon in Pisces on August 30, 2023, you can see that you are finally at the manifestation point


Your good intention are panning out and it's starting to feel very real. Both of you are stoked for the success of this love affair and you both want to do your best. The hard times seem to be over, and you can work with that, for sure. You are now ready to walk into September, hand in hand, ready for what magic may come your way. Nothing is impossible; all is potentially good.

RELATED: How To Use Each Phase Of The Moon To Manifest Your Desires & Dreams


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
