4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Break Up Between August 21- 27, 2023

It's time to take responsibility for our decisions.

sculpture and orbiting planets SIMON LEE via Unsplash / KT Nielsen, tmintco and adilyounis via Canva

We probably need to give ourselves a break before we even go on, as this week, August 21-27, 2023, will be a doozy week. We've got a lot of aggressive and 'mean' transits heading in our direction, not to mention the damage that can potentially happen to a love relationship thanks to the presence of Mercury retrograde in the cosmic sky coming our way mid-week.

We must keep in mind that, for the four zodiac signs that will likely end their romantic relationships during this week, the transits aren't what causes the breakup. The transit is merely there to facilitate them. The rest is on us, and during the week of August 21-27, 2023, four zodiac signs will, unfortunately, see the last days of their romance.


Venus squares Jupiter at the top of the week, which automatically puts us at odds with our partners, so if we've been having difficulties, this week will not provide a space for us to smooth things out. As the Moon opposes Uranus, we will start to see the differences between ourselves and our partners and focus on those differences.

As Moon squares Saturn right around the time Leo moves into Virgo, we will want to get out of the relationships we're in. There's a lot of impulsive action going on, and while we may be conscious that it's not great to act impulsively, the transits will push us to make a move. By the time Mercury goes into retrograde mid-week, we will be all out of patience. If we're going to end it, it will happen now. No ifs, ands or buts.


Remember that none of this will surprise the four zodiac signs falling out of love and ending their relationships. This has been a thought that's been on the back burner for quite some time. It's just taken its cosmic time getting to the right moment and as it stands, it looks like the week of August 21-27, 2023, provides all the right circumstances to take this romance 'off the market.' All endings lead to new beginnings. Fear not; these forms of zodiac signs will live to tell their story.

Zodiac signs most likely to break up between August 21-27, 2023

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

There are moments in your life when you sense the inevitable and at some point during the week of August 21-27, 2023, you're going to get that you can no longer go on with your partner.


While this isn't monumental news, it's still something that has scared you off and you've even considered the idea that there must be something wrong with you if you can't just hang in there and stick it out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Gemini. What you're going through, this hesitation is merely your concern for your partner as you don't want to hurt them. During this time, you also recognize that you no longer wish to be hurt and this relationship is taking the life out of you. It's time to admit to yourself that it's over and that the connection must now be severed. It's OK. It's what must be done.

RELATED: 8 Ways Astrology Warns You You're About To Break Up

2. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

While you know that your idealism is probably to blame for why you and your romantic partner need to go your separate ways, during the week of August 21-27, 2023, you will also know that some things are just not meant to be.


The many Neptune transits force you to contemplate your faults, and you may feel that it's all your fault. Know that it's not — you aren't the only person in this relationship. This partner of yours needs to take responsibility for their part in the unraveling of the relationship as well. They may have done a good job of making you feel guilty. Look, breaking up is never easy, but it's rarely because of one person. Ease your mind and know that this decision is mutual, whether they admit to it or not.

RELATED: The Uncharacteristic Way Each Zodiac Sign Acts After A Breakup

3. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You'll be happy to know that Virgo season is upon us now, enabling you with qualities that will work in your favor. However, the week's goal remains the same: to break up with the person you are with because you know in your heart that you are no longer in love with them. If you loved them, it would be different. You wouldn't need to be 'in love' with them, but when push comes to shove, you are brutally honest with yourself, and during August 21-27, 2023, your honesty will tell you that you don't care for this person at all and that you feel you need to end things. While Mercury in retrograde may fumble things up a bit, it's nothing you won't be able to handle. If 'getting out' is what you need to do, then you'll find a way, Virgo.


RELATED: Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From August 21 - 27, 2023

4. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

You have tried countless times to convince yourself that staying together is the better option, and yet, once again, your partner has given you another reason to walk out the door. You can't believe this person continues to be this way, but history has shown you that not only can they continue in their manner, but there's no evidence to show that they won't continue this way for the rest of their lives. You are confronted with a harsh reality, and while the Moon squares Saturn and Mars trines Pluto, you will know that it's now or never during the week of August 21-27, 2023. You either stay with this person and let them drive you screaming bonkers, or you get up the nerve and do what you've wanted to do for a long time: leave them and end this charade.


RELATED: Weekly Love Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs From August 21-27, 2023


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
